Christians look to form new nation in U.S.

Originally posted by Mustafa
You are speaking like a gentile who has no idea of why G-d's name is not spelled out in full.

To avoid writing any name of G-d casually because of the risk that the written Name might later be defaced, obliterated or destroyed accidentally or by one who does not know better.

The commandment not to erase or deface the name of G-d comes from Deut. 12:3. In that passage, the people are commanded that when they take over the promised land, they should destroy all things related to the idolatrous religions of that region, and should utterly destroy the names of the local deities. Immediately afterwards, we are commanded not to do the same to our G-d. From this, we inferred that the commandment not to destroy any holy thing, and not to erase or deface the name of G-d.

But feel free to write out anything you want.

Fine I will thank you. I am a Gentile. But i know exactly what I am talking about. There is more to not taking the Lord's name in vain then simply profaning it. its deeper than that. You cant call yourself the Lords and then do something contrary to that standard. if you do you are taking the Lords name in Vain. Its fairly simple.
Originally posted by -=d=-
Mustafa - you REALLY need to learn how to quote in replies. Your replies are so mixed up and sloppy they are too difficult to read.

You are losing your (weak) points in a mix of bold, italic, and other text.

Sorry to stress your ability to discern but glad you are enjoying the messages.
Originally posted by Avatar4321

Fine I will thank you. I am a Gentile. But i know exactly what I am talking about. There is more to not taking the Lord's name in vain then simply profaning it. its deeper than that. You cant call yourself the Lords and then do something contrary to that standard. if you do you are taking the Lords name in Vain. Its fairly simple.

Is your exacting knowledge from the exalted wisdom of Avatar4321.

Taking the L-rd's name in vane = Doing something contrary to the L-rd's will????


Standing on your head = spining around like a top

What has one to do with the other?
i cant friggin belive this. we call our selves a free country but we want to take the rights away of the people. we must ban gay sex,aboritonand anything else certin groups dont belive free is it to make laws based on religouse beleifs?we are no longer a democracy but a theocracy. shall we bann other religions just because the bible (a book writen by men...) says they are a sin. a true christan would not interfare withe others but make sure he/she is living right. is it not jesus himself who said let he who has no sin cast the first stone? or do you forget that part convinantly. yes gays truly should have the right to get married and abortion shuold be is not so much about what all the people want but what is right. rather than takeing peoples rights away we should be wanting more right.
Silverwolf, why are you picking up old threads?

i cant friggin belive this. we call our selves a free country but we want to take the rights away of the people. we must ban gay sex,aboritonand anything else certin groups dont belive free is it to make laws based on religouse beleifs?we are no longer a democracy but a theocracy. shall we bann other religions just because the bible (a book writen by men...) says they are a sin. a true christan would not interfare withe others but make sure he/she is living right. is it not jesus himself who said let he who has no sin cast the first stone? or do you forget that part convinantly. yes gays truly should have the right to get married and abortion shuold be is not so much about what all the people want but what is right. rather than takeing peoples rights away we should be wanting more right.

How about a little backing up of what you're talking about? Seperate out your version of 'facts' from opinion. Back up your points and lable your opinion.
i dont mean to be rude but do you have a prob. with me stating my opions wether they are old posts or not...or is it because i am a wiccan or a dem. and just about all that i said was fact...look in the bible
Originally posted by silverwolf
i dont mean to be rude but do you have a prob. with me stating my opions wether they are old posts or not...or is it because i am a wiccan or a dem. and just about all that i said was fact...look in the bible

Yes a bit, it's disjointed and there are usually reasons the threads died out. Feel free to start a new one, if none of the active ones follow what you wish to discuss.

You are free also to state your opinion, which is different from facts. Back up the latter.
Originally posted by silverwolf
i cant friggin belive this. we call our selves a free country but we want to take the rights away of the people. we must ban gay sex,aboritonand anything else certin groups dont belive free is it to make laws based on religouse beleifs?we are no longer a democracy but a theocracy. shall we bann other religions just because the bible (a book writen by men...) says they are a sin. a true christan would not interfare withe others but make sure he/she is living right. is it not jesus himself who said let he who has no sin cast the first stone? or do you forget that part convinantly. yes gays truly should have the right to get married and abortion shuold be is not so much about what all the people want but what is right. rather than takeing peoples rights away we should be wanting more right.

Actually I agree with you on this point of freedom from religious dogmas.

The imposing of one's religious beliefs on the laws of a free country is an anathema to the liberty for all. Many fear that if they shirk their biblical injunctions that they will lose their own salvation.

FEAR is the operative word, as long as no one is being harmed by the personal liberties of others, there is no valid reason to prevent gays from living their lifestyles or from a woman deciding to abort her forming fetus as human life is yet to enter the cellular formation and no harm is done. Any guilt for one's acts are between them and their own conscious and Creator.

It is obvious that you consider yourself an atheist from your quotation but that is your right as you see it and no one should force their belief systems on you.
currently a woman has the "right" to abort her and the fathers fetus AFTER cellular formation has begun.
Originally posted by dilloduck
currently a woman has the "right" to abort her and the fathers fetus AFTER cellular formation has begun.

Apparently so....

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