Christians Restricted In The Holy Week!

Seriously? Are you so ignorant as to not understand that the Temple Mount is the most holy site for those of the Jewish faith?
The settlers have the right to invade the Alaqsa Mosque but muslims are restricted.

So you Muzzie Beasts will or will not be allowing Christians in the Kaaba to see your idol?

Christians are allowed in all the mosques in the world but Mecca Mosque is the Holy Place.

All mosques except Mecca.
But you want to keep Jews from getting near the mosques or entering.

Jews are people of the book as well, the original people of the book
Over the past two years the Jewish Passover and Easter holiday have coincided and while the Jews entering the Old City have had complete freedom of movement, the movement of Christians celebrating Good Friday and the Orthodox Holy Fire ceremony have been restricted by the barriers
Israeli´s and Jews in general like to think they are in control

It's the Apartheid state in action.

"Israeli restrictions on reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Holy Week and Easter are part of the current Israeli government’s policy of making Jerusalem an exclusively Jewish city, said Yusef Daher, secretary-general of the Jerusalem Interchurch Centre." » Christians concerned by Israeli restrictions for Holy Week and Easter


Jews are prevented from reaching Holy Temple Mount 24/7, 365.

Cry us a river.

The settlers have the right to invade the Alaqsa Mosque but muslims are restricted.


as do christians and every other faith, but small groups is hardly and invasion, and where they can go depends on prayer times.

They are limited by the waqf and police.

Do you know how to speak the truth?

Yes the truth.

» 45 Settlers Invade Al-Aqsa Mosque, Conduct ‘Tour’IMEMC

Clashes as Israeli soldiers storm Al-Aqsa compound

Those craps have invaded a holiest place for muslim palestinians.


Ah yes, the palestinians had trashed the mosque and build barriers with weapons to attack others on the mount and below.

the soldiers had no choice but to get the thugs out so the mosque could be cleaned up and damage repaired.

Jews have as much right to be on the mount, it is the site of their holy temple.
Christians are allowed in all the mosques in the world but Mecca Mosque is the Holy Place.

But I want to see the Idol, up close?

Why are you so bigoted that no one can get near Allah?

This is Allah;

Why are Christians and Jews prohibited from even entering the Kaaba where he is?
Seriously? Are you so ignorant as to not understand that the Temple Mount is the most holy site for those of the Jewish faith?

It is called the Alaqsa Mosque and it is registered holiest place for muslims and supervised by jordanian government. Keep your myths away.
The settlers have the right to invade the Alaqsa Mosque but muslims are restricted.

So you Muzzie Beasts will or will not be allowing Christians in the Kaaba to see your idol?

Christians are allowed in all the mosques in the world but Mecca Mosque is the Holy Place.

All mosques except Mecca.
But you want to keep Jews from getting near the mosques or entering.

Jews are people of the book as well, the original people of the book

Jews are restricting christians and muslim praying while christians are free in neighbor countries.

Does palestinian government or jordanian government restrict christians in the holy week?
Jews are restricting christians and muslim praying while christians are free in neighbor countries.

Does palestinian government or jordanian government restrict christians in the holy week?

You're lying for Allah.

Christians are NOT free. Christians may not even step foot in the CITY of Mecca, because Allah the filthy idol is in the Kaaba, which is in that city.

Stop lying.
Jews are restricting christians and muslim praying while christians are free in neighbor countries.

Does palestinian government or jordanian government restrict christians in the holy week?

You're lying for Allah.

Christians are NOT free. Christians may not even step foot in the CITY of Mecca, because Allah the filthy idol is in the Kaaba, which is in that city.

Stop lying.

ISIS has been beheading and crucifying Christians!! And if the Temple Mount is so holy for you, why do Arab youths play soccer on it? You're pathetic.
It's the Apartheid state in action.

"Israeli restrictions on reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Holy Week and Easter are part of the current Israeli government’s policy of making Jerusalem an exclusively Jewish city, said Yusef Daher, secretary-general of the Jerusalem Interchurch Centre." » Christians concerned by Israeli restrictions for Holy Week and Easter

having spent easter at the church of the holy sepulcher I have no clue what the article is talking about.
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The settlers have the right to invade the Alaqsa Mosque but muslims are restricted.

So you Muzzie Beasts will or will not be allowing Christians in the Kaaba to see your idol?

Christians are allowed in all the mosques in the world but Mecca Mosque is the Holy Place.

All mosques except Mecca.
But you want to keep Jews from getting near the mosques or entering.

Jews are people of the book as well, the original people of the book

Jews are restricting christians and muslim praying while christians are free in neighbor countries.

Does palestinian government or jordanian government restrict christians in the holy week?

maybe you should try posting something that isn't a lie.
Seriously? Are you so ignorant as to not understand that the Temple Mount is the most holy site for those of the Jewish faith?

It is called the Alaqsa Mosque and it is registered holiest place for muslims and supervised by jordanian government. Keep your myths away.

Wow. So we are just going to erase Judaism from history as though it never existed?
Jews are restricting christians and muslim praying while christians are free in neighbor countries.

Does palestinian government or jordanian government restrict christians in the holy week?

You're lying for Allah.

Christians are NOT free. Christians may not even step foot in the CITY of Mecca, because Allah the filthy idol is in the Kaaba, which is in that city.

Stop lying.

ISIS has been beheading and crucifying Christians!! And if the Temple Mount is so holy for you, why do Arab youths play soccer on it? You're pathetic.

You seem confused as to the players here.
Palestinians under 50 years are rarely or not allowed in the Alaqsa Mosque while filthy settlers can enter in the yard.

Not one single bit of Jew hate here is there? You sir are never going to be part of any solution with a bad attitude like this.
Seriously? Are you so ignorant as to not understand that the Temple Mount is the most holy site for those of the Jewish faith?

It is called the Alaqsa Mosque and it is registered holiest place for muslims and supervised by jordanian government. Keep your myths away.

Third holy place used to be in cyprus not jerusalem.

Jerusalem was a place of pilgrimage for all. Al Aqsa was built off to the side so as not to interfere with the pilgrims yet give muslims a place on the mount as well. The rest of the mount belonged to all. Now muslims think it belong to them alone. Wrong
Freeman, have you ever been to Jerusalem? NO, probably not. You just take the half truths and spread them around like the idiot you show yourself to be. Your article talked about some arbitrary barriers and then went on to talk about the one exit into and out of the Church, as if that is the fault of Israel. It is true that there is only the one entrance and exit, but it has been that way for probably much more than a hundred years, and the 'status quo' that has been in place now was put there back when the Ottoman empire (Moslums), not the Israelis were in charge.

So instead of lying in the slob and filthy lies that your handlers have been feeding you, why not find out for yourself? Go there and see for yourself. If there were any 'barriers' they would not magically restrict only non Jewish visitors. And Julian was there over Easter and saw nothing of the sort that your lying article tried to say.
The settlers have the right to invade the Alaqsa Mosque but muslims are restricted.

So you Muzzie Beasts will or will not be allowing Christians in the Kaaba to see your idol?

Christians are allowed in all the mosques in the world but Mecca Mosque is the Holy Place.

All mosques except Mecca.
But you want to keep Jews from getting near the mosques or entering.

Jews are people of the book as well, the original people of the book

Jews are restricting christians and muslim praying while christians are free in neighbor countries.

Does palestinian government or jordanian government restrict christians in the holy week?

no, controlling crowds that pose a danger or invite terrorism.

Palestinians are allowed in reasonable numbers to visit the mount for prayers.

When there has been conflict or terrorism, some muslims men are restricted but it is only for a few days usually. There are many other mosques they can pray at close enough.

If and when there are limitations, it only come about do to palestinian violence.

Got a problem with "restrictions"? Tell palestinians to behave like normal people not violent nazi like brutes out for genocide.

Not like they can't listen by radio to the prayers on the mount.
Got a problem with "restrictions"? Tell palestinians to behave like normal people not violent nazi like brutes out for genocide.

Maybe try and treat the holy places like holy places rather than storage depots for rocks and molotovs and other weapons for the purpose of harming your fellow human beings. I have a feeling G-d would prefer that.

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