Christie refuses to use fed $ to stop foreclosures

Interesting that the rw's can NEVER see any further than beyond their own nose. Think this through and you might see good reason why families should not become homeless and why it does not help our economy.

OTOH, no surprise you're all (b-a-a-a-a-a) voting for MitWit. He DID say he wants more homeless families so the 1% can buy the homes cheap and then rent them back to the original owners. THAT is why Mr Donut is sitting on the money that has already been allocated for this purpose.

You really are this fucking dumb, aren't you? All of us? Really?

Your response sounds like this: "Whaaaaaa! Leave those irresponsible homebuyers alone and give them your money! LEAVE THEM ALONE....after you give them your money..."
Why should my FED taxes save houses for people who live in NJ. Shouldnt it be State Taxes that is being uses;. why should the rest of the country suffer because people bought houses they could not afford. Took out loans that were interest only and then got hit witht he principle

New Jersey Foreclosures Crisis: Chris Christie Not Using $300 Million In Federal Funds To Help Distressed Homeowners, WABC Reports

During a press conference Monday in Long Branch, NJ, Hoffer clashed with Christie over the program's inaction. The governor claimed that more funds hadn't already been allocated because of a court-imposed moratorium on foreclosures. "Our policies were put on hold, waiting to see what the courts were ultimately going to do on foreclosures," Christie said. "And that's why we haven't moved any more quickly than we have already."

Hoffer, however, disputed the legitimacy of that claim: "The moratorium did not stop other states from helping families already facing foreclosure."

The moratorium is exactly why the homeowners should be helped NOW but the R wants to do anything they can to make Obama look bad - including letting people lose their homes.

Knowing how vile and corrupt Christie is, he'd love to be able to stop those people from being able to vote precisely BECAUSE they don't have a home address.
Why is it the federal taxpayers job to bailout state homeowners?

Is it my job to pay for someone elses mistake on buying a toxic asset on a variable rate mortgage?

In Obama's America, yes it is your job. In the land of common sense, it is not your job.
Did Beddy.Bugbite really think he was going to get support on this one.

Reading through the thread.....he's got some serious butthurt.
Interesting that the rw's can NEVER see any further than beyond their own nose. Think this through and you might see good reason why families should not become homeless and why it does not help our economy.

OTOH, no surprise you're all (b-a-a-a-a-a) voting for MitWit. He DID say he wants more homeless families so the 1% can buy the homes cheap and then rent them back to the original owners. THAT is why Mr Donut is sitting on the money that has already been allocated for this purpose.

well good then you should pony up the money, I'm sure those families will THANK YOU, or not
Interesting that the rw's can NEVER see any further than beyond their own nose. Think this through and you might see good reason why families should not become homeless and why it does not help our economy.

OTOH, no surprise you're all (b-a-a-a-a-a) voting for MitWit. He DID say he wants more homeless families so the 1% can buy the homes cheap and then rent them back to the original owners. THAT is why Mr Donut is sitting on the money that has already been allocated for this purpose.

Christie is caught in the Republican's Dilemma.

The more they pander to there extreme right wing base, the less likely they are to ever be president.
Christie is caught in the Republican's Dilemma.

The more they pander to there extreme right wing base, the less likely they are to ever be president.

you should talk, where the hell is this administration getting the monies for a program such as this.? VOTE BUYING is what it is and screw the rest of the people who PAY THEIR mortages
Nothing is enough for you people, is it.
Interesting that the rw's can NEVER see any further than beyond their own nose. Think this through and you might see good reason why families should not become homeless and why it does not help our economy.

OTOH, no surprise you're all (b-a-a-a-a-a) voting for MitWit. He DID say he wants more homeless families so the 1% can buy the homes cheap and then rent them back to the original owners. THAT is why Mr Donut is sitting on the money that has already been allocated for this purpose.

Moving from a house you cannot afford to a house or apartment you can is not "homeless", dipshit.

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Christie is caught in the Republican's Dilemma.

The more they pander to there extreme right wing base, the less likely they are to ever be president.

And the lower your commissions. We understand.
Interesting that the rw's can NEVER see any further than beyond their own nose.

Actually, we can. You're the one who can't. Instead of telling us to "think this through" you ought to try thinking period.
New Jersey Foreclosures Crisis: Chris Christie Not Using $300 Million In Federal Funds To Help Distressed Homeowners, WABC Reports

During a press conference Monday in Long Branch, NJ, Hoffer clashed with Christie over the program's inaction. The governor claimed that more funds hadn't already been allocated because of a court-imposed moratorium on foreclosures. "Our policies were put on hold, waiting to see what the courts were ultimately going to do on foreclosures," Christie said. "And that's why we haven't moved any more quickly than we have already."

Hoffer, however, disputed the legitimacy of that claim: "The moratorium did not stop other states from helping families already facing foreclosure."

The moratorium is exactly why the homeowners should be helped NOW but the R wants to do anything they can to make Obama look bad - including letting people lose their homes.

Knowing how vile and corrupt Christie is, he'd love to be able to stop those people from being able to vote precisely BECAUSE they don't have a home address.

Folks shouldn't live outside their means. And if the loss of homes are due to the fact individuals have lost jobs, thank Obama for that.

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