Christie to back Obamacare

Christie is willing to put his constituency's best interests ahead of partisan politics ....


That's what works, these days.

People vote for whoever can give them the most "freebies"

what is being discussed is Health Care Reform and "Affordability" - or you would rather bankruptcy and living on the street for patients who are the hard working citizens of New Jersey ?

That's what works, these days.

People vote for whoever can give them the most "freebies"

People who live in New Jersey pay some of the highest taxes in the US; they understand what they are doing, and they understand the difference between a decent return of government services for their tax dollars vs. "freebies". You guys really need to get off this freebie whining, because it's not getting you anywhere. It really just makes you look like a bunch of sniveling spoiled brats.

And you keep voting in those Democraps.

I guess you can't fix stupid.

Sorry if us brats say it like it is and that bothers you.

Seems to me you're being bratty.

I supported Republicans for over twenty-five years. The party has changed drastically. There have always been those on the far right, and that was okay; it's still okay today. People have the right to believe and support what they feel is best. The problem is I never was a supporter of the far right, and since they have now taken complete control of the Republican Party, I decided my best interests lie with conservative to moderate Democrats.

What I get sick of is those on the right saying the stupidest things like Obama is a Communist, you know, the shit you say and read here everyday. It's not even close to being intelligent discussion, it's just stupidity from the brainwashed right. It's really sad, we have so many uneducated people in this country. Many of them end up relying on the government for their support, and many end up just being stupid and have no answer other than to say "we shouldn't have to pay taxes and don't take my guns". Yay, that's a great conversation. It's going to solve all of our problems.

Sometimes I think we ought to try an experiment, just for the fun of it. We should elect all conservatives who would end Medicare, Medicaid, SS, and all welfare programs. Put an end to all of them within four years. And then let's see how much better off we all are after that. You see, some of you probably would think that's a great idea. Of course, I know that would not lead to the conservative nirvana you all think it would.
I'm waiting for the announcement that Gov.Christie has change parties and is now a Democrat.

I am too, since there is no longer such a thing as a moderate Republican. If your not a bat shit crazy tea party social conservative, then you don't belong in today's Republican Party. Ronnie is turning over in his grave.
Imagine a Clinton/Christie ticket in 2016.
I'm waiting for the announcement that Gov.Christie has change parties and is now a Democrat.

I am too, since there is no longer such a thing as a moderate Republican. If your not a bat shit crazy tea party social conservative, then you don't belong in today's Republican Party. Ronnie is turning over in his grave.
Imagine a Clinton/Christie ticket in 2016.

You seriously want us imagining our nation going further downhill?
Christie is willing to put his constituency's best interests ahead of partisan politics ....


That's what works, these days.

People vote for whoever can give them the most "freebies"

Except that ObamaCare isn't free.

OTOH, Ronnie Ray-Gun's EMTALA is free to those rw's who don't care to pay for their own care.

The other so-called freebies are all LIES but I'm sure that won't stop you from repeating them.

I'm happy to hear you say that there are no "freebies".

My point is that a good portion of our woefully uninformed voters THINK they're voting for free stuff.
We've all heard the "pay my rent", "pay my mortgage", "buy my gas", "with his Obama stash" remarks......'free' cell phones, 'free internet'.

THAT is what appeals to the "me generation" these days.
Christie is willing to put his constituency's best interests ahead of partisan politics ....


That's what works, these days.

People vote for whoever can give them the most "freebies"

People who live in New Jersey pay some of the highest taxes in the US; they understand what they are doing, and they understand the difference between a decent return of government services for their tax dollars vs. "freebies". You guys really need to get off this freebie whining, because it's not getting you anywhere. It really just makes you look like a bunch of sniveling spoiled brats.

The last "townhall" my Congressional Rep held, I told him face-to-face that he wouldn't get my vote for re-election because
1. It would be his 3rd term
2. His pork projects that he voted for "for our benefit"

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