Christmas Re-Enactment Delivers DREAM Act Message


Jun 10, 2010
BROADVIEW, Ill. (WBBM) – About 150 people marched Friday morning from the federal immigrant detention center in Broadview to a Catholic church in Melrose Park two miles away, their third annual Christmastime posada.

Before starting the march to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the group prayed and sang outside the federal immigrant detention center as they’ve done every Friday morning for the past four years.

The march–the posada–is a traditional Mexican reenactment of Joseph and Mary’s trip to Bethlehem seeking shelter. Elena Segura of the Archdiocese of Chicago says “we are walking in solidarity with people who are undocumented, who are in this country, seeking for shelter”.

Organizers urged people to call U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk’s office to get him to vote “yes” on Saturday on the DREAM act,a measure that would give a pathway to citizenship to young people brought to the United States as children and who have stayed in school.

Christmas Re-Enactment Delivers DREAM Act Message CBS Chicago – Breaking News, Sports, Weather, Traffic, and the Best of Chicago


Someone should check out how these Latino organizations are funded by donations made by honest Americans who wish donate to the poor and not have their hard earned funds hijacked by LA RAZA and their thieves.
The Catholic Church admits that 50% of the poor in America are white, and another 25% are African American. Yet who does the Archdiocese of Chicago distribute those funds?

I was shocked to read some of those annual reports where it seemed like most of the money was going to Latino Only organizations whose only goal is to flood the United States with Hispanics from the third world. There is nothing fair about the distribution of these funds.

2 organizations the Interfaith Leadership Project and the Latino Union of Chicago received yearly awards of thousands of dollars collected from poor unsuspecting American contributors. Those 2 organizations brag how they control the police department of the Town of Cicero by intimidation.

They forced the town to pass the “Safe Space” ordinance which gives any Latino criminal free reign in Cicero. No police officer would dare suggest that one of these people were in the US illegally. It also prevents all town officials from cooperating with federal authorities as to the criminality of a Latino suspected of breaking a federal law. It basically removes the protection of the federal government from Americans still living in Cicero.

Why doesn’t someone look into what Cicero churches have become since these wonderful loyal Catholics from Mexico wandered in? Already a landmark school which taught thousands of Catholic children since 1920 had to close because the Mexican Catholic did not support it. If it’s not free, they’re not interested.

But don’t think their poor. It seems every one of these people has the money to buy a $50,000 SUV and manage to get loans for homes when the average American is losing theirs. The roofs on those homes have 2 or 3 satellite dishes too. And yet these people continue to claim poverty?

Like that Mexican with the $405,000 home who banded the neighborhood together to prevent American police officers from serving papers on him. Where the hell did he get the down payment for that house? LA RAZA strikes again!

I really don’t expect anyone to check these things out. But considering that there are over 125 countries poorer than Mexico in the world, I really don’t feel sorry for them either.

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