Christopher Tolkein steps down.

This is a Tolkein thread. Are those you listed Tolkein?
Have you looked at Tolkein books. It's not like they can all be shows or movies. He does a lot strange stories and bizarre allegories.

Like Farmer Giles of Ham

or Leif by Niggle.

The utterly boring Beowulf

then there are endless dissections of the four Hobbit Books. Even though the books themselves are some of the greatest literature of the 20th century.

He is so hit and boring miss.

Me personally, I like books where you are drawn in and so absorbed, you can't put them down. Like Lord of the Rings and the other Hobbit books. Too bad J.R.R couldn't do that with all his books. I haven't read them all because the boredom was killing me.
Again, this is a TOLKEIN thread. Stay on topic or get. out.
I would rather see a series on "The Wheel of Time" or "The Belgariad".

In fact, a series on the old time space opera "Lensmen" would be great.

Andre Norton's Witch World.


McCaffrey's "Talents" series


The amazing "Flux and Anchor" series

The "True Game"

A spell for Chameleon series


The Well of Souls


Octavia Butler's Pattern master Series

I'm so sick of Frodo and there is so much out there.

There is so much fiction that could be treated, but Hollywood demands a proven formula.

That is why they fail.
I know. You would think they would learn by a visionary like Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings movies.

The Dune movie is so in between great and turkey. Not really in between but more like swings from one to the other.

Jackson shined with LOTR but farted with The Hobbit, and Kong.

The story of DUNE buried the Lynch version, yet it still interests as a damn good try. The studio was at fault as much as anyone by insisting on a two hour film. It would have been better as a Masterpiece Theater series.

It was quite good visually, save for the thopters, which weren't.
I have to admit, I've been impressed with Herbert's son. Not as good as dad, but the continued Dune books are well worth the read.
I would rather see a series on "The Wheel of Time" or "The Belgariad".

In fact, a series on the old time space opera "Lensmen" would be great.

Andre Norton's Witch World.


McCaffrey's "Talents" series


The amazing "Flux and Anchor" series

The "True Game"

A spell for Chameleon series


The Well of Souls


Octavia Butler's Pattern master Series

I'm so sick of Frodo and there is so much out there.

There is so much fiction that could be treated, but Hollywood demands a proven formula.

That is why they fail.
I know. You would think they would learn by a visionary like Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings movies.

The Dune movie is so in between great and turkey. Not really in between but more like swings from one to the other.

Jackson shined with LOTR but farted with The Hobbit, and Kong.

The story of DUNE buried the Lynch version, yet it still interests as a damn good try. The studio was at fault as much as anyone by insisting on a two hour film. It would have been better as a Masterpiece Theater series.

It was quite good visually, save for the thopters, which weren't.
I love the Hobbit movies. Then again, I never read the books either, to compare. But all 6 that Jackson did are my favs in movies. I watch them whenever they are on tv and I also own the dvds.
This is a Tolkein thread. Are those you listed Tolkein?
Have you looked at Tolkein books. It's not like they can all be shows or movies. He does a lot strange stories and bizarre allegories.

Like Farmer Giles of Ham

or Leif by Niggle.

The utterly boring Beowulf

then there are endless dissections of the four Hobbit Books. Even though the books themselves are some of the greatest literature of the 20th century.

He is so hit and boring miss.

Me personally, I like books where you are drawn in and so absorbed, you can't put them down. Like Lord of the Rings and the other Hobbit books. Too bad J.R.R couldn't do that with all his books. I haven't read them all because the boredom was killing me.
Again, this is a TOLKEIN thread. Stay on topic or get. out.
Ok, ok, I'm leaving.


Start your own thread about books that should be movies. This one is about TOLKEIN. Thanks in advance. I will join you in yours cuz there are books I would like to see made into film.
I would rather see a series on "The Wheel of Time" or "The Belgariad".

In fact, a series on the old time space opera "Lensmen" would be great.

Andre Norton's Witch World.


McCaffrey's "Talents" series


The amazing "Flux and Anchor" series

The "True Game"

A spell for Chameleon series


The Well of Souls


Octavia Butler's Pattern master Series

I'm so sick of Frodo and there is so much out there.

There is so much fiction that could be treated, but Hollywood demands a proven formula.

That is why they fail.
I know. You would think they would learn by a visionary like Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings movies.

The Dune movie is so in between great and turkey. Not really in between but more like swings from one to the other.

Jackson shined with LOTR but farted with The Hobbit, and Kong.

The story of DUNE buried the Lynch version, yet it still interests as a damn good try. The studio was at fault as much as anyone by insisting on a two hour film. It would have been better as a Masterpiece Theater series.

It was quite good visually, save for the thopters, which weren't.
I love the Hobbit movies. Then again, I never read the books either, to compare. But all 6 that Jackson did are my favs in movies. I watch them whenever they are on tv and I also own the dvds.
The Hobbit books are masterpieces. Difficult to set down. Even to eat.
I would rather see a series on "The Wheel of Time" or "The Belgariad".

In fact, a series on the old time space opera "Lensmen" would be great.

Andre Norton's Witch World.


McCaffrey's "Talents" series


The amazing "Flux and Anchor" series

The "True Game"

A spell for Chameleon series


The Well of Souls


Octavia Butler's Pattern master Series

I'm so sick of Frodo and there is so much out there.

There is so much fiction that could be treated, but Hollywood demands a proven formula.

That is why they fail.
I know. You would think they would learn by a visionary like Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings movies.

The Dune movie is so in between great and turkey. Not really in between but more like swings from one to the other.

Jackson shined with LOTR but farted with The Hobbit, and Kong.

The story of DUNE buried the Lynch version, yet it still interests as a damn good try. The studio was at fault as much as anyone by insisting on a two hour film. It would have been better as a Masterpiece Theater series.

It was quite good visually, save for the thopters, which weren't.
But you have to admit, all 5 of the movies you mentioned by Jackson were visually stunning. I don't know how I would improve Kong because the story really is limited, not a great quest. And the Hobbit was really just a prequel. For me, all five were worth the price of admission;. A feast for the eyes.

Yeah, Jackson is good at eye candy,
I would rather see a series on "The Wheel of Time" or "The Belgariad".

In fact, a series on the old time space opera "Lensmen" would be great.

Andre Norton's Witch World.


McCaffrey's "Talents" series


The amazing "Flux and Anchor" series

The "True Game"

A spell for Chameleon series


The Well of Souls


Octavia Butler's Pattern master Series

I'm so sick of Frodo and there is so much out there.

There is so much fiction that could be treated, but Hollywood demands a proven formula.

That is why they fail.
I know. You would think they would learn by a visionary like Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings movies.

The Dune movie is so in between great and turkey. Not really in between but more like swings from one to the other.

Jackson shined with LOTR but farted with The Hobbit, and Kong.

The story of DUNE buried the Lynch version, yet it still interests as a damn good try. The studio was at fault as much as anyone by insisting on a two hour film. It would have been better as a Masterpiece Theater series.

It was quite good visually, save for the thopters, which weren't.
I love the Hobbit movies. Then again, I never read the books either, to compare. But all 6 that Jackson did are my favs in movies. I watch them whenever they are on tv and I also own the dvds.
You really should read the books. I've always thought Tolkien was the most successful at creating another world that you could honestly get lost in. I read the trilogy while doing a long backpacking trip and at times while hiking through the forest I expected the trees to start talking.
I would rathe
r see a series on "The Wheel of Time" or "The Belgariad".

In fact, a series on the old time space opera "Lensmen" would be great.

Andre Norton's Witch World.


McCaffrey's "Talents" series


The amazing "Flux and Anchor" series

The "True Game"

A spell for Chameleon series


The Well of Souls


Octavia Butler's Pattern master Series

I'm so sick of Frodo and there is so much out there.
God I would love to see a Wheel of Time series but it will never happen. Requires, at the very least, a movie per book and 13 movies is just not going to happen not to mention how badly they would screw it up.

For the most part, I don't trust them creating anything more in the Tolkien universe considering that they are essentially through the material itself. Anything more and Hollywood would be creating it themselves. That almost never works without the original artist in the drivers seat.

And read the books. LotR did a good job - The Hobbit fucked the story line up because they thought they could do it better than the original. Same problem they would have with creating more content.

I read "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings" before they were made into movies. As a bonus, I sat with a bunch of Tolkien/comic fans at lunch in high school. I'm a DUNE fan too but that's for another thread.

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