Chuck& Pelosi. Say Senate Of Holding Things Up. Yet They Never Bring Up What They Want Added To The Bill. Yet It's Trump&Republicans Delaying This?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
The Repugs and Stump both set around for months and then finally it's a must...Fake urgency at its best. Like knowing you need to take a crap and yet waiting until the last minute and making a mess and blaming it on someone else...Tsk, tsk. And these people are making a six figure income to be shall we say inefficient.
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.

Monday Republicans said quite openly that Schummer and Pelosi had no intention on negotiating in good faith and that it was a useless endeavor.
In my opinion, the best thing we can do is force Democrats to re-open their cities and states...and make it a felony to infringe on the rights of their citizens. No more mask laws. No more business closings. Anyone who tests positive can be given a 2 week vacation at home in quarantine. Only sick people should be wearing masks. This would eliminate the need for all of this stimulus.

Oh.....and any hospital or testing clinic caught faking test results will be charged with a Class C Felony punishable with a 3 to 15 year prison term, mandatory, and a $10,000 fine.
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For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.
my impression of Nancy: Look, I dont care if people get thrown out of their homes because they cant pay rent, i dont care if they cannot feed themselves and their kids, so long as my best friends in NY and California are taken care of, thats all that matters to me
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
one would hope hemoorrhoid schumer would want to help his constituents in upstate NY after Major flooding last year--but hemorrhoid Schumer(stuck up prune face pelosis ass)forgot where the district, that was supposed to represented for the past 4 years,is---Charles--its NY not the bay of pelosis ass---its a shame he cant make a decision without that prune faced bitch
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.
my impression of Nancy: Look, I dont care if people get thrown out of their homes because they cant pay rent, i dont care if they cannot feed themselves and their kids, so long as my best friends in NY and California are taken care of, thats all that matters to me
She doesn't care about her voters.....she just cares about her power. She wants to be president without running for the office.
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Dems said they'd come down a trillion if Repubs would go up a trillion That morons is called compromise But repubs want it all their way or the highway Maybe we need the jackass who made believe he wrote The Art of the Deal in on it ???
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Moscow Mitch and the do-nothing republican senate have had a bill on the speakers desk for at least two months. Do you know what they did for those two months?

Nothing. Not a damn thing. The self proclaimed grim reaper just looked at at and let it rot while we reached the deadlines and now he's trying to blame it on the Democrats?

I don't think so.

Reports indicate the republicans can't even agree among themselves what they should do, while the Democrats are unified in their requests.
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.

Monday Republicans said quite openly that Schummer and Pelosi had no intention on negotiating in good faith and that it was a useless endeavor.
In my opinion, the best thing we can do is force Democrats to re-open their cities and states...and make it a felony to infringe on the rights of their citizens. No more mask laws. No more business closings. Anyone who tests positive can be given a 2 week vacation at home in quarantine. Only sick people should be wearing masks. This would eliminate the need for all of this stimulus.

Oh.....and any hospital or testing clinic caught faking test results will be charged with a Class C Felony punishable with a 3 to 15 year prison term, mandatory, and a $10,000 fine.
The do-nothing republican senate had two weeks to negotiate and did nothing.

They own this.
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.
my impression of Nancy: Look, I dont care if people get thrown out of their homes because they cant pay rent, i dont care if they cannot feed themselves and their kids, so long as my best friends in NY and California are taken care of, thats all that matters to me
The do-nothing republican senate had two weeks to negotiate and did nothing.

They own this.
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Moscow Mitch and the do-nothing republican senate have had a bill on the speakers desk for at least two months. Do you know what they did for those two months?

Nothing. Not a damn thing. The self proclaimed grim reaper just looked at at and let it rot while we reached the deadlines and now he's trying to blame it on the Democrats?

I don't think so.

Reports indicate the republicans can't even agree among themselves what they should do, while the Democrats are unified in their requests.
Why should the Senate approve the pork filled bullshit Pelousy bill that enriches her cronies and institutes the moronic New Green Deal?
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.

Monday Republicans said quite openly that Schummer and Pelosi had no intention on negotiating in good faith and that it was a useless endeavor.
In my opinion, the best thing we can do is force Democrats to re-open their cities and states...and make it a felony to infringe on the rights of their citizens. No more mask laws. No more business closings. Anyone who tests positive can be given a 2 week vacation at home in quarantine. Only sick people should be wearing masks. This would eliminate the need for all of this stimulus.

Oh.....and any hospital or testing clinic caught faking test results will be charged with a Class C Felony punishable with a 3 to 15 year prison term, mandatory, and a $10,000 fine.
The do-nothing republican senate had two weeks to negotiate and did nothing.

They own this.
the word compromise is not in republicans dictionary
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.

Monday Republicans said quite openly that Schummer and Pelosi had no intention on negotiating in good faith and that it was a useless endeavor.
In my opinion, the best thing we can do is force Democrats to re-open their cities and states...and make it a felony to infringe on the rights of their citizens. No more mask laws. No more business closings. Anyone who tests positive can be given a 2 week vacation at home in quarantine. Only sick people should be wearing masks. This would eliminate the need for all of this stimulus.

Oh.....and any hospital or testing clinic caught faking test results will be charged with a Class C Felony punishable with a 3 to 15 year prison term, mandatory, and a $10,000 fine.
The do-nothing republican senate had two weeks to negotiate and did nothing.

They own this.
the word compromise is not in republicans dictionary
WTF does ending funding for the border wall have to do with the Kung Flu?
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.
my impression of Nancy: Look, I dont care if people get thrown out of their homes because they cant pay rent, i dont care if they cannot feed themselves and their kids, so long as my best friends in NY and California are taken care of, thats all that matters to me
The do-nothing republican senate had two weeks to negotiate and did nothing.

They own this.
Clearly you don't understand how congress works.
The Repugs and Stump both set around for months and then finally it's a must...Fake urgency at its best. Like knowing you need to take a crap and yet waiting until the last minute and making a mess and blaming it on someone else...Tsk, tsk. And these people are making a six figure income to be shall we say inefficient.
i wonder if 6 million sex change operations are in the bill? well, we now have at least five genders, I guess we all now have the right to be whatever gender we want, and Nancy will pay for it
For the last two or so weeks, we see Pelosi, Chucky, and sometimes both at the same time. They go on televison giving us their version of the story of why Trump is holding it up, or why the Repulican Senate wont agree to anything. Yet, Chucky and Nancy never tell us specifically what they want in the bill before they agree to pass it. All we get is that Republicans don't care for those financially suffering as they no longer have any income until we do something about it. So why wont dumb and dumber tell the world that they want to give thier buddies about 2 Trillion dollars to their friends in Cally/New York/Illinois, etc. etc?. Oh, god no! we cant reveal that! that will cost us the election !!!
Nancy wanted complete amnesty for illegals....100% mail-in voting....ending construction on the to support anti-gun legislation.......most of these demands have been hidden from the public in their stories in the MSM. Also they demanded provisions contained in their "New Green Deal" that would destroy the fossil-fuel industry in effect passing every single destructive policy that AOC and other radicals have demanded....before signing any agreement. Who cares if Americans suffer under these new rules and laws....Democrats have decided to use COVID-19 as a club to beat over the heads of American voters.
my impression of Nancy: Look, I dont care if people get thrown out of their homes because they cant pay rent, i dont care if they cannot feed themselves and their kids, so long as my best friends in NY and California are taken care of, thats all that matters to me
The do-nothing republican senate had two weeks to negotiate and did nothing.

They own this.
Clearly you don't understand how congress works.
The do-nothing republican senate had a bill from the house on the speakers desk back in early June. The way it's supposed to work is it goes to the Senate committees for debate and then to the full senate for up/ down vote. On an up vote it goes for reconciliation between the house and senate bills.

If you think Moscow Mitch is doing it right then I think it is you who has no understanding of how things work.

Look it up.
The Repugs and Stump both set around for months and then finally it's a must...Fake urgency at its best. Like knowing you need to take a crap and yet waiting until the last minute and making a mess and blaming it on someone else...Tsk, tsk. And these people are making a six figure income to be shall we say inefficient.
i wonder if 6 million sex change operations are in the bill? well, we now have at least five genders, I guess we all now have the right to be whatever gender we want, and Nancy will pay for it
I look at it like, well, it's not like they plan on reproducing so that's a good thing.
The Repugs and Stump both set around for months and then finally it's a must...Fake urgency at its best. Like knowing you need to take a crap and yet waiting until the last minute and making a mess and blaming it on someone else...Tsk, tsk. And these people are making a six figure income to be shall we say inefficient.
i wonder if 6 million sex change operations are in the bill? well, we now have at least five genders, I guess we all now have the right to be whatever gender we want, and Nancy will pay for it
Hey! A deflection!

A sure sign you can no longer debate the subject honestly.

Your surrender is accepted.
The Repugs and Stump both set around for months and then finally it's a must...Fake urgency at its best. Like knowing you need to take a crap and yet waiting until the last minute and making a mess and blaming it on someone else...Tsk, tsk. And these people are making a six figure income to be shall we say inefficient.
i wonder if 6 million sex change operations are in the bill? well, we now have at least five genders, I guess we all now have the right to be whatever gender we want, and Nancy will pay for it
I look at it like, well, it's not like they plan on reproducing so that's a good thing.
i think my transgender hamster wants to be a white woman who thinks shes black and wants a weener and (( i ))
Look at the internal polling of battle ground states.. It is rapidly swinging to Trump. The longer this goes on the more it belongs to the Democrats who are refusing to negotiate.

Trump can do many things to help the people by EO. And that would take away the democrat position very rapidly. Trump can tell the IRS to not collect taxes, Extend the non-eviction clause of previous legislation among other things. The only thing Trump can not do by EO is send out more stimulus monies.

Republicans need to stand thier ground and show America at every turn what it is the democrats are trying to stuff in their pork laden, power grabbing bill.
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