Chuck Schumer Calls Out GOP Leadership On Health Care Hypocrisy

The Republicans...en mass....should all get together, turn and look at chuck-you Schumer, point and laugh.

for what? telling the truth?

and even if they were all rolled up together, chuck would still be smarter.
The Republicans...en mass....should all get together, turn and look at chuck-you Schumer, point and laugh.

for what? telling the truth?

and even if they were all rolled up together, chuck would still be smarter.

Well, you certainly have low expections when it comes to smart. Guess that explains your Marxist tendencies.

in throwing words around, it's probably a really good idea to understand terms.

and you should probably also know if what you're saying is outright stupid or not.

just sayin'

as for low expectations in regard to smart:

schumer was valdictorian of madison high school, scored a perfect 1600 on his SAT's and went on to Harvard College and Harvard Law School where he earned his juris doctor with honors.

I'd call that pretty smart.
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for what? telling the truth?

and even if they were all rolled up together, chuck would still be smarter.

Well, you certainly have low expections when it comes to smart. Guess that explains your Marxist tendencies.

in throwing words around, it's probably a really good idea to understand terms.

and you should probably also know if what you're saying is outright stupid or not.

just sayin'

as for low expectations in regard to smart:

schumer was valdictorian of madison high school, scored a perfect 1600 on his SAT's and went on to Harvard College and Harvard Law School where he earned his juris doctor with honors.

I'd call that pretty smart.

I'm sure you would honey. I'm sure you would. I'm a results guy, and I see the results of years of Schmucky's work.

He ain't that smart. Like Obama, he may be intelligent, but not smart.
Well, you certainly have low expections when it comes to smart. Guess that explains your Marxist tendencies.

in throwing words around, it's probably a really good idea to understand terms.

and you should probably also know if what you're saying is outright stupid or not.

just sayin'

as for low expectations in regard to smart:

schumer was valdictorian of madison high school, scored a perfect 1600 on his SAT's and went on to Harvard College and Harvard Law School where he earned his juris doctor with honors.

I'd call that pretty smart.

I'm sure you would honey. I'm sure you would. I'm a results guy, and I see the results of years of Schmucky's work.

He ain't that smart. Like Obama, he may be intelligent, but not smart.

ya know, snookie bear, chuck was pretty popular as a congressman. he's hugely popular as senator. interestingly, he represents his constituents and not you. and his constituents are pretty pleased with him. i was almost sorry i didn't watch sharon angle wipe out because he'd have been the next senate majority leader if reid lost.

you and i have a different idea of what smart is... i know when someone is just book bright. but i also know when someone is dumb as toast... which is what i see coming from the GOP side.

now, if you said that the most dangerous place in D.C. was between chuck schumer and a camera, i'd be hard-pressed to disagree...

well, unless palin were in D.C.
Wow another disingenuous Hypocrite calling others Hypocrites. Gee,stop the Presses. Schumer is a corrupt dunce. Who cares what he thinks?
As I reacll a Republican offered an amendment asking all demoncrats to agree that congress should be on whatever care they passed for the rest of America. As I recall the demonrats voted it down. :lol::lol: pansy assed wuss from New Yawk should indeed stfu.

Members of Congress will no longer be eligible for the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan under the reform law.


(i) REQUIREMENT- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are--
(I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or
(II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act).​

Yes, they agreed to give up their current plans and enter the exchanges.
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As I reacll a Republican offered an amendment asking all demoncrats to agree that congress should be on whatever care they passed for the rest of America. As I recall the demonrats voted it down. :lol::lol: pansy assed wuss from New Yawk should indeed stfu.

Members of Congress will no longer be eligible for the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan under the reform law.


(i) REQUIREMENT- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are--
(I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or
(II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act).​

Yes, they agreed to give up their current plans and enter the exchanges.

I notice it say ACT no law. Congress had that stripped out when they found out about it. Or didn't you know that?

Jesus Christ, this is a GPO link with "[111th Congress Public Law 148]" at the top. This is U.S. law, not some draft of a bill on THOMAS.
FEHB is a large group health benefit from which Federal employees can chose from a number of for profit, commercial carriers.

It's not an "exchange" as Obamacare is designing them. The word "exchange" just gets used, with the hope you won't notice the difference.
I notice it say ACT no law. Congress had that stripped out when they found out about it. Or didn't you know that?

Jesus Christ, this is a GPO link with "[111th Congress Public Law 148]" at the top. This is U.S. law, not some draft of a bill on THOMAS.

As I said the democrats had that prevision stripped out when they found out about it.

"The American people will be appalled to learn the health care bill exempts (congressional) leadership and committee staff."
PolitiFact | Health bill appears to exempt some congressional staff
In fact, if you have an employer, you far fewer choices for group health plans, since most companies only offer one or two options.
I notice it say ACT no law. Congress had that stripped out when they found out about it. Or didn't you know that?

Jesus Christ, this is a GPO link with "[111th Congress Public Law 148]" at the top. This is U.S. law, not some draft of a bill on THOMAS.

As I said the democrats had that prevision stripped out when they found out about it.

"The American people will be appalled to learn the health care bill exempts (congressional) leadership and committee staff."
PolitiFact | Health bill appears to exempt some congressional staff

Are you that dense? Read your own link. You'll notice it says:

Coburn's quote may make it sound like lawmakers and congressional staff are exempt from broader health care reform, but they are not. Instead, he's talking about a specific provision in the bill that would require lawmakers and their staff to buy health insurance through an exchange, a virtual marketplace where consumers can pick and choose among plans based on coverage and price. To our knowledge, members of Congress and their aides are the only people who are being forced to give up their employer's health care plan -- in this case, one administered by the federal government.​

It then proceeds to quote exactly what I quoted in my post. Looks like we're back where we started: members of Congress are no longer eligible for the FEHBP, they have to buy coverage through state exchanges. Another back-and-forth with bigreb, another colossal waste of time.
Jesus Christ, this is a GPO link with "[111th Congress Public Law 148]" at the top. This is U.S. law, not some draft of a bill on THOMAS.

As I said the democrats had that prevision stripped out when they found out about it.

"The American people will be appalled to learn the health care bill exempts (congressional) leadership and committee staff."
PolitiFact | Health bill appears to exempt some congressional staff

Are you that dense? Read your own link. You'll notice it says:

Coburn's quote may make it sound like lawmakers and congressional staff are exempt from broader health care reform, but they are not. Instead, he's talking about a specific provision in the bill that would require lawmakers and their staff to buy health insurance through an exchange, a virtual marketplace where consumers can pick and choose among plans based on coverage and price. To our knowledge, members of Congress and their aides are the only people who are being forced to give up their employer's health care plan -- in this case, one administered by the federal government.​

It then proceeds to quote exactly what I quoted in my post. Looks like we're back where we started: members of Congress are no longer eligible for the FEHBP, they have to buy coverage through state exchanges. Another back-and-forth with bigreb, another colossal waste of time.

Look at the PolitiFact meter it says mostly true.
The FEHB is not an exchange. It's a collection of large group, commercial, for profit plans, just like anyone else with an employer as large as the Federal government would offer.
Well, considering Chucky and his fellow band of trolls explicitly exempted themselves from Obamacare, I'd say he's on shaky ground. He should STFU.

This is just Schumer deflecting....


That article is BS

While everyone else in the United States — from the top corporate executives to the grocery store checkout clerk — will be forced to buy their insurance through heavily regulated state-run exchanges,

No one is forced to buy insurance through the state run exchanges.

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