Chuck Schumer Calls Out GOP Leadership On Health Care Hypocrisy

If you're in a big union, you get the same offering of plans. Those aren't exchanges as Obamacare will regulate them.

That article is BS

While everyone else in the United States — from the top corporate executives to the grocery store checkout clerk — will be forced to buy their insurance through heavily regulated state-run exchanges,

No one is forced to buy insurance through the state run exchanges.

The post above^^^^ is total bullshit
Look at the PolitiFact meter it says mostly true.

The article is about committee staff. At no point is there every any doubt--on anyone's part, anywhere--that members of Congress themselves lose their FEHBP privileges. See the law itself, see the relevant part of your Politifact article (which I've helpfully quoted for you).

Let me try and make this very clear for you: members of Congress will no longer be eligible for the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan, they will be buying insurance through state exchanges. Get it?
Look at the PolitiFact meter it says mostly true.

The article is about committee staff. At no point is there every any doubt--on anyone's part, anywhere--that members of Congress themselves lose their FEHBP privileges. See the law itself, see the relevant part of your Politifact article (which I've helpfully quoted for you).

Let me try and make this very clear for you: members of Congress will no longer be eligible for the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan, they will be buying insurance through state exchanges. Get it?

After it was signed into law they found out they would lose their government helthcare. They stripped that part out of the law.
In 2014, long after the jackasses who destroyed the nation's health care system are gone.
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Email Comments 796 Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) took aim at GOP leadership Tuesday, asking if incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) would ask Republicans seeking to repeal health care reform to abstain from making use of their congressional health insurance plans.

Politico reports:

"It was a central value to us when we passed health care, and a central value to the American people, that members of Congress should get the same health care as eveyrone else," Schumer told POLITICO this morning. "It seems unfair that house Republicans want to deprive middle-class Americans of the same health care as members of Congress but to keep it for themselves."
"Will Eric Cantor urge every Republican who is going to be for repeal to not take government health care themselves and to drop their existing health care?" he asked.

Interesting premise...

What is good for the goose..

Well, considering Chucky and his fellow band of trolls explicitly exempted themselves from Obamacare, I'd say he's on shaky ground. He should STFU.

This is just Schumer deflecting....

This is a lie.
Remember this?

NYT: ObamaCare may have accidentally stripped Congress of health coverage
NYT: ObamaCare may have accidentally stripped Congress of health coverage Hot Air

Do you read anything beyond the headlines? That article is entirely about one piece of that quote from the law I shared above: "...after the effective date of this subtitle...". It has nothing to do with whether or not they will lose their FEHBP privileges. Again, no one, anywhere, disputes that. Not even in hotair articles. Move on.
theDoctorisIn said:
Well, considering Chucky and his fellow band of trolls explicitly exempted themselves from Obamacare, I'd say he's on shaky ground. He should STFU.

This is just Schumer deflecting....

This is a lie.

Quite a few folks have lost the ability to distinguish fact from fiction.
Last edited:
Remember this?

NYT: ObamaCare may have accidentally stripped Congress of health coverage
NYT: ObamaCare may have accidentally stripped Congress of health coverage Hot Air

Do you read anything beyond the headlines? That article is entirely about one piece of that quote from the law I shared above: "...after the effective date of this subtitle...". It has nothing to do with whether or not they will lose their FEHBP privileges. Again, no one, anywhere, disputes that. Not even in hotair articles. Move on.

Explian why the democrats voted down the bill that was introduced by Sen. Chuck Grassley where if it was passed the hew healthcare law would apply to the President, Vice President, cabinet members, top White House staff, and the congressional staff who drafted the measure. If what you say is true what was the resason of the bill that democrats voted down?
Look at the PolitiFact meter it says mostly true.

The article is about committee staff. At no point is there every any doubt--on anyone's part, anywhere--that members of Congress themselves lose their FEHBP privileges. See the law itself, see the relevant part of your Politifact article (which I've helpfully quoted for you).

Let me try and make this very clear for you: members of Congress will no longer be eligible for the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan, they will be buying insurance through state exchanges. Get it?

After it was signed into law they found out they would lose their government helthcare. They stripped that part out of the law.


(Greenbeard: That's the only game they know)
Greenbeard is a lying sack of shit, government hack who can't defend his bullshit on its merits, he only compares it to other things which bear no resemblance to justify it.

FEHB is an "exchange."

Greenbeard doesn't know a fuckign thing about heathcare. He's a bureaucrat, and a a liar, and a lousy one at that.
The article is about committee staff. At no point is there every any doubt--on anyone's part, anywhere--that members of Congress themselves lose their FEHBP privileges. See the law itself, see the relevant part of your Politifact article (which I've helpfully quoted for you).

Let me try and make this very clear for you: members of Congress will no longer be eligible for the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan, they will be buying insurance through state exchanges. Get it?

After it was signed into law they found out they would lose their government helthcare. They stripped that part out of the law.


(Greenbeard: That's the only game they know)

I did several of them

It's good to know stupidity isn't just reserved for the lower levels of the Democrat Party, but is shared equally among all members.

I can't believe I'm having to ask YET AGAIN what the fuck employee health benefits, included as part of one's employment deal, has to do with UNEARNED healthcare coverage given out to people who are NOT government employees as a handout program by the Nanny State. But apparently, some ignorant leftist twits - yes, I mean you, Flaylo, in case that was too subtle for you - have to have their noses rubbed in reality over and over, much like a none-too-bright dog needs his nose rubbed in his own feces to be housetrained.

To put it more simply, there's no relation between the health coverage we give our Congressional representatives when we EMPLOY them and the left's plans to give away tax money to people who DON'T work for us. Therefore, there's no hypocrisy involved. Just a lot of imbecilic and dishonest bloviating.
Yawn... another huffy puffy link by the troll...

You're predictable, we'll give you that much... troll

was the link lying about what senator schumer said?

if not, then the contents of his comments is the issue. yes?

Lying, no. Spinning? Yes. I don't think even you can pretend that the Huffington Post wasn't tacitly agreeing with and supporting Schumer's disingenuous presentation of things.

And frankly, Flaylo should pull his head out of both the leftist blogs and his own rectum and learn to read REAL news sources and think of the implications for himself.

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