Chuck Schumer Made Promise That Will Change America Forever

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Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

Chuck Schumer spoke on the second night of the Democrat National Convention.

Schumer intended to tell the audience what Democrats will do if they win total power this November.

Speaking with the Statue of Liberty as his backdrop (Why not the Western Wall in Jerusalem???!), Schumer laid out the Democrats’ agenda in the Senate if they win back the majority this fall.

“If we’re going to win this battle for the soul of our nation, Joe can’t do it alone. Democrats must take back the Senate. We will stay united, from Sanders and Warren, to Manchin and Warner—and with our unity, we will bring bold and dramatic change to our country,” Schumer began.

The centerpiece of Schumer’s promise to Americans was to grant amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens and immediately make them Democrat voters.

Adding tens of millions of illegal aliens to the voting rolls would make it even THEORETICALLY impossible for the GOP to carry states like Texas and Florida, which means Democrats would win every Presidential election in perpetuity.

Schumer also hinted that Democrats would “restore” the Supreme Court.

Many viewers took this as proof that pro-Chinese Schumer will lead the charge to pack the Supreme Court with as many as six new liberal justices to create a permanent left-wing majority on the Supreme Court.

With his characteristic chutzpah, Chuck Schumer undercuts all of that by telling Americans that if Democrats win control of both Congress and the White House they will impose the greatest partisan power grab in American history.

From the author

It is that frightful death of democracy in our country. I am absolutely sure that enough facts have been accumulated in the office of the Attorney General that make it possible to arrest and prosecute conspirators from the pro-Chinese leadership of the Democratic Party, who will either irreversibly change the political and demographical landscape of our country or ... destroy it to please China, and the rest of the U.S. will be declared part of Great Israel.

TO THIS they lead...
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If the people of this country want Marxism, they'll vote for Sleepy Joe. If they don't , they won't.

Actually, I salute Sen. Chuck U. Schumer for being upfront about his intentions. Blows the cover on the whole scam that Plugs and his running mate are some kind of "moderates".
If the people of this country want Marxism, they'll vote for Sleepy Joe. If they don't , they won't.

Actually, I salute Sen. Chuck U. Schumer for being upfront about his intentions. Blows the cover on the whole scam that Plugs and his running mate are some kind of "moderates".
pelosis hemorrhoid has spoken ---wait--upstate ny had MAJOR flooding last fall---this piece of shit never showed up for his constituents---no help from this asshole--the people there are screwed with houses gone and no place to rebuild---no grants no aide but this brain dead asswipe still dont know that the flooding happened. thats typical representation from the retards of the democrats
If the people of this country want Marxism, they'll vote for Sleepy Joe. If they don't , they won't.

Actually, I salute Sen. Chuck U. Schumer for being upfront about his intentions. Blows the cover on the whole scam that Plugs and his running mate are some kind of "moderates".

Thanks for the comment that exposes the conspiracy of the pro-Chinese elite of the Democratic Party, but they have nothing to do with Marx AT ALL. The people for them are only "steps" to achieve even greater enrichment
Democrat voters overwhelmingly want universal HC, UBI, free college, green new deal...yet the Democrat Party leadership offer none of these policies. Are they duped?

Well no. Ordinary careerists, scoundrels, and ... traitors. Henry Ford described it all a hundred years ago ...
No link to this article and no source for the claims made
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