Church Lady Preaching To Homeless People.


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
I'm sitting here in a restaurant listing to some lady try and get these homeless people into church. They were sitting there minding their own business drinking their coffee when some lady comes up and starts preaching.

What really got my attention was her spraying them down perfume before she sat down. I assume they sat through this humiliation because they thought they were going to get help.

But her closing thoughts to these people were " God loves you but it is tough love and you have to help yourself" and then left without giving them anything.
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Just another deluded religious zealot trying to convince people that invisible deities exist.

I just thought it was funny her telling these people god loves you but God will not help you.
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Clearly she is an opportunist.

looking for future donations?

Maybe. But by "opportunist" I meant that she had an audience without a choice. No home, in a restaurant probably enjoying some shelter and coffee, they had no place to escape to. I'm sure she knew it. Opportunist. Gotta hand it to her, really.

If the restaurant owner/management were aware it was happening and didn't want to allow it they would have done something.
I'm sitting here in a restaurant listing to some lady try and get these homeless people into church. They were sitting there minding their own business drinking their coffee when some lady comes up and starts preaching.

What really got my attention was her spraying them down perfume before she sat down. I assume they sat through this humiliation because they thought they were going to get help.

But her closing thoughts to these people were " God loves you but it is tough love and you have to help yourself" and then left without giving them anything.

All well and good to point out this somewhat disturbing incident...

so long as you acknowledge there are also untold thousands of "church ladies" who volunteer their time to care for domestic abused women, orphanages, soup kitchens, homeless sheters, etc. by giving them their basic needs without a hard preaching or any preaching at all accompanying their charity.
I'm sitting here in a restaurant listing to some lady try and get these homeless people into church. They were sitting there minding their own business drinking their coffee when some lady comes up and starts preaching.

What really got my attention was her spraying them down perfume before she sat down. I assume they sat through this humiliation because they thought they were going to get help.

But her closing thoughts to these people were " God loves you but it is tough love and you have to help yourself" and then left without giving them anything.

All well and good to point out this somewhat disturbing incident...

so long as you acknowledge there are also untold thousands of "church ladies" who volunteer their time to care for domestic abused women, orphanages, soup kitchens, homeless sheters, etc. by giving them their basic needs without a hard preaching or any preaching at all accompanying their charity.

Of course...I'm critical of the the person not Christianity. There are millions of good Christians and a lot of good Christian organizations. And maybe the lady didn't know how disrespectful and condescending she sounded to other people.
I'm sitting here in a restaurant listing to some lady try and get these homeless people into church. They were sitting there minding their own business drinking their coffee when some lady comes up and starts preaching.

What really got my attention was her spraying them down perfume before she sat down. I assume they sat through this humiliation because they thought they were going to get help.

But her closing thoughts to these people were " God loves you but it is tough love and you have to help yourself" and then left without giving them anything.

I am sure she made those poor people feel even better about their miserable situation.

What a horrible woman.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is for both the rich and the poor, unfortunately most attention is focused on the poor, but who is preaching to the rich?
I'm sitting here in a restaurant listing to some lady try and get these homeless people into church. They were sitting there minding their own business drinking their coffee when some lady comes up and starts preaching.

What really got my attention was her spraying them down perfume before she sat down. I assume they sat through this humiliation because they thought they were going to get help.

But her closing thoughts to these people were " God loves you but it is tough love and you have to help yourself" and then left without giving them anything.

What did you do for these homeless men? Anything? Do you realise that the bread of life is eternal ( Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life ) where as the bread you eat at your table will only sustain you for a short time? I believe she did offer them help by inviting them to her church. How do you know her closing thoughts? Are you a mind reader? No. You are not. You are a mouthpiece for Satan to use to accuse the brethren and the scriptures warn that people who do such things are in danger of the fires of hell. You need to hear this.

This woman did a good thing tonight. You see, if they come to the church and tell them they are homeless they can assist them in finding shelter, clothing, food, help them to find a job that can get them on the path to a real future instead of handing them a fish which is so often the mindset of the godless liberal these days I do notice. ( rather than teaching them how to fish which is otherwise known as a work - a word many democrats have an aversion for these days )

With that said, do you realise that Republicans outgive Democrats by a huge margin? We do. Do you want to know why? Because Democrats for the most part are not Christians and it takes the heart of God to desire to give to another in need. Yes, you will point them to the nearest enlistment for food stamps but would you ever reach in your own pocket and buy them groceries? When is the last time you gave money to a homeless man? I gave ten dollars to a homeless man with a sign and a bicycle just a few days ago. That was my last time. So I can tell you this with a clear conscience, alright? You see, it is very easy to judge others but first Jesus said you need to take out the timber from your own eye so you can see correctly.

The woman did a good thing to share the gospel with them and offer them eternal life for surely the time is running out and what will you do if you leave this earth without having repented of your sins and asking Jesus Christ into your hearts? There is no altar to repent at once you arrive at the Great White Throne Judgment, friend. Then it will be too late. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth as you hear those words........Depart from me ye workers of Iniquity I never knew you.......... Do not let that be your fate.

Repent and stop allowing Satan to use your tongue to accuse the brethren.
( Christians ) The bible says that Satan is the accuser of the brethren and as you sit here tonight judging this woman who reached out to these homeless men with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a Church invitation you are allowing Satan to use you in your accusations against her. May God have mercy upon your souls and I pray the Holy Spirit convicts your hearts of this sin and that you begin to have a fear of the LORD which is the beginning of wisdom for truly only the Fool has said in his heart............there is no God. How sadly mistaken he is. How very, very mistaken he is indeed. Read Romans 10: 8 tonight and keep reading until Jesus saves your souls. - Jeremiah
^the woman should have minded her own business and understood that not everyone wants to hear her religious crap.
I would have gone over and sat with the homeless folks during that tirade.
What a bitch.
^the woman should have minded her own business and understood that not everyone wants to hear her religious crap.

That's why we have proprietorship. If the proprietor didn't want it, he/she could have intervened. But then, he/she may not have been aware it was happening. Short of that, it's a public place and Christians proselytize. That's what they do. What's more, she's perfectly entitled, just as they are perfectly entitled to tell her that they are not interested, or inform the manager that she was not welcome. I sometimes get approached by religious people, and I either ignore or tell them I'm not interested. It's not complicated.
^the woman should have minded her own business and understood that not everyone wants to hear her religious crap.

Which Jesus gave to go into all the world and preach the gospel is the greatest voice and all others who oppose it will answer to God Almighty one day.

good luck with that.

- Jeremiah

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