Church of England paves the way for same-sex marriages

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

When did you Ghey Marry tammy?

Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

How are they going to justify this? Will they be revising the Bible to put Adam and Steve into the Garden? Will they be putting a more favorable spin on the people of Sodom as well as Gomorrah?

Is England planning to institute laws providing sanctions against Recusants who fail to follow the new LGBTQ-friendly religion? Will non-COE Christian religious rituals be prohibited?

Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

How are they going to justify this? Will they be revising the Bible to put Adam and Steve into the Garden? Will they be putting a more favorable spin on the people of Sodom as well as Gomorrah?

Is England planning to institute laws providing sanctions against Recusants who fail to follow the new LGBTQ-friendly religion? Will non-COE Christian religious rituals be prohibited?

I would guess in the same way they accepted Prince Chuck's adulteress second marriage.

Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

How are they going to justify this? Will they be revising the Bible to put Adam and Steve into the Garden? Will they be putting a more favorable spin on the people of Sodom as well as Gomorrah?

Is England planning to institute laws providing sanctions against Recusants who fail to follow the new LGBTQ-friendly religion? Will non-COE Christian religious rituals be prohibited?

I would guess in the same way they accepted Prince Chuck's adulteress second marriage.

Charles was never involved in a Gay Marriage.

Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

How are they going to justify this? Will they be revising the Bible to put Adam and Steve into the Garden? Will they be putting a more favorable spin on the people of Sodom as well as Gomorrah?

Is England planning to institute laws providing sanctions against Recusants who fail to follow the new LGBTQ-friendly religion? Will non-COE Christian religious rituals be prohibited?

I would guess in the same way they accepted Prince Chuck's adulteress second marriage.

Charles was never involved in a Gay Marriage.

Nor did I say he was. But you know that.

“Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.

Luke 16:18
Time for king---whoever to have another re-write: Holy Bible, third revision.

Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

How are they going to justify this? Will they be revising the Bible to put Adam and Steve into the Garden? Will they be putting a more favorable spin on the people of Sodom as well as Gomorrah?

Is England planning to institute laws providing sanctions against Recusants who fail to follow the new LGBTQ-friendly religion? Will non-COE Christian religious rituals be prohibited?
The Church was only founded to give Henry v111 a divorce so he could marry Anne Boleyn. The current row is between backward twats and modernisers. Christianity is big enough to welcome all of Gods children and churches have adapted many times over the years.
The Church was only founded to give Henry v111 a divorce so he could marry Anne Boleyn. The current row is between backward twats and modernisers. Christianity is big enough to welcome all of Gods children and churches have adapted many times over the years.

These changes don't seem very welcoming to those who believe in marriage between one man and one broad
The Church was only founded to give Henry v111 a divorce so he could marry Anne Boleyn. The current row is between backward twats and modernisers. Christianity is big enough to welcome all of Gods children and churches have adapted many times over the years.

These changes don't seem very welcoming to those who believe in marriage between one man and one broad
That is a declining demographic. A century ago churches gave a biblical justification for slavery. That isnt an argument many of them make today.
That is a declining demographic. A century ago churches gave a biblical justification for slavery. That isnt an argument many of them make today.

I disagree, statistics would indicate otherwise.

A number of our churches have adopted new sodomy-friendly policies , including the United Church of Christ, the United Presbyterians and the Episcopalianists. All of these ecclesiastic institutions are in free fall.

Convincing homosexuals to give sacrificially and participate in religion is hard and replacing the Normative people being driven out of the pews by the new gay dogmas is difficult.

Maybe they can turn the corner, and the strategy will work in the long term, but it isn't working in the short and medium term.
Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

It's no surprise that the church that was founded by wife-murdering King Henry VIII because he rejected the moral standards of the Catholic church, now rejects other clear moral standards.

Just more proof that this is a church of the Devil, and not of God; for it is once again rejecting God;'s standards, in favor of Satan's degeneracy.
Charles was never involved in a Gay Marriage.

He was, however, involved in numerous adulterous affairs, both cheating on his own wife, Princess Diana, and also with at least one woman who was married to someone else. Adultery is no less immoral than homosexuality, Charles may not be a faggot, be he is a remorseless, unrepentant adulterer.

Mostly his own business, and that of the women he has cheated on or cheated with, but it becomes relevant if you hold him up as any moral example.
Charles was never involved in a Gay Marriage.

He was, however, involved in numerous adulterous affairs, both cheating on his own wife, Princess Diana, and also with at least one woman who was married to someone else. Adultery is no less immoral than homosexuality, Charles may not be a faggot, be he is a remorseless, unrepentant adulterer.

Mostly his own business, and that of the women he has cheated on or cheated with, but it becomes relevant if you hold him up as any moral example.

I don't hold Charles up as any kind of moral example at all. But at least he didn't brag about it, and talk about how righteous his adultery was. And that's what the LGBTQ folks do.
Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.

Do you really think it is a progress thata man in North-Korea had married his cuddly pillows in Japan, for example? Once marriage was a sacrament - a holy promise in front of god - now marriage becomes more and more only a contract as we know it from business contracts. From this to the step that people are sold like slaves is not a far distance. How get two male homosexual people for example their children? They buy their children - or it exists a kind of quota system so they get children. But who asks any longer, what's the best for the children on their own? And what happens for example if a manufacturer would marry his 100 workers? Has he to pay a minimum wage in this case? ... Are you really sure it is a progress to destroy something what was once unique - and to replace it with a profane commercial structure? "The sacrament "marriage" is dead - long live the contract "marriage"?" Is this really the best?

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Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.
Nice of them, after letting the homophobes bankrupt us Episcopalians. Although I think politics should not be in church.

Its about time this happened.The Anglican faith has always had a pragmatic core and the way forward is to unload the hate mongers. More progress and the world becomes a better place.
Nice of them, after letting the homophobes bankrupt us Episcopalians. Although I think politics should not be in church.

The so-called Homophobes aren't members of the Episcopalianist faith, how are they "bankrupting" you? What actions are they committing to prevent you from meeting your obligations?

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