Church refuses to hold funeral for gay man

I do not have to, you have claimed their refusal is the same as treating this person as a lesser person. That once they learned he was NOT living his life in amanner they believed was right refusing his service was wrong.

Then I would like you to acknowledge, here and now, that I NEVER said they should be forced to do anything. Since I've said it over and over, and you and others continually lie and imply that I am saying they should be forced to do something.
I know, next time a HIGH ranking Republican Politician dies, lets have the DNC hold a service for him or her, Now they will have to bring in all the loyal Democrats to attend, provide the facility and make the presentation tape, based on whats provided by the RNC. Further a Republican gets to run the service.

If the DNC offered to hold a funeral for someone and pulled out because it found out they were a Republican, I would be strongly strongly against that action.
well, once again, you have surpassed your best post....

well done.... it?:bowdown:

If God hates faggots, why did he get a Scottish shirtlifter to translate and EDIT the Paper Pope of the Proddies, The KJV?

Christians regard poofs like Hitler regarded Kikes, yet they hatch, match, and despatch their own by reading out of the shit and semen stained Scripture of a Buggers Bible! :omg: :omg: :omg:
No...but close. I'm passing moral judgement on someone else who is passing moral judgement and refusing to associate, or treat decently, those it has found to be unworthy.

Again, you're simply passing moral judgment on someone else's moral judgment. Just because a person might want to belong to a group does not mean that group should have to accept them. Unless of course you're a fan of the fascist nanny-state controlling what we say, think and do.

This is free will, Larkin. If a homosexual wants to call themselves a "Christian" then they know how to go about it. They can either join a congregation which has chosen to be apostate, or they can modify their own sexual practices to fit within that congregation's accepted doctrine (monogamous heterosexuality or celibacy).

This crap about people being entitled to join any "club" at any time without having to meet the requirements is an outgrowth of the liberal permissive mindset and entitlement practices.
Again, you're simply passing moral judgment on someone else's moral judgment. Just because a person might want to belong to a group does not mean that group should have to accept them. Unless of course you're a fan of the fascist nanny-state controlling what we say, think and do.
Cocky...I've said numerous times the Church had a right to do what it did. And no...I am not passing moral judgement because they are passing moral judgdement. I am passing moral judgement because of the real world actions and consequences that result from their passing judgement.

This is free will, Larkin. If a homosexual wants to call themselves a "Christian" then they know how to go about it. They can either join a congregation which has chosen to be apostate, or they can modify their own sexual practices to fit within that congregation's accepted doctrine (monogamous heterosexuality or celibacy).

Yes, they can. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with them being forced to modify their sexual practices.

This crap about people being entitled to join any "club" at any time without having to meet the requirements is an outgrowth of the liberal permissive mindset and entitlement practices.

Who said any club at any time? The guy was dead. They offered to hold his funeral, I think its a shitty thing to do to retract on the offer because the guy was gay.
Cocky...I've said numerous times the Church had a right to do what it did. And no...I am not passing moral judgement because they are passing moral judgdement. I am passing moral judgement because of the real world actions and consequences that result from their passing judgement.

Yes, they can. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with them being forced to modify their sexual practices.

Who said any club at any time? The guy was dead. They offered to hold his funeral, I think its a shitty thing to do to retract on the offer because the guy was gay.

Aw, your sensitive feelings for sexual perverts is so touching. Do you also have such sweet feelings for the S&M practitioners, the incestuous, the adulterers, the bisexuals, and the polyamorous? Do you think the church should celebrate their "special lives" as well?
Aw, your sensitive feelings for sexual perverts is so touching. Do you also have such sweet feelings for the S&M practitioners, the incestuous, the adulterers, the bisexuals, and the polyamorous? Do you think the church should celebrate their "special lives" as well?

Yes, I do. Just because someone doesn't do something entirely in line with your asinine puritan values does not mean their loved ones don't deserve to hear their life being celebrated.
Aw, your sensitive feelings for sexual perverts is so touching. Do you also have such sweet feelings for the S&M practitioners, the incestuous, the adulterers, the bisexuals, and the polyamorous? Do you think the church should celebrate their "special lives" as well?

I wonder why your Biblegod is so rabidly opposed to any pleasurable activity associated with our below the navel region? :eusa_think:

My opinion is His **** creator(s) were absolutely aghast that anyone would want to stick their equally dirty dick in either of the filthy orifices down there any longer than it takes to ejaculate.

This was fair enough back then when people had a bath at birth, another on their bi-centenary - if they were lucky enough to reach it - and maybe a perfunctory sponging before burial.

I imagine Jewish mothers and wives would de-skidmark their men’s foul loincloth with a carpet beater, and dag their bum crack with a mash-hammer and coal chisel, once a year at Passover.

So I imagine that Jewish men couldn't imagine any man who fancied giving the ol' one-eyed ferret a run on the mate's tan track! :omg:
Yes, I do. Just because someone doesn't do something entirely in line with your asinine puritan values does not mean their loved ones don't deserve to hear their life being celebrated.

Umm once again for the TRULY slow THEY DID hear his life celebrated. Claiming that a religious organization should "celebrate" the obvious purposeful sin that they are against is moronic.
Yes, I do. Just because someone doesn't do something entirely in line with your asinine puritan values does not mean their loved ones don't deserve to hear their life being celebrated.

Then let 'em celebrate those lives, but let 'em find a group or organization which supports those lifestyles to hold the memorial service.

This Quote fro the link posted posted by Gem says it all...

"These people are missing the point. The church did not refuse to host the memorial service because Cecil Sinclair was gay. They refused to host the memorial service because the family was turning it into a celebration of the man’s sin—his homosexual lifestye"

Feel Stupid Larkinn?.....You look it!:rofl:
This Quote fro the link posted posted by Gem says it all...

"These people are missing the point. The church did not refuse to host the memorial service because Cecil Sinclair was gay. They refused to host the memorial service because the family was turning it into a celebration of the man’s sin—his homosexual lifestye"

Feel Stupid Larkinn?.....You look it!:rofl:

The paranoid prejudice toward poofs shown in this thread has proven beyond doubt that you “Christians” presume Christ approved of and preached the O.T discrimination, misogyny, Jewish racial supremacy, and genocidal Hilerian hatred of “gentiles” of his mad dog Dad.

So never EVER let me hear any of you craftily selective Cafeteria Christians say, “That’s OT, and our compassionate gentle Jesus bought that chapter of antiquated cruelty to a close!”

This is great, because now when any of you object to me judging you by OT “Law” I’ll refer you straight back to this little demonstration of typically sickening Christian sanctimony.

In light of the above, can I safely assume that half the Republican Partei will be put to death for the buggery and paedophilia that is rife in its ranks, Dimwit will be die for blasphemously claiming he talks to Jewhovah, and his drunken fornicating daughters will be stoned to death for their whoredom?

Oh yes…I almost forgot! And that the vile idolater and seeker after foreign gods, Captain Underpants, goes the way of the Priests of Baal?
This Quote fro the link posted posted by Gem says it all...

"These people are missing the point. The church did not refuse to host the memorial service because Cecil Sinclair was gay. They refused to host the memorial service because the family was turning it into a celebration of the man’s sin—his homosexual lifestye"

Feel Stupid Larkinn?.....You look it!:rofl:

we all made this point on page one....chips and larkinn have simply denied that this is the case.....
Answer the simple question, Stupe!

i will defer to changed the topic from what i posted to:

can you link to facts in the bible....

so tell me where does it say in the bible that the church must hold a service for a gay man so that his gay life style can be proclaimed as part of the service.....

the church has said homosexuality is a sin....until they say it is gay parties at funerals.....

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