Church refuses to hold funeral for gay man

Provide evidence that Christians treat gays as "lesser" people. Refusing to host a religious service for a man that was violating on a daily basis the beliefs of the church is hardly treating him as a lesser person.

Shall I remind you of the fact one must also REPENT to be forgiven of sins? One can not continue to commit the sin over and over on purpose , knowing it is a sin and be forgiven.

Now I will agree with you that any church that bans, bars or prevents gays from being members is not acting in good faith as a Christian church should. Whats next? Gonna demand the catholic church allow aethests be buried in Catholic owned and operated church cemetaries?

Whereabouts in the Bible does it say that buggery is a sin?
that is one said partices which means plural...but i iwl go with this for now....

how do christians do that?

They continually preach to them, and anyone within earshot. They will not afford them the same privileges they would give straights. They support government discrimination against them.

This is, of course, a generalization and does not apply to all Christians as MM has pointed out.

do they not have the right to think as they wish and treat people as they wish?

Why when it comes to them speaking out its "omg don't they have a right to say what they want?", but when I speak out against them, engaging in MY right to free speech you act as if I am infringing on theirs in some way? Why the double standard? As I've said this is NOT a free speech issue.

it is not like they can stop them from being gay and doing what they like.

Yes, that is correct.
Provide evidence that Christians treat gays as "lesser" people. Refusing to host a religious service for a man that was violating on a daily basis the beliefs of the church is hardly treating him as a lesser person.

Sure it is. Refusing a service for someone based on those actions is treating them as a lesser person. A person unworthy of the service.

Shall I remind you of the fact one must also REPENT to be forgiven of sins? One can not continue to commit the sin over and over on purpose , knowing it is a sin and be forgiven.

Thats nice. What it has to do with anything I'm not sure, but thanks anyway.

Now I will agree with you that any church that bans, bars or prevents gays from being members is not acting in good faith as a Christian church should. Whats next? Gonna demand the catholic church allow aethests be buried in Catholic owned and operated church cemetaries?

My god...the horror of mixing religions beneath the ground! What will the heathens think of next?
Sure it is. Refusing a service for someone based on those actions is treating them as a lesser person. A person unworthy of the service.

Thats nice. What it has to do with anything I'm not sure, but thanks anyway.

My god...the horror of mixing religions beneath the ground! What will the heathens think of next?

you can't be burried in mecca or a jewish cemetary....try to get married in a church if you are not of the faith.....

being gay is a sin in some churches...if you want your service to present your sin as not a sin....the church is going to put the kybosh on your service.....

no gay marriage no gay death....don't like it...don't go to the church.....

drop by a lesbo church some time....see if you can get in...
Sure it is. Refusing a service for someone based on those actions is treating them as a lesser person. A person unworthy of the service.

Thats nice. What it has to do with anything I'm not sure, but thanks anyway.

My god...the horror of mixing religions beneath the ground! What will the heathens think of next?

LOL, refusing a religious setting and ceremony for someone that was not even a member of the church AND was openly violating the beliefs of the church is NOT treating them as a lesser person. Using that logic we should not have the right to associate with people we want and not associate with people we don't want to. Government should assign us our friends and neighbors and do so using some multicultural chart. I mean GOOD GOD man, we are all treating anyone we do not associate with as lesser people.
LOL, refusing a religious setting and ceremony for someone that was not even a member of the church AND was openly violating the beliefs of the church is NOT treating them as a lesser person. Using that logic we should not have the right to associate with people we want and not associate with people we don't want to. Government should assign us our friends and neighbors and do so using some multicultural chart. I mean GOOD GOD man, we are all treating anyone we do not associate with as lesser people.

the govt just have been assigned to larkin......
Sure it is. Refusing a service for someone based on those actions is treating them as a lesser person. A person unworthy of the service.

Thats nice. What it has to do with anything I'm not sure, but thanks anyway.

My god...the horror of mixing religions beneath the ground! What will the heathens think of next?

If we don't allow buggers to be buried in consecrated ground it is gonna make it difficult for God to locate the 144,000 VIRGIN Jewish MEN that will "be with him" :omg: in Heaving!
LOL, refusing a religious setting and ceremony for someone that was not even a member of the church AND was openly violating the beliefs of the church is NOT treating them as a lesser person.

Sure it is.

Using that logic we should not have the right to associate with people we want and not associate with people we don't want to.

Umm no. Unless you think you shouldn't have the ability to treat anyone else as a lesser person. Me, I'd rather not have that huge amount of government influence in my life. But you had us all aren't a conservative at all.

Government should assign us our friends and neighbors and do so using some multicultural chart. I mean GOOD GOD man, we are all treating anyone we do not associate with as lesser people.

Intent matters. Think before you type, please. Its not complicated.
Sure it is.

Umm no. Unless you think you shouldn't have the ability to treat anyone else as a lesser person. Me, I'd rather not have that huge amount of government influence in my life. But you had us all aren't a conservative at all.

Intent matters. Think before you type, please. Its not complicated.

Intent does INDEED matter. The Church , in the original story, made arrangements elsewhere, provided food and a tape to be shown at the service.
I know, next time a HIGH ranking Republican Politician dies, lets have the DNC hold a service for him or her, Now they will have to bring in all the loyal Democrats to attend, provide the facility and make the presentation tape, based on whats provided by the RNC. Further a Republican gets to run the service.
Intent does INDEED matter. The Church , in the original story, made arrangements elsewhere, provided food and a tape to be shown at the service.

Intent matters, which means your analogy is incorrect and stupid. Intent has nothing to do with the original story.
Actually its unclear whether they made all the arrangements or not.

I assume you missed my post on the last page, tell me again how forcing someone or a group to do something they do not agree with is right and proper and said group refusing to do it is disgraceful and treating others as lesser people.
Quote where I said they should be forced to hold the service.

I do not have to, you have claimed their refusal is the same as treating this person as a lesser person. That once they learned he was NOT living his life in amanner they believed was right refusing his service was wrong.

Now reread my post about Democrats and republicans and tell me the same.

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