Church refuses to hold funeral for gay man

Homophobia is an unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality. It is a fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. It is a prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality.

Even the same dictionary defines it in different ways. That is why I don’t like labels. It can mean different things to different people. Though it is time consuming, for the sake of understanding each outer, it is sometimes best to spell things out so that there is no ambiguity.

That's exactly what I said it was. In each definition, you will note the presence of the word "fear." Fear is not required to consider homosexuality abnormal behavior. Only a basic understanding of science/biology is.
I thought Jesus did the judging?

Who can be sure the poor misguided poof didn't mutter the Proddies Macey's bargain basement mantra for salvation right at the death knock?

Anyway, Jesus NEVER said anything detrimental about faggots. That's all hateful OT trash talk. And you've told me more than once that the namby pamby NT of your brand of pantywaist WASPS, took the place of the psychotic OT!

Now you seem to be saying that Jesus, or to be more specific, his ten of thousands of American churches, changed "not a tittle" of the OT!

You mean "someone" has told you the NT takes the place of the OT? Christ stated he was here to reinforce, not change the word of God. Hardly a refutation of the OT.

Christ is every bit as clear as the OT in regard to unrepentant sinners.

For a God-hating schlep who fancies himself quite the Biblical authority, you ain't doing so well here.
How is it anti-Christian to note that this particular church is homophobic? Hating gay people is not a tenet of Christianity. If some churches choose to pursue that route, it is their call, certainly. That does not make it right. And not approving of bigotry is not anti-Christian, it is anti-bigotry.

And one would have to believe that being gay is both a choice and a sin to be repentant. Believing they should be treated fairly is simply that... not advancing the gay "agenda".

You know I enjoy your posts and think highly of you. I think you're off base on this one. S'okay, I guess we all have our bug-a-boos. :cool:

One, there is no eivdence the church is homophobic. Only that the church will not perform a service for an unrepentant sinner and non-member. I didn't see anywhere than anyone hates gays. That is an assumption.

I don't see the "bug-a-boo" on my part. I see something being made of this that isn't there unless contrived.
I realize you're grasping and flailing around for reasons to excuse the appalling anti-christian attitude of the so-called church. '

Here are the facts: The dead guys brother was a member of the church, and the church invited the brother and his family to have the service at their church.

Then, they reneged on their promise.

I'm pretty sure Jesus would have kept his promise, and given a funeral to a gay man, a prostitute, or a criminal.

Graping and flailing would be YOU, junior. An invitation is not a promise. Rescinding an invitation due to new info when that info contradicts teh doctinal beliefs of that church seems rather wise to me.

You presuming to think for Christ REALLY is grasping, and presuming he would perform a service for a known, unrepentant sinner is laughable at best.
I agree with you but only to a fact, many protestant churches are run by majority rule of their membership. Church "leaders" are beholden to the congregation, and members will decide based upon the actions of a majority of the membership, whether or not that particular church family meets their needs.

Which supports what I already said, just goes deeper into the inner working.
It most certainly does where you and those like you are concerned.

The Romans crucified your poncing cross-dressing Canaanite and Catamite fancier "God" because he was a common criminal.

Jesus was barefaced liar and gutless agitator who loaded the sword and got others to do the stabbing.

This man, whose mouthpiece revealingly told you to always obey the government, not matter how bad it is, was in fact the leader of what amounted to the Al Qaeda of the day.

Jesus Bin Liner and his Group was intent on overthrowing, not only the **** government, but every government on earth and forcing his Sharia law on the conquered masses.

Thank Mithra the Romans stamped out these religiously insane, socialist insurgents before they could even usurp Rome’s democratically elected puppet, Herod Al Maliki, and set up their threatened Sharia law - based on the rabid OT Bible they believed in - in Jewrusalem!

If they had succeeded in their nefarious plans, Palestine, and perhaps the entire world, would have been the spitting-image of Saudi Arabia today. :eusa_dance:
How is it anti-Christian to note that this particular church is homophobic? Hating gay people is not a tenet of Christianity. If some churches choose to pursue that route, it is their call, certainly. That does not make it right. And not approving of bigotry is not anti-Christian, it is anti-bigotry.

And one would have to believe that being gay is both a choice and a sin to be repentant. Believing they should be treated fairly is simply that... not advancing the gay "agenda".

You know I enjoy your posts and think highly of you. I think you're off base on this one. S'okay, I guess we all have our bug-a-boos. :cool:

Hating homosexuals is not a tenet of Christianity, in that you are correct. Christians are not to condemn homosexuals (or anyone for that matter) and punish them for their sins - that is left to God. But as I already pointed out to you, Christians ARE supposed to make judgments, and are supposed to keep the unrepentant OUT of their congregations. Any congregation which welcomes the unrepentant sinner into their fold is an apostate church, I don't care how you cut it. If someone is an unabashed adulterer, thief, murderer, etc. it doesn't matter, any congregation which accepts them as a member is apostate.

Don't like it? Join the Church of the Tin Vagabond or the like.... (cue the Dr. Who theme now....)
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No they don't. Protestant churches that accept gays are the exception, not the rule.

I know the Presbyterian Church USA has been debating the issue for over a decade and as it stands, practicing homosexuals are not permitted as members or clergy. The Presbyterian Church of America (different organization than PCUSA) is more fundamental than PCUSA and holds closer to the earlier Presbyterian traditions and teachings.

I understand the Southern Baptists also have a fairly strong stance against homosexuality as well.

There are a number of small groups who claim to be "Christian" yet accept unrepentant homosexual members into their fold. But I don't know of any major mainstream denominations which do so.

I'd be interested if anyone can point me to resources which support the hypothesis that there are mainstream denominations which accept homosexuals in their congregation (or even into the clergy).
I'd be interested if anyone can point me to resources which support the hypothesis that there are mainstream denominations which accept homosexuals in their congregation (or even into the clergy).

google the United Church of Christ

I'd be interested if anyone can point me to resources which support the hypothesis that there are mainstream denominations which accept homosexuals in their congregation (or even into the clergy).

here you go:


There is a clear difference between Evangelical Lutheran movements and traditional Lutheran churches. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is still in the process of developing a social statement directly related to homosexuality, yet they do call all Christians to respect all people, regardless of sexual orientation. The church will allow for the ordination of homosexuals to be ministers, but they are expected to abstain from homosexual sexual relationships.

Other Lutheran churches make a distinction between homosexual orientation and homosexual behavior. For instance, the Lutheran Church of Australia believes that sexual orientation is not controlled by the individual, but denies a genetic propensity. The church does not condemn nor judge homosexuality and claims the Bible is silent on homosexual orientation. Homosexuals are welcomed into the congregation.


The Episcopalian/Anglican Church is widely divided over their views of homosexuality. The ECUSA's Presiding Bishop has equated homosexuality with allowing Gentiles in the early church, stating, "There was never a time when all members of Israel or of the Christian Church agreed on all major matters."

In general the differences in the opinion seem to be geographical. For instance, Anglican groups in North America, Central America, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand and Southern Africa tend to lean toward an inclusive view of homosexuality. However, a majority of Anglican churches in Africa (where a major number of Anglican churches are located) and the West Indies hold that the Bible states that homosexuality is a sin, and they are threatening to leave the Anglican Church if the church continues to condone homosexual behavior.

United Church of Christ

The United Church of Christ is, by definition, congregational, thus the views of one church may not be forced or taken on by another church. Thus, many views vary among various congregations within the Church of Christ. David Roozen, the director for the Hartford Institute for Religion Research, has stated that the overall pronouncements and polices of the national church is often more liberal than what individual churches uphold.
The General Synod passed a resolution in 1985 that encouraged congregations to be open and affirming, meaning that the churches should be non-discriminating in areas of employment, volunteer efforts, and membership. In 2005 the General Synod encouraged congregations to adopt equal marriage rights for same-sex couples.


Like the Baptist Church the Methodist Church also has differing views on homosexuality. The Methodist Church of Great Britain has not taken a definitive stance on homosexuality, leaving biblical interpretation open. The church does denounce discrimination based on sexual orientation, and affirms homosexuals' participation in the ministry. However the church did recently prohibit the blessing of same sex marriages.
Meanwhile, the United Methodist Church does support the inclusion of homosexuals in the congregation, and homosexuals can take part in sacraments and programs.
That's exactly what I said it was. In each definition, you will note the presence of the word "fear." Fear is not required to consider homosexuality abnormal behavior. Only a basic understanding of science/biology is.

Wow. We agree. One’s definition of homophobia does not have to include the word “fear”. Though another person's definition might include it. I’d even grant you that a basic understanding of science/biology is necessary to conclude that homosexuality is abnormal behavior. That still does not mean that homosexuality is bad or wrong.

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