Church refuses to hold funeral for gay man

Hate to tell ya, but the list is incorrect as pertains to Presbyterians. Some congregations of PCUSA want to include practicing homosexuals in their congregations, but it hasn't been approved via the General Assembly, so it's still a no-no. And I don't ever see it happening within PCA as PCA is more conservative than the PCUSA.

Interesting. So you're saying that Presbyterians don't want homosexuals even as church members, much less bless gay unions? That would mean they are more anti-homosexual than most. Most will at least tolerate homosexuals as church members, much as they would other types of sinners.
Interesting. So you're saying that Presbyterians don't want homosexuals even as church members, much less bless gay unions? That would mean they are more anti-homosexual than most. Most will at least tolerate homosexuals as church members, much as they would other types of sinners.

Actually I'm saying that neither PCA nor PCUSA has formally accepted practicing homosexuals as members per the national conventions. I wouldn't doubt but that we will see a schizm in PCUSA wherein the pro-homosexual lobby is split from PCUSA. But as a whole, the Presbyterian Church does not condone homosexuality, does not ordain homosexual clergy, nor allows homosexual marriage nor blessings for homosexual unions. Feel free to check the PCA and PCUSA websites for confirmation of these facts. You'll also find information on the PCUSA website pertaining to the decade-long debate on homosexuals and the Church is you look in the "About us" section.

That being said, homosexuals are welcome to attend services and the like, but that is different from baptism into the Church body. The hope is that all sinners will repent and join the body of Christ (the Church) and repent their sins.

Hope this helps.
The Romans crucified your poncing cross-dressing Canaanite and Catamite fancier "God" because he was a common criminal.

Jesus was barefaced liar and gutless agitator who loaded the sword and got others to do the stabbing.

This man, whose mouthpiece revealingly told you to always obey the government, not matter how bad it is, was in fact the leader of what amounted to the Al Qaeda of the day.

Jesus Bin Liner and his Group was intent on overthrowing, not only the **** government, but every government on earth and forcing his Sharia law on the conquered masses.

Thank Mithra the Romans stamped out these religiously insane, socialist insurgents before they could even usurp Rome’s democratically elected puppet, Herod Al Maliki, and set up their threatened Sharia law - based on the rabid OT Bible they believed in - in Jewrusalem!

If they had succeeded in their nefarious plans, Palestine, and perhaps the entire world, would have been the spitting-image of Saudi Arabia today. :eusa_dance:

It must really hurt your head a lot to be you.:cuckoo:
No they don't. Protestant churches that accept gays are the exception, not the rule.

And the Episcopal church is "most protestant churches, right?"

some...all...most... few...

the point is, it is not a rarity for churches to accept gays into their congregations. As I have shown, the United Church of Christ, for example, which is THE direct descendant of the pilgims and was the state church of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, not only allows them to worship, but allows them to be ordained.
why the hatred?

The Romans crucified your poncing cross-dressing Canaanite and Catamite fancier "God" because he was a common criminal.

Jesus was barefaced liar and gutless agitator who loaded the sword and got others to do the stabbing.

This man, whose mouthpiece revealingly told you to always obey the government, not matter how bad it is, was in fact the leader of what amounted to the Al Qaeda of the day.

Jesus Bin Liner and his Group was intent on overthrowing, not only the **** government, but every government on earth and forcing his Sharia law on the conquered masses.

Thank Mithra the Romans stamped out these religiously insane, socialist insurgents before they could even usurp Rome’s democratically elected puppet, Herod Al Maliki, and set up their threatened Sharia law - based on the rabid OT Bible they believed in - in Jewrusalem!

If they had succeeded in their nefarious plans, Palestine, and perhaps the entire world, would have been the spitting-image of Saudi Arabia today. :eusa_dance:
It must really hurt your head a lot to be you.:cuckoo:

Obviously the OT embarrasses you, and so it should!

You do realise that there was no such thing as the New Testament in Jewsarse's day, don’t you El? That He Himself said He was sent by Daddy Warbuck’s to fulfil the tenets of the OT?

According to Roger Nicole, the NT quotes the OT some 295 times. Allusions are more difficult to pin down and estimates range from 442 to 4,105. There is not a one-size fits all when it comes to OT quotes in the NT. What can account for the hundred of quotes and possibly thousands of allusions? Roy Zuck answers that, “By quoting the Old Testament so frequently, the New Testament writers demonstrated their trust in the authority of the Old Testament. Nowhere does a New Testament writer question or repudiate the truth of an Old Testament passage he cited” (Basic Bible Interpretation, 252). So if some “new” piece of information is given in the NT it is not evidence of 1) a disagreement with the OT passage or 2) a NT “interpretation” overturning an OT meaning. I think we must conclude that it is the result of divine inspiration of the text.


If, OTOH, you believe, like self-delusional Christians do, that once down here he exceeded Daddy’s brief and became a reforming Rabbi who wanted to ring down the curtain on Daddy’s horrendous Reign of T-u-u-rur (how’s my Texan?) and LIBERALISE “The Law,” then that really opens up a can of religious worms.

Like WHICH God’s side are you on, the Liberal one or the Nazi one who sent him?

For instance, the disagreements in this thread are all based on OT Stricture making turd-tamping tapu.

JC didn’t even give the poor poo-jabbers a passing mention; probably because he was one. He did say however, “Judge not lest YOU be judged!”

Quite significantlyy, the only time Christ got angry - apart from petulantly cursing fig trees for doing what figs do naturally – was against the capitalistic money-changing proto-Americans making a mockery of his sadistic Dad’s charnel house of a Temple.

Now if a genius like you can’t draw the correct conclusions from the foregoing, what hope do poor inbred vegies like RSR, OneDomino, CU, etc have of sorting out the shit from the salvation?

And don’t fall for that Germanic “instant soup” salvation preached up there in the New Jewrusalem.

Take it straight from your bygone goat-herding Jewish idols, Gunny. You gotta get it right or their gargoyle of a God is gonna get you when you go for your Final Solu….er, Reward.

Prepare yourself you know it's a must
Gotta have a friend in Jesus
So you know that when you die
He's gonna recommend you
To the spirit in the sky
Gonna recommend you
To the spirit in the sky
That's where you're gonna go when you die
When you die and they lay you to rest
You're gonna go to the place that's the best
google the United Church of Christ

I Did!!! then I did a search for a church near me on their website...

It referred me to some non english speaking Korean drug rehab/Church a few miles away...

Check out how political their website is... What a joke!
Have you asked that question of The Vampire of Virtue who advocates, "If you love your country, kill a liberal!"

Or of Dateballs who preaches hatred of Muslims?

Or of your filthy fucking Bible that wants to make all Gentiles Jewish "footstools?"


Nahhhhh. He's just passing moral judgment on someone else passing moral judgment....

No...but close. I'm passing moral judgement on someone else who is passing moral judgement and refusing to associate, or treat decently, those it has found to be unworthy.

originally posted by SE
Exactly. Hence the downfall of America because its historical Christian morals are being degraded and defiled.

I'll be terrible when we don't honor the past and tradition, right SE?
:idea: I advocate extermination!!

....Its Grass Roots with results you can see...

I'm whats wrong with America because I have a problem with certain Christian practices, but you are all ok with someone advocating the massacre of other Americans?
Treating homosexuals as lesser people.

that is one said partices which means plural...but i iwl go with this for now....

how do christians do that?

do they not have the right to think as they wish and treat people as they wish?

it is not like they can stop them from being gay and doing what they like.
Treating homosexuals as lesser people.

Provide evidence that Christians treat gays as "lesser" people. Refusing to host a religious service for a man that was violating on a daily basis the beliefs of the church is hardly treating him as a lesser person.

Shall I remind you of the fact one must also REPENT to be forgiven of sins? One can not continue to commit the sin over and over on purpose , knowing it is a sin and be forgiven.

Now I will agree with you that any church that bans, bars or prevents gays from being members is not acting in good faith as a Christian church should. Whats next? Gonna demand the catholic church allow aethests be buried in Catholic owned and operated church cemetaries?

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