Church refuses to hold funeral for gay man

i will defer to changed the topic from what i posted to:

can you link to facts in the bible....

so tell me where does it say in the bible that the church must hold a service for a gay man so that his gay life style can be proclaimed as part of the service.....

the church has said homosexuality is a sin....until they say it is gay parties at funerals.....

Stop trying to obfuscate the issue and show me where in the Wholly NT Stricture Jewsarse -THE HEAD OF YOUR CHURCH, I presume - condemns, nay, even mentions, poofs!

If it was such a grievous sin surely He would have said SOMETHING about it!
Stop trying to obfuscate the issue and show me where in the Wholly NT Stricture Jewsarse -THE HEAD OF YOUR CHURCH, I presume - condemns, nay, even mentions, poofs!

If it was such a grievous sin surely He would have said SOMETHING about it!

the church says it is a sin it is a sin......they are the ones that interpret the bible not you....their book their rules....

take it in the funeral party for you in the house of the lord.....
the church says it is a sin it is a sin......they are the ones that interpret the bible not you....their book their rules....

take it in the funeral party for you in the house of the lord.....

Strange, I thought Proddies INDIVIDUALLY interpreted Stricture!

Face it, Fuckwit. You and you fellow frauds have been hoist of your hateful petard, and, what is more, you know it!

Fancy being out theologized by an ignorant seventh grade CAFFLIK drop-out with alcohol related brain-damage! :rofl:
Strange, I thought Proddies INDIVIDUALLY interpreted Stricture!

Face it, Fuckwit. You and you fellow frauds have been hoist of your hateful petard, and, what is more, you know it!

Fancy being out theologized by an ignorant seventh grade CAFFLIK drop-out with alcohol related brain-damage! :rofl:

so you agree.... the church interprets the bible...

so what your iggnorant, drop out, drunken ass thinks the bible says or does or does not say is of no matter.....

if the church says it is a sin and the gay dude can't have an ass bandit funeral party then you can't...

seems you have kicked your own ass..........
so you agree.... the church interprets the bible...

so what your iggnorant, drop out, drunken ass thinks the bible says or does or does not say is of no matter.....

if the church says it is a sin and the gay dude can't have an ass bandit funeral party then you can't...

seems you have kicked your own ass..........

:wtf: :cuckoo: Now you are just raving, you pathetic little retard.

Why don’t you just admit it is YOU who, through your Christian brainwashing, hate poofs and that you use your anthropomorphic God to justify it?
:wtf: :cuckoo: Now you are just raving, you pathetic little retard.

Why don’t you just admit it is YOU who, through your Christian brainwashing, hate poofs and that you use your anthropomorphic God to justify it?

i don't belong to a church.....and was not rasied in the church....

as for god?....god exists because people believe in god.....

lastly it would seem i have reduced your argument to attacks on me simply because i have pointed out that you have kicked your own ass ..... not sure you have acuratly determined whom the retard in this discussion is.....
i don't belong to a church.....and was not rasied in the church....

as for god?....god exists because people believe in god.....

lastly it would seem i have reduced your argument to attacks on me simply because i have pointed out that you have kicked your own ass ..... not sure you have acuratly determined whom the retard in this discussion is.....

Even your Christian mates will tell you poor ol’ Chips has cleaned your quasi Christian clock, you drooling dick-diddling little Drongo.

Now piss off, lick your well deserved wounds, and try to remember how I utterly humiliated you next time you're feeling brave enough to argue the Bible with your intellectual betters!
:rofl: :rofl:
Even your Christian mates will tell you poor ol’ Chips has cleaned your quasi Christian clock, you drooling dick-diddling little Drongo.

Now piss off, lick your well deserved wounds, and try to remember how I utterly humiliated you next time you're feeling brave enough to argue the Bible with your intellectual betters!
:rofl: :rofl:

keep claiming sound like a bush press conference.....
This Quote fro the link posted posted by Gem says it all...

"These people are missing the point. The church did not refuse to host the memorial service because Cecil Sinclair was gay. They refused to host the memorial service because the family was turning it into a celebration of the man’s sin—his homosexual lifestye"

Feel Stupid Larkinn?.....You look it!:rofl:

Cause if it says so in an opinion piece than it must be true, right?
:wtf: :cuckoo: Now you are just raving, you pathetic little retard.

Why don’t you just admit it is YOU who, through your Christian brainwashing, hate poofs and that you use your anthropomorphic God to justify it?

What's your point? You spout off comlpetely retarded crap YOU believe on a daily basis, almost always having to do with what rights us 'Mericans are depriving others of.

Yet you would be the FIRST to deprive of everyone of freedom to believe what they want.

It doens't require Christian brainwashing to know that homosexuality isn't normal. A simple biology class with take care of any misconception on that part.

The people of the church have a right, by law, to believe what they want. The homosexual does NOT have a right by law, to force a church that's belief's are in direct conflict with his lifestyle to perform a service for him.

The stupidity here is in that in his eulogy, someone feels it's important to point out that he was gay. I have yet to go to a funeral where someone's sexual preference is mentioned as defining who and what that person is. And if THAT is the best one can do to define oneself ... by his/her deviant sexual preference ... then one has wasted a lot of natural resources for "X" number of years being worthless to society.
This Quote fro the link posted posted by Gem says it all...

"These people are missing the point. The church did not refuse to host the memorial service because Cecil Sinclair was gay. They refused to host the memorial service because the family was turning it into a celebration of the man’s sin—his homosexual lifestye"

Feel Stupid Larkinn?.....You look it!:rofl:

I don’t know the details of what the family wanted. How many images did they have and what percentage of them was “questionable”? At the service/celebration, were they going to provide a petition asking that gay marriage be legalized? Was this going to be a celebration of the man’s sin or a celebration of the man’s life? There is more to a person than just his sexual orientation. Anyway, the author of the article seemed to have a bias but I don’t care.

It is interesting to me that churches that take scripture passages to heart that oppose homosexuality are not so ready to take to heart other passages concerning the position and treatment of women or what men and women are supposed to wear. There are all sorts of admonitions and instructions in the New Testament that seem to be ignored by most churches.

The bottom line for me is that there are different churches with different interpretations and perspectives about homosexuality. Even those who oppose the homosexual lifestyle might be lenient for the sake of the deceased person’s family. Yes, some churches would be stricter. Churches are free to do what they want to do (right or wrong) and people (right or wrong) are free to criticize what they do are don’t do.
Yes, I do. Just because someone doesn't do something entirely in line with your asinine puritan values does not mean their loved ones don't deserve to hear their life being celebrated.

So, in your mucked-up world, you think every pervert along with his perversion should be celebrated by the Church? Why? Just because his relatives requested it? You are either delusional or have swallowed the Leftist anti-religion directives hook, line, and sinker.
The stupidity here is in that in his eulogy, someone feels it's important to point out that he was gay. I have yet to go to a funeral where someone's sexual preference is mentioned as defining who and what that person is. And if THAT is the best one can do to define oneself ... by his/her deviant sexual preference ... then one has wasted a lot of natural resources for "X" number of years being worthless to society.

I actually agree with everything that you said in this post except that I question your last paragraph. Do we actually know that the family wanted to celebrate the man’s sexual preference or merely mention it and show a picture of him with his partner? If a funeral service or memorial service says that the deceased person left behind his wife and shows a picture of him with his wife, does that mean that heterosexuality defined him? Also one’s being a homosexual does not make him a wasted lot of natural resources being worthless to society. Are people who can’t reproduce a waste to society? Are people who choose not to reproduce a waste to society? Besides, there are adoption centers, sperm banks and surrogate mothers for those who want children. Think of those people who create children and then just abandon them to the state. There are the irresponsible fathers who go around making children just to abandon them. Those are more of a waste to society than is someone who happens to have a sexual interest in one of the same sex. I imagine that the person in question was a productive member of society who worked hard and paid his taxes and was an asset to society – particularly to friends and family members who loved him.
I actually agree with everything that you said in this post except that I question your last paragraph. Do we actually know that the family wanted to celebrate the man’s sexual preference or merely mention it and show a picture of him with his partner? If a funeral service or memorial service says that the deceased person left behind his wife and shows a picture of him with his wife, does that mean that heterosexuality defined him? Also one’s being a homosexual does not make him a wasted lot of natural resources being worthless to society. Are people who can’t reproduce a waste to society? Are people who choose not to reproduce a waste to society? Besides, there are adoption centers, sperm banks and surrogate mothers for those who want children. Think of those people who create children and then just abandon them to the state. There are the irresponsible fathers who go around making children just to abandon them. Those are more of a waste to society than is someone who happens to have a sexual interest in one of the same sex. I imagine that the person in question was a productive member of society who worked hard and paid his taxes and was an asset to society – particularly to friends and family members who loved him.

I’ll say it again. Why would anyone want any part of a clearly supremacy seeking institution. One that absolutely abhors them, yet depends on discriminating against them to supply it its empty sense of social-climbing superiority?

The same church would be cuming in its camo coloured undies if the family of a “war hero” wanted to celebrate his feats killing whole hosts of half-starved subsistence farmers, ostensibly to stop them from invading the Great White Homeland.

Or commemorating the many “quickie” Vegas “marriages” of some big-haired, blue-rinsed pillar of the church, who – according to the Bible – was nothing but a jism-soaked Jezebel who deserved to be fed to the dogs.

Then there are the filthy single whores, who,
remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt (20) and lusted after her paramours there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose emission was like that of stallions.
- Ezekiel 23:19

I could go on and on but even the bigots here would have the picture by now.
Ummmmmmm... the harlots got their comeuppance, no?

As my missive inferred, have you ever given any thought to why the “men” here would so fiercely defend churches that regard their mothers, wives, and daughters as mere sperm receptacles and Christian incubators? Or to the mindset of the brood mares who so passively submit to their nauseaous "Saturday Night Special" sexual invasion?

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