Church to burn Qurans on 9/11

I like it!!! Christians can Burn Korans..Jews can burn new testements ... Muszlems can burn both testements. Buddists can burn themselves. A huge fuckin UNHOLY HOLY WAR!!!! Right the fuck ONNNNN!!!!!!!! Perfect. We need more breathing space...and free oil!! When the war is over we'll just go and take it..who's left to stop us? Let the religious morons kill each other off and the world will truly be a more perfect place. Less crowded...less ignorance.. what's not to like?


The only religious morons who are killing anyone are the Muslims.

That's not true.

Yes, it is absolutely true.
You know... Thomas Jefferson was the first to have a presidential iftar. That's the fast breaking meal during Ramadan.

You know the funniest thing about this whole Quran burning day thing... burning a Quran is the proper way of disposing of it religiously speaking. The only thing offensive about this event is it's hateful intention, not the action itself.

I've been in a pretty long email conversation with two the preachers at this mosque. They seem utterly incapable of understanding even the most basic of critical analysis. For example, if you ask them what "Islam is of the Devil" means they'll pull out some Bible verse about any false message is of the Devil, and since Islam does not accept Jesus as Lord and Savior it is of the Devil. If you carry that to it's natural conclusion and ask if Judaism or Hinduism are of the Devil, they dodge and won't answer.

Actually, that is not true about T. Jefferson. The Muslim that came to the Whitehouse was demanding ransom money for captive soldiers. Therefore, the first contribution that Muslims made to this country was theft, and Kidnapping. Jefferson never had a Ramadan celebration in the Whitehouse.

I would like to read up on that...please link the story.

No, the one who made the stqatement has to show the links proving it to be true.
You've never served have you Stupidd33?

If so, you wouldn't have written that fucked up definition of bravery. Sometimes bravery IS stupid, like when you charge a machine gun nest by yourself because your squad is pinned down, or when you throw yourself on a grenade to save your fellow soldiers.

Try again stupid.

That is not stupid, it is pure heroism. It is not even bravery. However, I suppose a brave person might also do that. I do agree that it seems stupid to do what you said, but it is not about stupidity. However, going to a mosque, receiving a free copy of the Quran, and standing there and burning it would be stupid. Maybe telling them thanks, and now I have a task to accomplish with this Quran, and go about your business. Later burn it, and later let them know how it served your purpose. When you burn the Quran, you are not saving people's lives, like some brave plan might do, or like a hero might do. You are just making a statement.

Oh, I served during the Viet Nam Era, but did not go to war. (that was not by my choice)
My Brother, and My Dad both served in wars. They were both awesome people. My Dad is the one who made it where I could not go to war. I was on my way, and even line for the plane, when my orders came down to send me elsewhere.

Grow up.:doubt: you were a draftee that didn't want to be there.

I enlisted in the Navy in 1982, and was retired in 2002. Now, granted, maybe your tour didn't have the necessary experiences to teach you what bravery actually is, and not some jingoistic bullshit that people quote all the time.

Bravery is doing whatever you have to (jumping on grenades and charging machine guns), to ensure that your goal is met.

And, I didn't ask if your family served, I asked if YOU served. Your family's experience with the military means nothing to me if I want to know about YOURS.
You've never served have you Stupidd33?

If so, you wouldn't have written that fucked up definition of bravery. Sometimes bravery IS stupid, like when you charge a machine gun nest by yourself because your squad is pinned down, or when you throw yourself on a grenade to save your fellow soldiers.

Try again stupid.

That is not stupid, it is pure heroism. It is not even bravery. However, I suppose a brave person might also do that. I do agree that it seems stupid to do what you said, but it is not about stupidity. However, going to a mosque, receiving a free copy of the Quran, and standing there and burning it would be stupid. Maybe telling them thanks, and now I have a task to accomplish with this Quran, and go about your business. Later burn it, and later let them know how it served your purpose. When you burn the Quran, you are not saving people's lives, like some brave plan might do, or like a hero might do. You are just making a statement.

Oh, I served during the Viet Nam Era, but did not go to war. (that was not by my choice)
My Brother, and My Dad both served in wars. They were both awesome people. My Dad is the one who made it where I could not go to war. I was on my way, and even line for the plane, when my orders came down to send me elsewhere.

Grow up.:doubt:

How nice. I'm sure that would be as effective in sending your message as if someone asked for a bible, took it home, burned it, then went back to the church to tell them what they did with the bible.

Now...what purpose do either of those actions serve?
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Could you imagine it? A Muslim goes up to a Catholic (or whichever variety) church, asks for a Bible and then burns it on the street in the gutter.

What do you think the good Christians would do to the Muslim?
Could you imagine it? A Muslim goes up to a Catholic (or whichever variety) church, asks for a Bible and then burns it on the street in the gutter.

What do you think the good Christians would do to the Muslim?
probably pray for them

now if it was WBC i have a feeling they wouldnt make it to the front door before someone screamed at them
Could you imagine it? A Muslim goes up to a Catholic (or whichever variety) church, asks for a Bible and then burns it on the street in the gutter.

What do you think the good Christians would do to the Muslim?

That would depend on where he was and what denomination he was doing it in front of. I'm sure if he were in the south in front of some of the more red neck congregations, he'd be swinging from a tree. In the North or West they would probably pray for him.

That's not true.

Yes, it is absolutely true.

Only if you do not believe Scott Roeder or Paul Hill were religious or morons.

I'm sure there are other non-muslim religious morons who actually kill. Some would say the government of Israel qualify as religious morons who kill


OK, I have to give you a little here. However, one or two killings because they were religious morons is not the same as thousands of killings by religious morons in one incident. Big difference. Of course there are some small morons, but the ones we hear about the most strap on bombs and do mass killings.

I believe my statement still qualifies. "The only religious morons out there killing people are the Muslims."
Could you imagine it? A Muslim goes up to a Catholic (or whichever variety) church, asks for a Bible and then burns it on the street in the gutter.

What do you think the good Christians would do to the Muslim?

That would depend on where he was and what denomination he was doing it in front of. I'm sure if he were in the south in front of some of the more red neck congregations, he'd be swinging from a tree. In the North or West they would probably pray for him.


Thanks for your honesty. Christians would kill him.
There are no words to describe such utter ignorance...............

Florida Church planning to burn Qurans on 9/11 | Tom Mendelsohn | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

A Florida church is planning to burn a stack of Qurans on 11th September this year, in a tasteful effort to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centre.

The Dove World Outreach Center, a non-denominational church in Gainesville, is charmingly trying to rebrand 9/11 as International Burn A Koran Day. If you’re interested, there’s a Facebook group for it. The info tab has a succinct little mission statement, which you may find illuminative:

Mission: To bring to awareness to the dangers of Islam and that the Koran is leading people to hell. Eternal fire is the only destination the Koran can lead people to so we want to put the Koran in it’s place – the fire!

The Dove Center, which describes itself as ‘a New Testament Church – based on the Bible, the Word of God’, has a bit of a history of making, shall we say, provocative statements about Islam. Its pastor and proprietor Dr Terry Jones recently published a sober treatise entitled Islam Is Of The Devil, while he also has a history of opposing things like homosexuality, same-sex marriage and abortion. If anyone is in Gainsville on 2nd August, for instance, you might like to swing by the City Hall at lunch time and join in the fun at the church’s ‘No Homo Mayor’ protest.

And in case anyone else was wondering what they really felt, they also have a massive sign outside their church, also saying ‘Islam Is Of The Devil’:

It’s all deeply unpleasant, of course, and easy to mock, but unpleasant anti-Islam sentiments like these really do seem to be on the rise in the US. There’s a huge battle going on in New York over whether an entirely benign Muslim community centre – which would also contain a mosque – can be built near Ground Zero, for instance, while a mosque in Jacksonville, also in Florida, was firebombed earlier this year. It’s getting easier to draw parallels between the rise of the religious right and these kinds of tensions, and I really wouldn’t like to say we’ve reached their height, either, not by a long shot: brace yourselves for a good deal more of this unpleasantness as the new American right grows its fangs.

The Dove World Outreach Center, meanwhile, was subjected to an expose about the way it pays its taxes last year in The Gainesville Sun, while they were investigated for potential financial impropriety in March this year. It hasn’t really taken the wind out of their sails, however. You’ll note that, in the picture above, Dr Jones has a picture of himself flanked by Abraham Lincoln and George Washington – a little detail I’ll let speak for itself. His Youtube channel – named, without even a pinch of hubris, the Braveheart Show – is worth a watch if, like me, you relish the demagoguery of hateful maniacs.

Blah, blah, blah

You know what?

I"LL JOIN the pig blood throwers to keep this disease out of America.

Oh, wow. Your SOURCES are under investigation?

What a SHOCK.


Pump yourself off and call us in the morning.
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There are no words to describe such utter ignorance...............

Florida Church planning to burn Qurans on 9/11 | Tom Mendelsohn | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

A Florida church is planning to burn a stack of Qurans on 11th September this year, in a tasteful effort to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centre.

The Dove World Outreach Center, a non-denominational church in Gainesville, is charmingly trying to rebrand 9/11 as International Burn A Koran Day. If you’re interested, there’s a Facebook group for it. The info tab has a succinct little mission statement, which you may find illuminative:

Mission: To bring to awareness to the dangers of Islam and that the Koran is leading people to hell. Eternal fire is the only destination the Koran can lead people to so we want to put the Koran in it’s place – the fire!

The Dove Center, which describes itself as ‘a New Testament Church – based on the Bible, the Word of God’, has a bit of a history of making, shall we say, provocative statements about Islam. Its pastor and proprietor Dr Terry Jones recently published a sober treatise entitled Islam Is Of The Devil, while he also has a history of opposing things like homosexuality, same-sex marriage and abortion. If anyone is in Gainsville on 2nd August, for instance, you might like to swing by the City Hall at lunch time and join in the fun at the church’s ‘No Homo Mayor’ protest.

And in case anyone else was wondering what they really felt, they also have a massive sign outside their church, also saying ‘Islam Is Of The Devil’:

It’s all deeply unpleasant, of course, and easy to mock, but unpleasant anti-Islam sentiments like these really do seem to be on the rise in the US. There’s a huge battle going on in New York over whether an entirely benign Muslim community centre – which would also contain a mosque – can be built near Ground Zero, for instance, while a mosque in Jacksonville, also in Florida, was firebombed earlier this year. It’s getting easier to draw parallels between the rise of the religious right and these kinds of tensions, and I really wouldn’t like to say we’ve reached their height, either, not by a long shot: brace yourselves for a good deal more of this unpleasantness as the new American right grows its fangs.

The Dove World Outreach Center, meanwhile, was subjected to an expose about the way it pays its taxes last year in The Gainesville Sun, while they were investigated for potential financial impropriety in March this year. It hasn’t really taken the wind out of their sails, however. You’ll note that, in the picture above, Dr Jones has a picture of himself flanked by Abraham Lincoln and George Washington – a little detail I’ll let speak for itself. His Youtube channel – named, without even a pinch of hubris, the Braveheart Show – is worth a watch if, like me, you relish the demagoguery of hateful maniacs.

Blah, blah, blah

You know what?

I"LL JOIN the pig blood throwers to keep this disease out of America.

Oh, wow. You SOURCES are under investigation?

What a SHOCK.


Pump yourself off and call us in the morning.

Could you imagine it? A Muslim goes up to a Catholic (or whichever variety) church, asks for a Bible and then burns it on the street in the gutter.

What do you think the good Christians would do to the Muslim?

That would depend on where he was and what denomination he was doing it in front of. I'm sure if he were in the south in front of some of the more red neck congregations, he'd be swinging from a tree. In the North or West they would probably pray for him.


Thanks for your honesty. Christians would kill him.
except that isnt what he said
He said they would hang him in the south. Real Christian, isn't it?
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Yes, it is absolutely true.

Only if you do not believe Scott Roeder or Paul Hill were religious or morons.

I'm sure there are other non-muslim religious morons who actually kill. Some would say the government of Israel qualify as religious morons who kill


OK, I have to give you a little here. However, one or two killings because they were religious morons is not the same as thousands of killings by religious morons in one incident. Big difference. Of course there are some small morons, but the ones we hear about the most strap on bombs and do mass killings.

I believe my statement still qualifies. "The only religious morons out there killing people are the Muslims."

So you admit there are Christian morons killing people but then you say the only morons killing people are Muslims?

You can't have it both ways.
Only if you do not believe Scott Roeder or Paul Hill were religious or morons.

I'm sure there are other non-muslim religious morons who actually kill. Some would say the government of Israel qualify as religious morons who kill


OK, I have to give you a little here. However, one or two killings because they were religious morons is not the same as thousands of killings by religious morons in one incident. Big difference. Of course there are some small morons, but the ones we hear about the most strap on bombs and do mass killings.

I believe my statement still qualifies. "The only religious morons out there killing people are the Muslims."

So you admit there are Christian morons killing people but then you say the only morons killing people are Muslims?

You can't have it both ways.

Morons kill people and then blame it on religion.
He said they would hang him in the south. Real Christian, isn't it?
yet you leave THIS off " in front of some of the more red neck congregations"

btw, i disagree with him on that statement
it would be only someone that was totally ignorant of the teachings of Christ that would do such a thing
He said they would hang him in the south. Real Christian, isn't it?
yet you leave THIS off " in front of some of the more red neck congregations"

btw, i disagree with him on that statement
it would be only someone that was totally ignorant of the teachings of Christ that would do such a thing

Excuse me. Red neck Christians would kill him. Happy now?

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