Church to burn Qurans on 9/11

I love it when people take something negative like the Q'uran burning and find a positive response.

Yeah, I guess their celebrating since it's being held on the 11th of September.. really classy Sky.
Should be tasty, everyone grabbing at the same plate with their hand. Make sure they only use their right one!!!! :eek:
Or they could "share the koran" and everyone gets a few pages for later on to use as toilet paper.

Ugly sentiment.

and another excellent example of conservatives (who DEMAND respect for their beliefs!)
exhibiting absolutely NO RESPECT for the beliefs of others
Its sad to see how many Americans dont have any love for the constitution of this country
Should be tasty, everyone grabbing at the same plate with their hand. Make sure they only use their right one!!!! :eek:
Or they could "share the koran" and everyone gets a few pages for later on to use as toilet paper.

Ugly sentiment.

and another excellent example of conservatives (who DEMAND respect for their beliefs!)
exhibiting absolutely NO RESPECT for the beliefs of others

Being agnostic and very liberal, you're argument suffers an epic fail. Please try again.

What up? Don't like my manure spreader idea?
You liberals seem to think it is OK for the Muslims to kill Christians but it is evil for Christian to burn the Quran.

There is no Holy book but the Bible where Almighty, Creator God, is concerned.
It is not OK to let the Muslims have their way with Americans, and I will do everything I can to help save you from their harm. No Mosques, no laws concerning Muslims. Not in America, not ever.

Muslims can live peacefully in my neighborhood until I see them attempting to run our neighborhood. I can love them, even those who murder, but I cannot tolerate the evil so many of them have done around trhe world. Think about it, if there is an actual war because of them, there must be enough of them to take a stand against.

Come on mainstreem, peace loving Muslims, where is your outcry for them to stop?
Should be tasty, everyone grabbing at the same plate with their hand. Make sure they only use their right one!!!! :eek:
Or they could "share the koran" and everyone gets a few pages for later on to use as toilet paper.

Ugly sentiment.

and another excellent example of conservatives (who DEMAND respect for their beliefs!)
exhibiting absolutely NO RESPECT for the beliefs of others
another example of a massive fail by rikules
You liberals seem to think it is OK for the Muslims to kill Christians but it is evil for Christian to burn the Quran.

There is no Holy book but the Bible where Almighty, Creator God, is concerned.
It is not OK to let the Muslims have their way with Americans, and I will do everything I can to help save you from their harm. No Mosques, no laws concerning Muslims. Not in America, not ever.

Muslims can live peacefully in my neighborhood until I see them attempting to run our neighborhood. I can love them, even those who murder, but I cannot tolerate the evil so many of them have done around trhe world. Think about it, if there is an actual war because of them, there must be enough of them to take a stand against.

Come on mainstreem, peace loving Muslims, where is your outcry for them to stop?

Wrong Stupid33, God the Creator is "Elohim", which means God of Many Powers.

His book is the Torah.

Yeshua is the one the Bible is geared towards, but that was because of the Council of Nicea.

You should read up on stuff like that, you may learn something.
You liberals seem to think it is OK for the Muslims to kill Christians but it is evil for Christian to burn the Quran.

There is no Holy book but the Bible where Almighty, Creator God, is concerned.
It is not OK to let the Muslims have their way with Americans, and I will do everything I can to help save you from their harm. No Mosques, no laws concerning Muslims. Not in America, not ever.

Muslims can live peacefully in my neighborhood until I see them attempting to run our neighborhood. I can love them, even those who murder, but I cannot tolerate the evil so many of them have done around trhe world. Think about it, if there is an actual war because of them, there must be enough of them to take a stand against.

Come on mainstreem, peace loving Muslims, where is your outcry for them to stop?

They're already running the show. Ex: right after 9/11, when all the planes were grounded, the ONLY plane allowed in the air to fly out of the US was loaded with people from the bin Laden family. :ack-1:
You liberals seem to think it is OK for the Muslims to kill Christians but it is evil for Christian to burn the Quran.

There is no Holy book but the Bible where Almighty, Creator God, is concerned.
It is not OK to let the Muslims have their way with Americans, and I will do everything I can to help save you from their harm. No Mosques, no laws concerning Muslims. Not in America, not ever.

Muslims can live peacefully in my neighborhood until I see them attempting to run our neighborhood. I can love them, even those who murder, but I cannot tolerate the evil so many of them have done around trhe world. Think about it, if there is an actual war because of them, there must be enough of them to take a stand against.

Come on mainstreem, peace loving Muslims, where is your outcry for them to stop?

Wrong Stupid33, God the Creator is "Elohim", which means God of Many Powers.

His book is the Torah.

Yeshua is the one the Bible is geared towards, but that was because of the Council of Nicea.

You should read up on stuff like that, you may learn something.

When you want to debate me on that, please grow up and stop calling names. I will gladly debate you on this.
You liberals seem to think it is OK for the Muslims to kill Christians but it is evil for Christian to burn the Quran.

There is no Holy book but the Bible where Almighty, Creator God, is concerned.
It is not OK to let the Muslims have their way with Americans, and I will do everything I can to help save you from their harm. No Mosques, no laws concerning Muslims. Not in America, not ever.

Muslims can live peacefully in my neighborhood until I see them attempting to run our neighborhood. I can love them, even those who murder, but I cannot tolerate the evil so many of them have done around trhe world. Think about it, if there is an actual war because of them, there must be enough of them to take a stand against.

Come on mainstreem, peace loving Muslims, where is your outcry for them to stop?

They're already running the show. Ex: right after 9/11, when all the planes were grounded, the ONLY plane allowed in the air to fly out of the US was loaded with people from the bin Laden family. :ack-1:

I don't know about that, would like to see proof.

however, I do believe that Obama is a Muslim leader, and is leading in that kind of takeover. Personally, I am ready to defend myself, whatever it takes.
Should be tasty, everyone grabbing at the same plate with their hand. Make sure they only use their right one!!!! :eek:
Or they could "share the koran" and everyone gets a few pages for later on to use as toilet paper.

Ugly sentiment.

and another excellent example of conservatives (who DEMAND respect for their beliefs!)
exhibiting absolutely NO RESPECT for the beliefs of others

Why should it surprise anyone?
You liberals seem to think it is OK for the Muslims to kill Christians but it is evil for Christian to burn the Quran.

There is no Holy book but the Bible where Almighty, Creator God, is concerned.
It is not OK to let the Muslims have their way with Americans, and I will do everything I can to help save you from their harm. No Mosques, no laws concerning Muslims. Not in America, not ever.

Muslims can live peacefully in my neighborhood until I see them attempting to run our neighborhood. I can love them, even those who murder, but I cannot tolerate the evil so many of them have done around trhe world. Think about it, if there is an actual war because of them, there must be enough of them to take a stand against.

Come on mainstreem, peace loving Muslims, where is your outcry for them to stop?

They're already running the show. Ex: right after 9/11, when all the planes were grounded, the ONLY plane allowed in the air to fly out of the US was loaded with people from the bin Laden family. :ack-1:

I don't know about that, would like to see proof.

however, I do believe that Obama is a Muslim leader, and is leading in that kind of takeover. Personally, I am ready to defend myself, whatever it takes.

Obama was celebrating a Muslim month event in the whitehouse, when he made the approval of the mosque statement. He will not even celebrate the Day of Prayer in the whitehouse!!! He is absolutely out of control, and many Americans are like frogs in water that is almost at a boil and don't even know it.

He is making a statement that the people need to listen to. That statement is not FOR AMERICANS!
Obama was celebrating a Muslim month event in the whitehouse, when he made the approval of the mosque statement. He will not even celebrate the Day of Prayer in the whitehouse!!! He is absolutely out of control, and many Americans are like frogs in water that is almost at a boil and don't even know it.

He is making a statement that the people need to listen to. That statement is not FOR AMERICANS!

Hey Stupidd33, you DO realize that Obama isn't the first to hold a Ramadan celebration in the White House, right?

It's been done since Clinton, which means Bush Jr. held one at the White House as well.
Hey Stupidd33, you DO realize that Obama isn't the first to hold a Ramadan celebration in the White House, right?

It's been done since Clinton, which means Bush Jr. held one at the White House as well.

You know... Thomas Jefferson was the first to have a presidential iftar. That's the fast breaking meal during Ramadan.

You know the funniest thing about this whole Quran burning day thing... burning a Quran is the proper way of disposing of it religiously speaking. The only thing offensive about this event is it's hateful intention, not the action itself.

I've been in a pretty long email conversation with two the preachers at this mosque. They seem utterly incapable of understanding even the most basic of critical analysis. For example, if you ask them what "Islam is of the Devil" means they'll pull out some Bible verse about any false message is of the Devil, and since Islam does not accept Jesus as Lord and Savior it is of the Devil. If you carry that to it's natural conclusion and ask if Judaism or Hinduism are of the Devil, they dodge and won't answer.

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