Church to burn Qurans on 9/11

There are no words to describe such utter ignorance...............

Florida Church planning to burn Qurans on 9/11 | Tom Mendelsohn | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

A Florida church is planning to burn a stack of Qurans on 11th September this year, in a tasteful effort to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centre.

The Dove World Outreach Center, a non-denominational church in Gainesville, is charmingly trying to rebrand 9/11 as International Burn A Koran Day. If you’re interested, there’s a Facebook group for it. The info tab has a succinct little mission statement, which you may find illuminative:

Mission: To bring to awareness to the dangers of Islam and that the Koran is leading people to hell. Eternal fire is the only destination the Koran can lead people to so we want to put the Koran in it’s place – the fire!

The Dove Center, which describes itself as ‘a New Testament Church – based on the Bible, the Word of God’, has a bit of a history of making, shall we say, provocative statements about Islam. Its pastor and proprietor Dr Terry Jones recently published a sober treatise entitled Islam Is Of The Devil, while he also has a history of opposing things like homosexuality, same-sex marriage and abortion. If anyone is in Gainsville on 2nd August, for instance, you might like to swing by the City Hall at lunch time and join in the fun at the church’s ‘No Homo Mayor’ protest.

And in case anyone else was wondering what they really felt, they also have a massive sign outside their church, also saying ‘Islam Is Of The Devil’:

It’s all deeply unpleasant, of course, and easy to mock, but unpleasant anti-Islam sentiments like these really do seem to be on the rise in the US. There’s a huge battle going on in New York over whether an entirely benign Muslim community centre – which would also contain a mosque – can be built near Ground Zero, for instance, while a mosque in Jacksonville, also in Florida, was firebombed earlier this year. It’s getting easier to draw parallels between the rise of the religious right and these kinds of tensions, and I really wouldn’t like to say we’ve reached their height, either, not by a long shot: brace yourselves for a good deal more of this unpleasantness as the new American right grows its fangs.

The Dove World Outreach Center, meanwhile, was subjected to an expose about the way it pays its taxes last year in The Gainesville Sun, while they were investigated for potential financial impropriety in March this year. It hasn’t really taken the wind out of their sails, however. You’ll note that, in the picture above, Dr Jones has a picture of himself flanked by Abraham Lincoln and George Washington – a little detail I’ll let speak for itself. His Youtube channel – named, without even a pinch of hubris, the Braveheart Show – is worth a watch if, like me, you relish the demagoguery of hateful maniacs.

Care to explain why you think it's "utter ignorance"?

As much utter ignorance as any other religious organization having a Bible burning event.

I'm sorry the question was too hard for you. I would ask it again but I'm afraid your stupid ass still wouldn't understand it.
Discussion about Iraq subject.

Hey, bullshit artist ekrem, wanna talk about the execution squads of the 3 different factions that went around and killed people just because they were one bunch or the other?

Remember IRAQIS stopping buses and killing OTHER IRAQIS?

Wanna talk about Nigerian uranium that was bought by Saddam, which he wanted to mount on his WMD's that were launchable within 45 minutes?
Wanna talk about those mobile trucks with WMD laboratories within it?
Wanna talk.... Wanna talk... Wanna talk...
There are many things to talk about.

Sure......they were lies perpetrated by Bush Jr. so that he could finish his daddy's war.

I wonder if it would be better for them to have a Muhammed portrait contest for the sunday school kids?
I wonder if it would be better for them to have a Muhammed portrait contest for the sunday school kids?

Won't work. They're gonna have to show kiddie porn (Mohammed had sex with kids).

I don't think that child molestation is authorized by that church.

They're not Catholics.
I wonder if it would be better for them to have a Muhammed portrait contest for the sunday school kids?

Won't work. They're gonna have to show kiddie porn (Mohammed had sex with kids).

I don't think that child molestation is authorized by that church.

They're not Catholics.

Wanna know what my favorite thing to ask when someone tells me they're Christian?

What variety, because none of you seem to agree.

Makes their heads spin every time.
When Target's CEO said he was "sorry" last week for his company's donation to anti-gay causes, AP, CBS, TPM, AOL and a number of other acronyms declared that Target had apologized for its political donations. Yet, anyone who had ever had an intense fight with a spouse or lover knew the "I'm sorry it made you feel that way" nopology when they heard it. A deeper look at Target's Gregg Steinhafel, his political team, and his engagement with anti-gay Christian organizations may explain why the CEO's actions and statements on supporting gay equality don't mesh—and why they probably won't anytime soon.
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Wanna know what my favorite thing to ask when someone tells me they're Christian?

What variety, because none of you seem to agree.

Makes their heads spin every time.

However, as the days pass by you will start hearing a consistent answer from true believers. They will say they are followers of Christ. They will not necessarily claim any denomination because the local church is not the body of Christ. Followers of Christ are. Those who live in a real and personal, walking and talking, living and loving, daily relationship with God in Christ. This is not a religion, it is a relationship. It is not like the local churches.

You will start hearing from these people, pay attention for in them you will see truth. They claim no denomination or religion.
Who are these true believers?

I'm getting a bit tired of trying to sort you all out. Will the real Christians please stand up?
Who are these true believers?

I'm getting a bit tired of trying to sort you all out. Will the real Christians please stand up?

I have to agree witrh you. They seem to be hidden. Well, they are for the most part.

The time is coming soon when they will begin to take a stand that is public. I say this because now the Muslims are here to take this nation by storm, and true Christians will become very visible. They are wondeful people, but they are also apowerful people. They spread thw Word of God on a daily basis, and they do it quietly and peacefully. However, ehrn the Muslims begin to see it, there will be hell to pay.

You see, these people are not like much of what you see among the Christian church members. but they arfe not the business (world) or secular entertainment (sworld) that you see in the churches. They are in there for fellowship, but they will be separate soon. Of course many of the local church members are a part of thie mighty people, but the local church has lost its voice.

Can I point them out to you, well, some of them I can.

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