Church to burn Qurans on 9/11

dipshit, most of the Iraqis that were killed were killed by other muslims
not by the US

No signs of regret.
Typical American, seeing executives of war-machinery as high-morale Ambassador of peace.

DiveCon said:
fuck off asswipe

You spill over of rhetoric art.
Is that your best?

Hey, bullshit artist ekrem, wanna talk about the execution squads of the 3 different factions that went around and killed people just because they were one bunch or the other?

Remember IRAQIS stopping buses and killing OTHER IRAQIS?
he either forgets or is just too stupid to remember that we were doing our damnest to stop the killing
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me."

Out Founding Fathers began building this great nation upon a foundation od Christian Principles. In one arrogant act, the Muslims will be starting the greatest success story ever in destroying this nation by making America a Muslim Country.

I will have to agree with the church that is burning the Koran. If I can get hold of one I will burn it too.

Mr. Obama, thanks for inviting your terroristic beliefs to help you wreck this great nation. I am praying that your administration will meet with a powerful end by Americans (of which you are not one) who will take a major stand against all you stand for.

Christians, if you don't join in on praying and standing upon the rock of your faith, then please don't call yourself Christians. You are a lukewarm and you know what God thinks about that.

My True brothers and Sisters, you hold the keys to hope. What will you do with them?
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me."

Out Founding Fathers began building this great nation upon a foundation od Christian Principles. In one arrogant act, the Muslims will be starting the greatest success story ever in destroying this nation by making America a Muslim Country.

I will have to agree with the church that is burning the Koran. If I can get hold of one I will burn it too.

Mr. Obama, thanks for inviting your terroristic beliefs to help you wreck this great nation. I am praying that your administration will meet with a powerful end by Americans (of which you are not one) who will take a major stand against all you stand for.

Christians, if you don't join in on praying and standing upon the rock of your faith, then please don't call yourself Christians. You are a lukewarm and you know what God thinks about that.

My True brothers and Sisters, you hold the keys to hope. What will you do with them?
so, let me see if i follow your points
you want to remove religious freedom from the constitution so you can stop the spread of Islam?
is that the gist of it?
You can't stand on the rock of your faith by betraying it's very core principles.
You know.......I find it really interesting that the response that the followers of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, have to those of the Religion of Peace.................burn their books.

WWJD? I don't think destroying ideas via bonfires would have really been what He would have done.

Unless maybe he was freezing in the desert?

No one deserves respect you have to earn it, and blowing up the twin towers was never a way for Muslims to do it. If they want to say how evil Jews and American's and non-believers are they can as hate speech is the price we pay for freedom of speech and expression, but the line is drawn when they call for the death of someone, the destruction of nation, or for the extermination of a race in public forums like government and Mosques. If it was up to me people like that should be re-educated or should just be kept in prison,etc from society so they can't hurt or kill anyone.

I think the opposite. Everyone deserves respect. Even if it's just the respect of them as a human being with the right to live and believe as they wish.

I agree. I think respect is a given, disrespect is earned.
eh... he's just another terrorist apologist among terrorist apologists...

just as an aside and to address the thread topic ... no one should ever burn books. it's disgusting.
there was a HUGE list that bin laden gave for reasons
Sharia law was just one
but Clinton's infidelity and Hollywood were included

the biggie was us having troops (including females) at bin sultan AFB (which we were asked to do by the saudi's i might add)... and after 9/11 bush got us out of there.

Yeah, and got us into Iraq. Funny, 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. NONE of them were from Iraq.
No one deserves respect you have to earn it, and blowing up the twin towers was never a way for Muslims to do it. If they want to say how evil Jews and American's and non-believers are they can as hate speech is the price we pay for freedom of speech and expression, but the line is drawn when they call for the death of someone, the destruction of nation, or for the extermination of a race in public forums like government and Mosques. If it was up to me people like that should be re-educated or should just be kept in prison,etc from society so they can't hurt or kill anyone.

I think the opposite. Everyone deserves respect. Even if it's just the respect of them as a human being with the right to live and believe as they wish.

I agree. I think respect is a given, disrespect is earned.

That is how I see it as well.

Thats the only reason I can think of Immanuel.

For the record, if I was freezing and the only thing I had to burn was a Bible, you can bet, I'm gonna light start a fire.


Just hopping and praying it's not a Gutenberg Bible.

Yeah, right, like I'm gonna get my hands on one of those.

I had to look it up, but according to Wiki, only 21 copies are known to still exist. Still if it were to come down to freezing to death or burning the bible... well, anyone have a match?

For the record, if I was freezing and the only thing I had to burn was a Bible, you can bet, I'm gonna light start a fire.


Just hopping and praying it's not a Gutenberg Bible.

Yeah, right, like I'm gonna get my hands on one of those.

I had to look it up, but according to Wiki, only 21 copies are known to still exist. Still if it were to come down to freezing to death or burning the bible... well, anyone have a match?


I don't know, I think I'd rather freeze than burn a Gutenberg Bible. Just think of the history you'd be removing from the world.

Fortunately, I have several copies of the Bible and they're all going before the Gutenberg, assuming I'd ever get a Gutenberg Bible. Of course if I ever did get one, I'd either sell it or give it to a museum.
Just hopping and praying it's not a Gutenberg Bible.

Yeah, right, like I'm gonna get my hands on one of those.

I had to look it up, but according to Wiki, only 21 copies are known to still exist. Still if it were to come down to freezing to death or burning the bible... well, anyone have a match?


I don't know, I think I'd rather freeze than burn a Gutenberg Bible. Just think of the history you'd be removing from the world.

Fortunately, I have several copies of the Bible and they're all going before the Gutenberg, assuming I'd ever get a Gutenberg Bible. Of course if I ever did get one, I'd either sell it or give it to a museum.

I have plenty of copies of the Bible in many different translations. They would all go before I burned the Guttenberg Bible.

However, the comment that started this discussion was that Jesus might burn the Quran if he were freezing in the desert. I was thinking, night time in the desert and I understand it gets quite cold in the desert. I was also thinking, that I only had one thing to burn and that was my Bible.

I do not think I would have a Guttenberg Bible in the desert.

As for selling it or giving it to a museum? Sorry, I'm greedy, I'm gonna sell it.

You know, wood burns well. so do rags;)

Yeah, but, that was not the discussion.

The scenario was that the only thing I had to burn was a Bible.

I'd already burned the rags I was wearing and there was no wood around to burn. :eusa_whistle:

No one deserves respect you have to earn it, and blowing up the twin towers was never a way for Muslims to do it.

Not all Muslims are OK with terrorism, not all Muslims supported those fundies just not all Christians support the WBC.
Muslims don't have to agree with terrorism they just have to be indifferent, and most are indifferent to terrorism. As has been put forward by Dawkins and Hitchens so many times if most Muslims are 'peace loving' and 'hate terrorism' where is this silent majority that denounces terrorism?

It doesn't exist, as the only Muslims rejecting terrorism are a minority (most of them being secular Muslims). :)
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