CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attac

No, I said that in that circumstance *I* would probably do it. I never said it was appropriate as a rule or law, to the contrary.

True, but it doesn't mean they are wrong.

I didn't say appropriate as a rule or law; I said appropriate to YOU.

You wrote what is bolded, which I was clarifying. But I think we're on the same page.

In this matter, we are.
Waterboarding is torture.
Every American should be shocked that our great country did this.
I find it ironic that torture is being defended by the so called "values voters"
Principles only count when they are inconvient.

Seemed it saved lives in New York, and Los Angeles. Fuck those bastard terrorist. People like you and me are much more important.
I bet I could torture divecon into confessing to be the 9/11 mastermind
Actually, I need a time line from 9/11 to the capture of KSM to the Waterboarding of KSM to the interruption of the "2nd Wave" attacks to help me verify that this position seems logical at all.

Understand, it does not make sense to have the people in the "First wave" to be knowledgable about the "2nd Wave" in order for the 2nd wave to be successful after the first wave hits. In other words, I do not believe a word about a second wave as dictated by one KSM nor by the CIA as they say KSM dictated. NOr do I believe that KSM would have any such knoweldge about a 2nd attack on the soil.

You are trying to sell me Hussein's fissle material that he created from Nigerian Yellowcake.
I bet I could torture divecon into confessing to be the 9/11 mastermind
not a chance

Bullshit. Former US Soldiers said they were waterboarded by Americans when they were going thru training and after 2 minutes, they would have told them anything they wanted to know.

The one guy said, "it was enough to know I would never be taken alive"

I would absolutely love to see you and Hannity waterboarded.

Olbermann overed him $1000 a minute for charity if Hannity would be waterboarded.

Dive, you have been lied to:

Timelines don't match up. BUSTED!!!

Defenders of torture have claimed the crucial information about Padilla was tortured out of Zubaydah. Mr. Soufan writing that the timeline on that does not add up. Torture methods for use against Mr. Zubaydah, having been approved in August of 2002, Mr. Padilla had been arrested in May 2002, three months earlier. The timeline also fails in already dubious claim about a plot to blow up L.A.‘s Library Tower, which we have been told was discovered under interrogation with enhanced interrogation techniques that we now know the Bush administration claimed it was not using until August 2002.

The subsequent fact sheet distributed by the Bush White House is stating pretty much the same thing, quote, “In 2002, we broke up a plot by KSM, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to hijack an airplane and fly it into the tallest building on the West Coast.” Problem, the first torture memo justifying the policy is dated August 1st, 2002 -- one, two, three, four, five, six months after February. Then Khalid Sheikh Mohammed himself was not captured until March 2003.

If the dates are not lying, somebody in the Bush administration is. A new narrative call from CIA records and released by the Senate Intelligence Committee revealing just how involved President Bush‘s inner circle was in that torture policy decision-making. In July 2003, just about every principle in the White House, everyone except the president himself, would meet to reassess and reaffirm their belief in the legality of the interrogation program, one year after its creation.
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Dive, you have been lied to:

Timelines don't match up. BUSTED!!!

Defenders of torture have claimed the crucial information about Padilla was tortured out of Zubaydah. Mr. Soufan writing that the timeline on that does not add up. Torture methods for use against Mr. Zubaydah, having been approved in August of 2002, Mr. Padilla had been arrested in May 2002, three months earlier. The timeline also fails in already dubious claim about a plot to blow up L.A.‘s Library Tower, which we have been told was discovered under interrogation with enhanced interrogation techniques that we now know the Bush administration claimed it was not using until August 2002.

The subsequent fact sheet distributed by the Bush White House is stating pretty much the same thing, quote, “In 2002, we broke up a plot by KSM, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to hijack an airplane and fly it into the tallest building on the West Coast.” Problem, the first torture memo justifying the policy is dated August 1st, 2002 -- one, two, three, four, five, six months after February. Then Khalid Sheikh Mohammed himself was not captured until March 2003.

If the dates are not lying, somebody in the Bush administration is. A new narrative call from CIA records and released by the Senate Intelligence Committee revealing just how involved President Bush‘s inner circle was in that torture policy decision-making. In July 2003, just about every principle in the White House, everyone except the president himself, would meet to reassess and reaffirm their belief in the legality of the interrogation program, one year after its creation.

'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' for Thursday, April 23, 2009 - Countdown with Keith Olbermann-
no bobo, you have been lied to
no, the dailyKOS is a lie

Dive, you have been lied to:

Timelines don't match up. BUSTED!!!

Defenders of torture have claimed the crucial information about Padilla was tortured out of Zubaydah. Mr. Soufan writing that the timeline on that does not add up. Torture methods for use against Mr. Zubaydah, having been approved in August of 2002, Mr. Padilla had been arrested in May 2002, three months earlier. The timeline also fails in already dubious claim about a plot to blow up L.A.‘s Library Tower, which we have been told was discovered under interrogation with enhanced interrogation techniques that we now know the Bush administration claimed it was not using until August 2002.

The subsequent fact sheet distributed by the Bush White House is stating pretty much the same thing, quote, “In 2002, we broke up a plot by KSM, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to hijack an airplane and fly it into the tallest building on the West Coast.” Problem, the first torture memo justifying the policy is dated August 1st, 2002 -- one, two, three, four, five, six months after February. Then Khalid Sheikh Mohammed himself was not captured until March 2003.

If the dates are not lying, somebody in the Bush administration is. A new narrative call from CIA records and released by the Senate Intelligence Committee revealing just how involved President Bush‘s inner circle was in that torture policy decision-making. In July 2003, just about every principle in the White House, everyone except the president himself, would meet to reassess and reaffirm their belief in the legality of the interrogation program, one year after its creation.

'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' for Thursday, April 23, 2009 - Countdown with Keith Olbermann-
no bobo, you have been lied to

Sorry, you can't just say that without proving it and expect anyone to believe you seeing as how you are such a right wing hack.

You and Rush and Fox lie/spin. :eusa_liar:
Dive, you have been lied to:

Timelines don't match up. BUSTED!!!

Defenders of torture have claimed the crucial information about Padilla was tortured out of Zubaydah. Mr. Soufan writing that the timeline on that does not add up. Torture methods for use against Mr. Zubaydah, having been approved in August of 2002, Mr. Padilla had been arrested in May 2002, three months earlier. The timeline also fails in already dubious claim about a plot to blow up L.A.‘s Library Tower, which we have been told was discovered under interrogation with enhanced interrogation techniques that we now know the Bush administration claimed it was not using until August 2002.

The subsequent fact sheet distributed by the Bush White House is stating pretty much the same thing, quote, “In 2002, we broke up a plot by KSM, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to hijack an airplane and fly it into the tallest building on the West Coast.” Problem, the first torture memo justifying the policy is dated August 1st, 2002 -- one, two, three, four, five, six months after February. Then Khalid Sheikh Mohammed himself was not captured until March 2003.

If the dates are not lying, somebody in the Bush administration is. A new narrative call from CIA records and released by the Senate Intelligence Committee revealing just how involved President Bush‘s inner circle was in that torture policy decision-making. In July 2003, just about every principle in the White House, everyone except the president himself, would meet to reassess and reaffirm their belief in the legality of the interrogation program, one year after its creation.

'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' for Thursday, April 23, 2009 - Countdown with Keith Olbermann-
no bobo, you have been lied to

Sorry, you can't just say that without proving it and expect anyone to believe you seeing as how you are such a right wing hack.

You and Rush and Fox lie/spin. :eusa_liar:
you are a fucking IDIOT
Pakistan is a huge issue and one I think Clinton is warning about now. The trouble with Pakistan is that many in their military are sympathetic to the Taliban and Al Queda. They are paid off easily, that's what happened in Tora Bora, Bin Lauden bought them off. What's scary is that Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and they are not in good standing with India which also has nuclear weapons. I would hate to see Americans being committed to Pakistan to fight another war, hopefully this can be avoided, but with the Taliban that close and many in Pakistan's military sympathetic it's a very dangerous situation. Maybe Obama can talk the French, Germans, Italians into fighting this one. He is sooooooo popular with them.
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