CIA denies Broadwell claim of “secret prison” in Benghazi annex


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
CIA denies Broadwell claim of “secret prison” in Benghazi annex​

By: Ed Morrissey
November 12, 2012

This seems like a pretty good reason to push the David Petraeus-Paula Broadwell affair from a boys-club peccadillo into a resignation-worthy event. According to a transcript of a speech by Broadwell at the University of Denver the week before the election, Broadwell told an audience that the reason for the September 11 attack on the Benghazi consulate was neither a YouTube video nor a celebration of the anniversary of 9/11, but a prison escape for jihadis secretly held by the CIA in its nearby annex.

Late last night, the CIA denied this report of a secret prison in its now-abandoned Benghazi facility:

The Central Intelligence Agency denied charges Sunday that its annex in Benghazi, Libya secretly held a few jihadi prisoners until it was destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack. Paula Broadwell, the girlfriend then-CIA chief Gen. David Petraeus, made that claim during an Oct. 26 speech in Denver, Colo.

“I don’t know if a lot of you have heard this, but the CIA annex had actually had taken a couple of Libyan militia members prisoner. And they think that the attack on the consulate was an effort to try to get these prisoners back,” Broadwell declared during the speech, at the University of Denver.

“That’s still being vetted,” she added.

The CIA’s denial came just hours after Arutz Sheva, an Israeli news outlet, first published a partial transcript of Broadwell’s speech. By midnight Sunday, intelligence reporters with both The Daily Beast and The Washington Post were reporting and tweeting, respectively, that the CIA said her claim was false.


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CIA denies Broadwell claim of “secret prison” in Benghazi annex « Hot Air
So now we begin to see why Petraeus was thrown under the bus. If you think it was just for an affair you don't know how D.C. operates.

This undoubtedly is one of the places where terror suspects (American citizens included) get "rendered" to.
Demoted from Army reservist Lt. Colonel...
Army reverses Paula Broadwell's promotion; investigation continues
February 21, 2013 WASHINGTON — The Army has reversed the promotion of Paula Broadwell, the biographer who helped end the career of retired Gen. David Petraeus after engaging in an extramarital affair with him, an official at the Pentagon said Thursday.
The Army reservist “was promoted to lieutenant colonel on August 28, and in accord with Army regulation 135-155, the orders were revoked pending the outcome of an investigation,” Army spokesman George Wright said. According to the regulation, officers “under investigation that may result in disciplinary action of any kind” may not be promoted. And a promotion can be reversed within six months if an investigation is initiated.

Broadwell entered the public spotlight in November when Petraeus, formerly the highly respected top commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, resigned from his post as CIA director, citing his affair with Broadwell. The FBI is investigating Broadwell for unauthorized possession of reportedly classified information seized from her home after the affair came to light. The married Broadwell does not appear to be at risk of falling afoul of military regulations against adultery because she is not believed to have been on active duty when the affair took place.

In addition, Broadwell’s anonymous emails to Tampa socialite Jill Kelley led to an FBI complaint that helped uncover Kelley’s email correspondence with Gen. John Allen, then the U.S. commander in Afghanistan. A Pentagon investigation later cleared Allen of any impropriety in the communication. Wright said the Army is cooperating with the ongoing investigation of Broadwell, but declined to offer further detail.

Uncle Ferd sweet on her, thinks she's a honey...
Paula Broadwell works on her own comeback
August 30, 2013 — Less than a year after her affair with Gen. David Petraeus became public, Paula Broadwell is following the lead of other fallen celebrities, including Petraeus, who have orchestrated comebacks.
She publicly apologized for the damage done to her family and others. She has used her fame and connections to promote worthy causes — including helping wounded veterans. And she has tried to stay local and on-message. That message is: Broadwell, 40, is eager to move forward and not look back. You hear it from her Charlotte neighbors, from her fellow military veterans, and from her Washington-based spokeswoman, Dee Dee Myers, former press secretary to President Bill Clinton. But unresolved issues could threaten this controlled re-entry and bring more unflattering headlines.

The FBI is still investigating ex-CIA director Petraeus — including whether Broadwell received classified information — Attorney General Eric Holder has told Congress. Then there’s Jill Kelley of Tampa, Fla., who recently sued the U.S. government for invasion of privacy. Broadwell isn’t a defendant. But last week, Fox News, citing an unnamed source, said Broadwell had stalked Kelley, who was once portrayed as a rival for Petraeus’ affections.

Still, Broadwell may have an easier time in her rehabilitation campaign because of where she lives. “Charlotte is a place that is very forgiving … and a good place to start over,” said historian Dan Morrill. “Part of that comes from its diversity and part of it comes from its pragmatic nature. Charlotte is not too interested in who your grandparents were. It’s primarily interested in what you can do.”

The Charlotte Observer asked for an interview with Broadwell, but Myers said she is not granting such requests and has no plans to comment on past controversies or current investigations and lawsuits. Broadwell is “getting on with her life,” Myers said. “The rest of it will sort itself out.”

More Paula Broadwell works on her own comeback - U.S. - Stripes

Maybe 50 years later they will cop to it.

Like Operation Ajax.

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