CIA Director: Trump Understands Intel at the Level of a ’25-Year’ Veteran


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China
Precisely he does. Trump has the gift of having superior intellect. His blessed strong and pure untainted Aryan German/Scottish bloodline has paid off and as a country, America's security and prosperity will benefit well due to Trump's superior intellectual thinking abilities. God bless Trump and God bless America!

CIA Director Says Trump Understands Intel at the Level of a '25-Year' Veteran – True Pundit
Yes. He knows all the best words. But I expect you also feel Kim Kardashian has a superior intellect as another Reality TV personality. Oh wait you must be talking about his dozens of business failures including 4 bankruptcies totaling $11 billion. Sorry Trump may have a superior intellect compared to you but so does a pre-adolescent teen.
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Precisely he does. You see my law abiding natural born citizens, Trump has the gift of having superior intellect. His blessed strong and pure untainted Aryan German/Scottish bloodline has paid off and as a country, America's security and prosperity will benefit well due to Trump's superior intellectual thinking abilities. God bless Trump and God bless America!

CIA Director Says Trump Understands Intel at the Level of a '25-Year' Veteran – True Pundit gotta lay off the white power stuff, it's clouding your judgement. What does his race have to do with anything? Are you saying he's "smarter" because he's Aryan/German/Scottish? Way to go full blown racist.
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Indeed. And you Obama haters? Blind to all the good he did while claiming he was a Manchurian candidate form Kenya. Just more hypocrisy.
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Indeed. And you Obama haters? Blind to all the good he did while claiming he was a Manchurian candidate form Kenya. Just more hypocrisy.

Please remind me of all the good things Obama did for this country. Hard as I try, I can't remember anything except causing a run of firearms and ammunition.
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Indeed. And you Obama haters? Blind to all the good he did while claiming he was a Manchurian candidate form Kenya. Just more hypocrisy.

Please remind me of all the good things Obama did for this country. Hard as I try, I can't remember anything except causing a run of firearms and ammunition.
Of course you can't "remember." That was the point of the comment. Don't accuse others of your own sins.
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.

they are so butthurt hellery lost that they only listen to what the MSM media tells them.LOL
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.

Solar Panels! OHHH that will teach them! You are such a rube!

Do you remember this promise "I will instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator." It was supposed to happen within the first 100 days.

Perhaps I missed the news release of when that happened, do you have a link?
Precisely he does. You see my law abiding natural born citizens, Trump has the gift of having superior intellect. His blessed strong and pure untainted Aryan German/Scottish bloodline has paid off and as a country, America's security and prosperity will benefit well due to Trump's superior intellectual thinking abilities. God bless Trump and God bless America!

CIA Director Says Trump Understands Intel at the Level of a '25-Year' Veteran – True Pundit

Hope he has better luck reeling them in than JFK did.LOL
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Indeed. And you Obama haters? Blind to all the good he did while claiming he was a Manchurian candidate form Kenya. Just more hypocrisy.

Please remind me of all the good things Obama did for this country. Hard as I try, I can't remember anything except causing a run of firearms and ammunition.
Of course you can't "remember." That was the point of the comment. Don't accuse others of your own sins.

Obama didn't do shit for this country except doubling national debt and making us look like a bunch of fools.
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Indeed. And you Obama haters? Blind to all the good he did while claiming he was a Manchurian candidate form Kenya. Just more hypocrisy.

Please remind me of all the good things Obama did for this country. Hard as I try, I can't remember anything except causing a run of firearms and ammunition.
Of course you can't "remember." That was the point of the comment. Don't accuse others of your own sins.

Obama didn't do shit for this country except doubling national debt and making us look like a bunch of fools.

And Trump is picking up right where Obama left of on both fronts
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.

Solar Panels! OHHH that will teach them! You are such a rube!

Do you remember this promise "I will instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator." It was supposed to happen within the first 100 days.

Perhaps I missed the news release of when that happened, do you have a link?

Did you know that the value of the dollar vs. other currencies is dropping? Has been for a while now, ever since Trump said the dollar was too strong.

Trump tanks the dollar after saying it's 'getting too strong'
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.

Solar Panels! OHHH that will teach them! You are such a rube!

Do you remember this promise "I will instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator." It was supposed to happen within the first 100 days.

Perhaps I missed the news release of when that happened, do you have a link?

Did you know that the value of the dollar vs. other currencies is dropping? Has been for a while now, ever since Trump said the dollar was too strong.

Trump tanks the dollar after saying it's 'getting too strong'

The value of the dollar has been a roller coaster since it spiked back in 2014/15

Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.

Solar Panels! OHHH that will teach them! You are such a rube!

Do you remember this promise "I will instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator." It was supposed to happen within the first 100 days.

Perhaps I missed the news release of when that happened, do you have a link?

That majority of solar panels being used in the world were made in China. BTW shit for brains, you probably don't even know it but Obama also put a 31% tariff on solar cells made in China. Of course you knob-slobbers don't mind when Obama does shit like that because you people had your heads so far up his ass, that you could taste what he had for dinner.

Solar power in the United States - Wikipedia
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Indeed. And you Obama haters? Blind to all the good he did while claiming he was a Manchurian candidate form Kenya. Just more hypocrisy.

Please remind me of all the good things Obama did for this country. Hard as I try, I can't remember anything except causing a run of firearms and ammunition.

Of course you can't remember anything. You only believed the lies told by fox and related outlets. They never mentioned the good things.
Dude is just trying to keep his job. The whole world has already figured out if you flatter Trump he will do anything you want.

Just ask China

How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Indeed. And you Obama haters? Blind to all the good he did while claiming he was a Manchurian candidate form Kenya. Just more hypocrisy.

Please remind me of all the good things Obama did for this country. Hard as I try, I can't remember anything except causing a run of firearms and ammunition.
Of course you can't "remember." That was the point of the comment. Don't accuse others of your own sins.

Obama didn't do shit for this country except doubling national debt and making us look like a bunch of fools.

sheep like him dont get it that he expanded everything that Bushwacker got started.
How so? He just put stiff tariffs on Chinese-made solar cells.

You left-wing guys and girls are so eaten up with Trump-hate that you're blind to all the good things he's done for this country. Maybe ya'll should pay less attention to your phony media overlords and pay more attention to what's really happening in this country.
Indeed. And you Obama haters? Blind to all the good he did while claiming he was a Manchurian candidate form Kenya. Just more hypocrisy.

Please remind me of all the good things Obama did for this country. Hard as I try, I can't remember anything except causing a run of firearms and ammunition.
Of course you can't "remember." That was the point of the comment. Don't accuse others of your own sins.

Obama didn't do shit for this country except doubling national debt and making us look like a bunch of fools.

And Trump is picking up right where Obama left of on both fronts

better get out the towel to wipe the egg off your face the fact that Trump unlike traiters bush and obama,have brought jobs back to america taken from us under their watch./LOL

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