CIA Officer: Obama is a Muslim Agent


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The woman isn't some kook. She is intelligent and is in a position to know what is going on. She's calling it like she sees it.

Obama's foreign policy has favored radical Muslims at every turn. He has done his best to help the extremists gain power. ISIS would not have gotten this far under a different president. We have given so much money and military tanks, planes and weapons to the creeps who are hellbent on taking us down. Obama has gone against Israel and has been way too kind to scum like the Muslim Brotherhood. He traded a deserter for 5 horrible men. The terrorists have a lot to thank Obama for.

Liberals will have a shit fit, and the bashing will begin, because somehow they have managed to pretend that terrorism isn't anything to be concerned about. They are more interested in taking down Christians and Americans who believe in our constitution and Bill of Rights.

"She said the global war on terror had been an effort to "stay free of Shariah," or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.

The transition was easy for Obama, who already hates American values and principles as an ideologically radical…

Why the switch?

Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, "It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped."

And why would Obama want to do that?

As she told WND earlier this month, Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.

She also came to the conclusion Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: "to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands."


The former CIA operative said, "as Israel fought enemies on all sides to remain free, secure and Jewish, America began to move away from Israel and toward its Muslim enemies. And, as Iran moved inexorably toward a deliverable nuclear weapons capability, America helped."

In addition, Lopez claims that the only reason Obama approved of the killing of Osama bin Laden is he simply couldn’t ignore the chance without looking suspicious. The opportunity presented himself, and he "couldn’t delay it any longer.""
The woman isn't some kook. She is intelligent and is in a position to know what is going on. She's calling it like she sees it.

Obama's foreign policy has favored radical Muslims at every turn. He has done his best to help the extremists gain power. ISIS would not have gotten this far under a different president. We have given so much money and military tanks, planes and weapons to the creeps who are hellbent on taking us down. Obama has gone against Israel and has been way too kind to scum like the Muslim Brotherhood. He traded a deserter for 5 horrible men. The terrorists have a lot to thank Obama for.

Liberals will have a shit fit, and the bashing will begin, because somehow they have managed to pretend that terrorism isn't anything to be concerned about. They are more interested in taking down Christians and Americans who believe in our constitution and Bill of Rights.

"She said the global war on terror had been an effort to "stay free of Shariah," or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.

The transition was easy for Obama, who already hates American values and principles as an ideologically radical…

Why the switch?

Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, "It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped."

And why would Obama want to do that?

As she told WND earlier this month, Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.

She also came to the conclusion Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: "to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands."


The former CIA operative said, "as Israel fought enemies on all sides to remain free, secure and Jewish, America began to move away from Israel and toward its Muslim enemies. And, as Iran moved inexorably toward a deliverable nuclear weapons capability, America helped."

In addition, Lopez claims that the only reason Obama approved of the killing of Osama bin Laden is he simply couldn’t ignore the chance without looking suspicious. The opportunity presented himself, and he "couldn’t delay it any longer.""
You nutters get crazier by the minute, ROTFLMAO.
Well all one has to do is look at Obama's ME policies. Give the world the Arab Spring AKA turn everything over to the Muslim Brotherhood that even Clapper lowered himself to call them secular.

The woman isn't some kook. She is intelligent and is in a position to know what is going on. She's calling it like she sees it.

Obama's foreign policy has favored radical Muslims at every turn. He has done his best to help the extremists gain power. ISIS would not have gotten this far under a different president. We have given so much money and military tanks, planes and weapons to the creeps who are hellbent on taking us down. Obama has gone against Israel and has been way too kind to scum like the Muslim Brotherhood. He traded a deserter for 5 horrible men. The terrorists have a lot to thank Obama for.

Liberals will have a shit fit, and the bashing will begin, because somehow they have managed to pretend that terrorism isn't anything to be concerned about. They are more interested in taking down Christians and Americans who believe in our constitution and Bill of Rights.

"She said the global war on terror had been an effort to "stay free of Shariah," or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.

The transition was easy for Obama, who already hates American values and principles as an ideologically radical…

Why the switch?

Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, "It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped."

And why would Obama want to do that?

As she told WND earlier this month, Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.

She also came to the conclusion Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: "to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands."


The former CIA operative said, "as Israel fought enemies on all sides to remain free, secure and Jewish, America began to move away from Israel and toward its Muslim enemies. And, as Iran moved inexorably toward a deliverable nuclear weapons capability, America helped."

In addition, Lopez claims that the only reason Obama approved of the killing of Osama bin Laden is he simply couldn’t ignore the chance without looking suspicious. The opportunity presented himself, and he "couldn’t delay it any longer.""
You nutters get crazier by the minute, ROTFLMAO.

Have you missed the jihadist pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli?

Hahahahaha! You turned over Libya to Jihadist hell.
The woman isn't some kook. She is intelligent and is in a position to know what is going on. She's calling it like she sees it.

Obama's foreign policy has favored radical Muslims at every turn. He has done his best to help the extremists gain power. ISIS would not have gotten this far under a different president. We have given so much money and military tanks, planes and weapons to the creeps who are hellbent on taking us down. Obama has gone against Israel and has been way too kind to scum like the Muslim Brotherhood. He traded a deserter for 5 horrible men. The terrorists have a lot to thank Obama for.

Liberals will have a shit fit, and the bashing will begin, because somehow they have managed to pretend that terrorism isn't anything to be concerned about. They are more interested in taking down Christians and Americans who believe in our constitution and Bill of Rights.

"She said the global war on terror had been an effort to "stay free of Shariah," or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.

The transition was easy for Obama, who already hates American values and principles as an ideologically radical…

Why the switch?

Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, "It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped."

And why would Obama want to do that?

As she told WND earlier this month, Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.

She also came to the conclusion Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: "to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands."


The former CIA operative said, "as Israel fought enemies on all sides to remain free, secure and Jewish, America began to move away from Israel and toward its Muslim enemies. And, as Iran moved inexorably toward a deliverable nuclear weapons capability, America helped."

In addition, Lopez claims that the only reason Obama approved of the killing of Osama bin Laden is he simply couldn’t ignore the chance without looking suspicious. The opportunity presented himself, and he "couldn’t delay it any longer.""
You nutters get crazier by the minute, ROTFLMAO.

Haven't you noticed that Obama never brags about the Arab Spring anymore? This is all out there and right in our faces unless one chooses to be blind.

Egypt turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood before Egyptians came to their senses and arrested them and declared them a terrorist organization. Egypt now hates Obama and America with a passion whereas before they were our ally.


Fine job Obama and NATO pulled off! One fifth of the worlds oil and all of Gaddafi's weapons are now in the hands of terrorists.

"The remarkable footage was described by the New York Post as: “Hootin’ and hollerin’ Islamic militants partied like it was spring break in Cancun ... the terrorist hooligans transformed the US digs into a Mideast version of Animal House.”"


Jihadists go wild at pool party

Trying to overthrow Assad in Syria with the help of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood who were funneling cash and weapons to mercenaries. Financially backed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and assisted by the CIA.

The link is to the New York Times. Think about it. Letting the MB give weapons to *cough* rebels.

What could possibly go wrong?


C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.
Obama is either a muslim or he is a complete fuckin moron. I would bet on the latter..
United States
According to The Washington Post, U.S. Muslim Brotherhood supporters "make up the U.S. Islamic community's most organized force" by running hundreds of mosques and business ventures, promoting civic activities, and setting up American Islamic organizations to defend and promote Islam. In 1963, the U.S. chapter of Muslim Brotherhood was started by activists involved with the Muslim Students Association (MSA).

U.S. supporters of the Brotherhood also started other organizations including: North American Islamic Trust in 1971, the Islamic Society of North America in 1981, the American Muslim Council in 1990, the Muslim American Society in 1992 and the International Institute of Islamic Thought in the 1980s.

In addition, according to 'An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,' the "Understanding of the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America," and the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America is identified as the following:

"Establishing an effective and a stable Islamic movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims' causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims' efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic state wherever it is."

During the Holy Land Foundation trial (which led to a conviction for sending funds to Hamas in 2008), several documents surfaced incriminating the Brotherhood in subversive activities. One (dated 1991) outlined a strategy for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States that involved “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.”In another, "Ikhwan in America" (Brotherhood in America), the author alleges that the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US include going to camps to do weapons training (referred to as Special work by the Muslim Brotherhood), as well as engaging in counter-espionage against US government agencies such as the FBI and CIA (referred to as Securing the Group). The documents have been widely publicized in American conservative circles.

Muslim Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama is either a muslim or he is a complete fuckin moron. I would bet on the latter..

I wouldn't necessarily call him a Muslim agent. But by his very own actions he shows that he despises secular Muslim governments. He was so desperate to keep Morsi and the MB in power he sent McCain and Graham sp? over to Egypt to plead their case.

This has all happened before our eyes. Common knowledge. Yet when one states historical and current truths you get called a nutter. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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