CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
The Central Intelligence Agency offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to Congress alleges.

like one poster says:

"When everything the US people believe, is a lie, we will have succeeded." - Bill Casey, Chief, CIA.

Published Sep. 12, 2023,
The Central Intelligence Agency offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to Congress alleges.

like one poster says:

"When everything the US people believe, is a lie, we will have succeeded." - Bill Casey, Chief, CIA.

Published Sep. 12, 2023,
Just a matter of time before this gets put into the conspiracy theories section,the mods around here consider facts that expose government corruption conspiracy theories meanwhile they leave conspiracy theories like Russia collusion election interference in sections like this.
We don't hear much about the CIA these days, given their history they are probably just as corrupted as the FBI is now.
At the time Hoover was busy corrupting the FBI, the Dulles brothers were busy corrupting the CIA.

Both these agencies have only ever cared more about their own institutional power, than they have ever cared about politics.

They aren't really partisan. At one time they seemed conservative, now they seem liberal, they are neither.

That is just. . . disinformation. They will work with what ever corrupt politician they need to bribe, blackmail or make an alliance with to grow their power.


Peter Dale Scott & David Talbot in conversation​

May 18, 2015
Author David Talbot interviews author Peter Dale Scott upon the publication of Scott's book "The American Deep State"
The CIA is likely the most corrupt and dangerous organization in the USA (JMO).

If there are any readers here, buy the book "Trance Formation of America" for a look into just some of what the CIA is capable of (MK Ultra, etc.). I also suggest reading "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300." Corruption is a way of life for these folks.

Amazon product ASIN 0966016548
Amazon product ASIN 0922356572
The CIA is likely the most corrupt and dangerous organization in the USA (JMO).

If there are any readers here, buy the book "Trance Formation of America" for a look into just some of what the CIA is capable of (MK Ultra, etc.). I also suggest reading "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300." Corruption is a way of life for these folks.

Amazon product ASIN 0966016548
Amazon product ASIN 0922356572
yeah they make the third reich look llike a bunch of choir boys,sadly that is no exxagerration.
In a just world, the whole of the Covid response deserves Nuremberg style trials…..and outcomes.
'According to veteran CIA officer Kevin Shipp. Silicon Valley CEOs who accepted In-Q-Tel contracts would become some of the 4.8 million Americans subsequently pressured into signing CIA "State Secret Contracts," which subject signatories to twenty-year prison sentences, property forfeitures, and other draconian reprisals imposed by secret courts for even minor violations of arbitrary provisions -- including admitting to signing the contract:

"Once he signs that secrecy agreement, that Silicon Valley entrepreneur is now the functionally indentured servant of the agency. It binds him and his company for life, and the agreement itself is classified.'
(RFK Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci, pp. 409-10)

More economically, they should ship the U-Hauls back by train.
Just a matter of time before this gets put into the conspiracy theories section,the mods around here consider facts that expose government corruption conspiracy theories meanwhile they leave conspiracy theories like Russia collusion election interference in sections like this.
Just because it's placed in Conspiracy doesn't make it true. It simply means that the mods can move the prisoners around in the concentration camp. No dogs required.

Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret

$6 billion in Covid-19 vaccine contracts awarded by Operation Warp Speed have been doled out by a secretive government contractor with deep ties to the CIA and DHS, escaping regulatory scrutiny and beyond the reach of FOIA requests.

byWhitney Webb
October 6, 2020
13 minute read
". . . One month after ANSER-IHS was created, Insight Magazine published an article in May 2001 entitled “Preparing for the Next Pearl Harbor,” which heavily cited ANSER and its Institute for Homeland Security as being among “the nation’s top experts” in warning that a terrorist attack on the U.S. mainland was imminent. It also stated that “the first responders on tomorrow’s battlefield won’t be soldiers, but city ambulance workers and small-town firefighters.”

The following month, in June 2001, ANSER-IHS co-hosted the Dark Winter exercise and two top ANSER-IHS officials, Mark DeMier and Randall Larsen, co-wrote the exercise alongside Tara O’Toole and Thomas Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, now the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. O’Toole, at the time, was on ANSER-IHS’ board of advisors.

As previously detailed in the Engineering Contagion series, several of those involved in Dark Winter had foreknowledge of the 2001 anthrax attacks and Dark Winter itself originally established what would become the initial, yet false narrative for those attacks – that Iraq and Al Qaeda were working together to conduct acts of bioterrorism on US soil. However, the anthrax used in the attacks was quickly determined to have either originated from a US military lab or a US defense contractor.

ANSER’s convenient “gamble” that the U.S. government would imminently pivot towards homeland security soon after April 2001 paid off tremendously. Thanks largely to the fear stoked by 9/11 and the 2001 anthrax attacks, the Department of Homeland Security was created and ANSER-IHS quickly became the Department’s first “government think tank” or Federally Funded Research and Development Center.

Not long after its formal creation as an agency, DHS established its Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate in 2003 with the mission “to protect the homeland by providing […] officials with state-of-the-art technology.” DHS later announced in 2004 that it had “selected [ANSER] to operate the Homeland Security Institute … [f]ollowing a full and open competition procurement process conducted by [DHS] Science and Technology.” This is despite the fact that this very institute had already been funded and established by ANSER in 1999 and then launched in 2001.

From 2009 to 2013, the head of DHS’ Science and Technology Directorate was Dark Winter co-author and bioterror alarmist Tara O’Toole, who had long-standing, close ties to ANSER-IHS as previously mentioned. With O’Toole at the helm, DHS focused on “more robust public-private sector partnerships” and “increasing the budget for innovative, longer-term technology projects,” such as those overseen by ANSER on DHS’ behalf. She also made it her mission to model the DHS S&T more closely after DARPA.

During her tenure, DHS also claimed to be “unaware” of how the Department’s multi-billion research expenditures were being used, suggesting a lack of oversight in the millions of dollars DHS’ S&T was funneling to the ANSER-run research center and the other DHS research center, which is run by the equally shady MITRE Corporation. . . . "

This video was yanked from YouTube. . . I found it at Rumble. . .

Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax And “The Darkest Winter”

Researchers at a BSL-3 lab tied to the organizers of the 2001 Dark Winter simulation, DARPA, and the post-9/11 biodefense industrial complex are genetically modifying anthrax to express Covid-19 components, according to FOIA documents.

byWhitney Webb
September 28, 2020
24 minute read

The “Darkest Winter” Looms

". .. . After a cursory examination of the background of UPMC, its Regional Biocontainment Laboratory, and the man directing its Center for Vaccine Research, the question about the nature of the Corona-thrax experiment becomes: Is this yet another ill-advised experiment by a lab led by a GOF enthusiast and fueled by a feeding frenzy over the billions of dollars thrown by the government and other entities into Covid-19 research? Or is there perhaps a more nefarious motive to genetically engineering something as bizarre as Corona-thrax?

While the latter question may appear conspiratorial, it is worth pointing out that the institutions most likely to have been the sources for the anthrax used in the 2001 anthrax attacks were conducting GOF research on anthrax funded by the Pentagon and the CIA that was justified as “improving” the controversial anthrax vaccine known as BioThrax.

For instance, Battelle Memorial Institute—a Pentagon and CIA contractor—began genetically engineering a more virulent form of anthrax “to see if the [anthrax] vaccine the United States intends to supply to its armed forces is effective against that strain.” While these experiments were going on, the embattled manufacturer of the anthrax vaccine now known as Emergent Biosolutions, entered into a contract with Battelle that gave Battelle “immediate exposure to the vaccine” it was using in connection with the genetically modified anthrax program.

As noted in Part II of this series, BioPort was set to lose its Pentagon contract for anthrax vaccine entirely in September 2001, and the entirety of its anthrax vaccine business was rescued by the 2001 anthrax attacks, which saw concerns over BioPort’s corruption and its horrendous safety track record replaced with fervent demands for more of its anthrax vaccine. Furthermore, as noted in detail in Part III of this series, Battelle was the most likely source of the anthrax used in the 2001 attacks. The ties between UPMC’s Center for Biosecurity, Battelle, and Emergent Biosolutions will be discussed in the next installment in the series.

What is also notable about these Corona-thrax experiments occurring at UPMC are the ties of UPMC’s RBL and Center for Vaccine Research to another key component of the center’s “biodefense” complex, the UPMC Center for Biosecurity. As previously mentioned, the people recruited to head this center at its founding in 2003 were intimately involved in the 2001 bioterror simulation Dark Winter, namely Tara O’Toole and Thomas Inglesby.

While leading the UPMC’s Center for Biosecurity, O’Toole and/or her successor Inglesby engaged in other notable bioterror simulations, including one that took place last year— Event 201, which eerily predicted the coronavirus crisis that began this year. Inglesby, who is also the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in addition to his post at UPMC, was the moderator at Event 201.

Though Event 201 has garnered considerable scrutiny in recent months, another but less well-known exercise in 2018 that involved O’Toole and Inglesby, examined how a bioterror attack involving a genetically engineered pathogen could trigger a Continuity of Government (CoG) scenario, a government roadmap for the imposition of martial law in the United States. As other investigative series of mine have noted, there have recently been a myriad of intelligence agency–linked simulations that predict the imminent imposition of martial law in the United States following the 2020 election.

It is also notable that George W. Bush’s controversial and classified update to CoG plans in 2007, known as Executive Directive 51, was directly inspired by Dark Winter, and Barack Obama’s subsequent executive orders on CoG gave near-complete control of American infrastructure to the Department of Homeland Security in a such a situation. At the time Obama issued those executive orders, O’Toole was the DHS undersecretary for science and technology and also influenced those updates to the CoG plans. O’Toole is currently the executive vice president of the CIA’s In-Q-tel.

The simulation known as Clade X will be examined in greater detail in the next installment of this series as will the numerous and recent “predictions” from US government sources, controversial billionaires such as Bill Gates, a web of individuals tied to UPMC who have warned that a bioterror attack or related public health catastrophe is set to take place shortly after the COVID-19 crisis subsides. As one high-ranking government official put it earlier this year, this allegedly imminent event will result in “the darkest winter in modern history.”
' In-Q-Tel contracts would become some of the 4.8 million Americans subsequently pressured into signing CIA "State Secret Contracts," which subject signatories to twenty-year prison sentences, property forfeitures, and other draconian reprisals imposed by secret courts for even minor violations of arbitrary provisions - including admitting to signing the contract: "Once he signs that secrecy agreement, that Silicon Valley entrepreneur is now functionally the indentured servant of the agency. It binds him and his company for life, and the agreement itself is classified.'
(RFK Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci, Skyhorse Publishing (2021) pp. 409-10)

Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax And “The Darkest Winter”

Researchers at a BSL-3 lab tied to the organizers of the 2001 Dark Winter simulation, DARPA, and the post-9/11 biodefense industrial complex are genetically modifying anthrax to express Covid-19 components, according to FOIA documents.

byWhitney Webb
September 28, 2020
24 minute read

The “Darkest Winter” Looms

". .. . After a cursory examination of the background of UPMC, its Regional Biocontainment Laboratory, and the man directing its Center for Vaccine Research, the question about the nature of the Corona-thrax experiment becomes: Is this yet another ill-advised experiment by a lab led by a GOF enthusiast and fueled by a feeding frenzy over the billions of dollars thrown by the government and other entities into Covid-19 research? Or is there perhaps a more nefarious motive to genetically engineering something as bizarre as Corona-thrax?

While the latter question may appear conspiratorial, it is worth pointing out that the institutions most likely to have been the sources for the anthrax used in the 2001 anthrax attacks were conducting GOF research on anthrax funded by the Pentagon and the CIA that was justified as “improving” the controversial anthrax vaccine known as BioThrax.

For instance, Battelle Memorial Institute—a Pentagon and CIA contractor—began genetically engineering a more virulent form of anthrax “to see if the [anthrax] vaccine the United States intends to supply to its armed forces is effective against that strain.” While these experiments were going on, the embattled manufacturer of the anthrax vaccine now known as Emergent Biosolutions, entered into a contract with Battelle that gave Battelle “immediate exposure to the vaccine” it was using in connection with the genetically modified anthrax program.

As noted in Part II of this series, BioPort was set to lose its Pentagon contract for anthrax vaccine entirely in September 2001, and the entirety of its anthrax vaccine business was rescued by the 2001 anthrax attacks, which saw concerns over BioPort’s corruption and its horrendous safety track record replaced with fervent demands for more of its anthrax vaccine. Furthermore, as noted in detail in Part III of this series, Battelle was the most likely source of the anthrax used in the 2001 attacks. The ties between UPMC’s Center for Biosecurity, Battelle, and Emergent Biosolutions will be discussed in the next installment in the series.

What is also notable about these Corona-thrax experiments occurring at UPMC are the ties of UPMC’s RBL and Center for Vaccine Research to another key component of the center’s “biodefense” complex, the UPMC Center for Biosecurity. As previously mentioned, the people recruited to head this center at its founding in 2003 were intimately involved in the 2001 bioterror simulation Dark Winter, namely Tara O’Toole and Thomas Inglesby.

While leading the UPMC’s Center for Biosecurity, O’Toole and/or her successor Inglesby engaged in other notable bioterror simulations, including one that took place last year— Event 201, which eerily predicted the coronavirus crisis that began this year. Inglesby, who is also the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in addition to his post at UPMC, was the moderator at Event 201.

Though Event 201 has garnered considerable scrutiny in recent months, another but less well-known exercise in 2018 that involved O’Toole and Inglesby, examined how a bioterror attack involving a genetically engineered pathogen could trigger a Continuity of Government (CoG) scenario, a government roadmap for the imposition of martial law in the United States. As other investigative series of mine have noted, there have recently been a myriad of intelligence agency–linked simulations that predict the imminent imposition of martial law in the United States following the 2020 election.

It is also notable that George W. Bush’s controversial and classified update to CoG plans in 2007, known as Executive Directive 51, was directly inspired by Dark Winter, and Barack Obama’s subsequent executive orders on CoG gave near-complete control of American infrastructure to the Department of Homeland Security in a such a situation. At the time Obama issued those executive orders, O’Toole was the DHS undersecretary for science and technology and also influenced those updates to the CoG plans. O’Toole is currently the executive vice president of the CIA’s In-Q-tel.

The simulation known as Clade X will be examined in greater detail in the next installment of this series as will the numerous and recent “predictions” from US government sources, controversial billionaires such as Bill Gates, a web of individuals tied to UPMC who have warned that a bioterror attack or related public health catastrophe is set to take place shortly after the COVID-19 crisis subsides. As one high-ranking government official put it earlier this year, this allegedly imminent event will result in “the darkest winter in modern history.”
'The Still-Unsolved Mystery of the Post-9-11 Anthrax Attacks.

....While terrorists could destroy key buildings and airliners, the biosecurity narrative warns that pathogens could enter any American home and invisibly slay its occupants. Germs, therefore, easily outgunned al-Qaeda as a reliable wellspring of terror. This was the lesson that Kadlec had been broadcasting for five years.

The delivery of anthrax through the mail brought home his jeremiads. By 2020, biosecurity would altogether eclipse Islamic terrorism as the spear tip od US military and foreign policy. The topic of "infectious diseases" suddenly became the most effective way to open government pockets.'
(RFK Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 383)
For some reason US leaders are unwilling to hold China accountable. Trump didn't, and Biden hasn't. They killed 6 million people. WTF?
Was CIA's Callahan in Wuhan, or was he not?

'One of the key figures in this global surveillance effort was CIA officer Dr. Michael Callahan....On January 4, 2020, Callahan called Dr. Robert Malone from China just as the coronavirus began taking its first wave of casualties....Malone first met Callahan in 2009 through Malone's sometimes business partner, Daryl Galloway, a CIA officer who formerly served in the UN Navy....To Malone, Galloway introduced Callahan as a fellow CIA officer.
During his January phone call, Callahan told Malone that he was just outside Wuhan. Malone assumed the Callahan was visiting China under cover of his Harvard and Massachusetts General hospital appointments. Callahan told Malone that he had been treating "hundreds" of COVID-19 patients....he giddily reported his amazement at the virus's "magnificent infectivity" and its capacity to explode "like a silent smart bomb in your community." Callahan later confessed to Malone that he lacked authority to be in Wuhan and had escaped by boat when the government imposed quarantine.....Davis Hone, a GS125 officer warned Malone: "We had no military personnel in Wuhan at the time of the outbreak and Michael was lying about his presence." '
(RFK Jr. op cit, p. 397)

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