Fauci Tried To Suppress COVID Lab Leak Theory

First, I am not defending Fauci or the government. I have supplied two peer reviewed white papers that indicate the coronavirus was zootonic and most likely originated in the Wuhan market. Those studies researched the original covid virus victims and the vast majority of them had direct exposure to the Wuhan market. They also tested the cages in the Wuhan market and found the coronavirus in numerous cages. The studies researched the various strains of the corona virus and back traced them to the original sources, again, sources with direct contact with the Wuhan market. Furthermore, the studies showed that the virus did not mutate when it was contained within the animal kingdom but mutated often in human hosts. Not atypical of a zootonic virus.

But second, you claim the government lies to you and yet here you are, trumpeting out statements made by the government and government officials. I mean all of this is based on a classified document, rather convenient wouldn't you say, released by the Energy Department, you know, the "government". I mean just what is it that you don't understand about "a low level of confidence"?

Obviously, you don't want to talk about Newt's op-ed, a rant filled with Freudian slips that reveal the Trump is the source of our inflation and Newt has thrown a basic concept of conservatism out the door in his pursuit of populism. But let's return to the comedian in the OP, quoting a memo,

The evidence available to the Select Subcommittee suggests that Dr. Anthony Fauci
“prompted” Dr. Kristian Andersen, Professor, Scripps Research (Scripps), to write Proximal
Origin and that the goal was to “disprove” any lab leak theory.

On August 18, 2021, Scripps responded to then-Committee on Oversight and Reform
Ranking Member, James Comer, and then-Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member, Jim
Jordan’s, July 29, 2021, letter to Dr. Andersen. In this letter, Scripps asserts that Dr. Andersen
“objectively” investigated the origins and that Dr. Anthony Fauci did not attempt to influence his work. Both statements do not appear to be supported by the available evidence.

In a court of law the lawyer would say, "asked and answered" at this point. "Objectively investigated the origins and that Dr. Anthony Fauci did not attempt to influence his work", notice, they put "objectively" in quotes, what amateurs these Republican staff members are. I mean read the memo, those statements ARE supported by the evidence even as presented in the memo. Hell, it closes by those staff members attempting to make a big deal out of changing the word "unlikely" to "improbable", as if it is some kind of "gotcha moment". Where do they get these staffers, middle school?

I see it time and time again with you guys. You post the headline, which is inaccurately written, and mostly ignore the content and certainly refuse to even check the original sources. You got your confirmation bias and off you run to trumpet it on the messageboard to get some feel goodies from your fellow idiots. The definition of herd mentality.
Bla bla bla bleat bleat bleat
"it's hard to figure out. the Chinese are not giving us an answer. i'm not sure we'll ever know" - Rep Jim Himes

Occam's Razor

Debunked my damn ass. Show me one, one single academic peer reviewed white paper that indicates the virus came from the Wuhan lab. Sorry, but a blog from a comedian, an op-ed from a politician, and a memo from partisan staff members on a Congressional committee is just not going to get it. You can't, and hence you start throwing shit on the wall.

The FBI'd investigations aren't good enough for you stupid idiotic brainless leftards?

Except when they are.

Fucking moron. ^^^

Russian collusion--there is no doubt that Russia interfered in the election of 2016, that has long been proven.

Trump had nothing to do with it.

That too, has LONG since been proven.

The fact that collusion with the Trump campaign has not been proven does not, I repeat, does not prove the "conspiracy theory" wrong. Matter of fact, I seem to remember several indictments and even some guilty pleas.

You are a stupid, brainless lemming.

Obama administration coup attempt? Excuse me, why would they need to attempt a coup? Unlike Trump, Obama got reelected.

He got more black votes than Biden.


Quote me on it.

And illegal impeachment hearings? Do you just throw around words like "illegal" for shits and giggles. The impeachment proceedings followed the Constitutional process. And Trump holds two historical records. First, the only president to be impeached TWICE. And second, the only president to have members of their own party vote for conviction in the Senate. That is pretty impressive and it will be part of Trumps legacy.

Who cares?



Look, you can't prove a negative. It is not the responsibility of Fauci, myself, or the government to prove that the coronavirus did NOT come from the Wuhan lab. Those white papers go a long way in proving the coronavirus was a zootonic event. Just like your side cannot prove that Trump did NOT collude with Russia, although there is a plethora of evidence indicating that there may have been some collusion.

Fuck you and your TDS. You can both go straight to hell.

You are wrapped up in your own delusional world. Too damn lazy to do the minimal amount of research necessary to find out what has happened, you sit back on your ass and let other people confirm your own bias. You complain about the United States and yet YOU are the problem, can you not see that?


< flick >

Trump may very well win the nomination, hell, I hope he does. And when he does, he can thank people like you. He will make another historical first, the first presidential nominee to be running for president from a jail cell, and he will be thumped in a landslide of historical proportion. Voter participation rates will break records that date back more than a century. Young people will show up at the polls in record numbers. The Republican party knows this is true, but let's just be honest, the Republican party has become a dysfunctional clusterfawk thanks to Trump and his idiot supporters. The CPAC convention proved as much, lackluster attendance, Trump railing like a madman preaching doom and gloom and himself as some kind of superhero coming in to save the day for the poor disenfranchised working class white man. Ironic, a man with tiny ass hands that are as soft as a baby's ass pitching himself as some kind of working man's savior.
Moron. ^^^

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