CIC Bone Spur campaign still hasn't paid back at least 6-10 cities for rally bills. Some $841K

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Trump campaign still hasn't paid back at least 6 cities for rally bills
The Center for Public Integrity reported in June that at least 10 cities had not had invoices paid for more than $841,000 in services related to public safety costs for Trump campaign rallies. CNN has found that at least six of those cities still have outstanding invoices:
• El Paso, Texas, for a rally held in February 2019 totaling $470,417
• Spokane, Washington, for a rally held in May 2016 totaling $65,124
• Mesa, Arizona, for a rally held in October 2018 totaling $64,467
• Eau Claire, Wisconsin, for a rally held in April 2016 totaling $47,398
• Lebanon, Ohio, for a rally held in October 2018 totaling $16,191
• Burlington, Vermont, for a rally held in January 2018 totaling $8,464
Trump campaign still hasn't paid back at least 6 cities for rally bills - CNNPolitics

WOW! Be Proud, MAGA Skip on paying your bills.
The Great Douche life has been skipping on its bills.
I guess all cities need to get 3 times the fees upfront
and issue the Great Douche a refund after the bills are covered.

Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills
Fascist democrat mayor trying to turn Free Speech into a poll tax.

We are in a Civil War
Fascist democrat mayor trying to turn Free Speech into a poll tax.

We are in a Civil War

Dang! That's all you got. Cities can charge for these events. The Great Douche for life skips on bills. You must be a proud DOPer.

El Paso says Donald Trump still owes $569,204 for his February rally
On Monday, an El Paso city official said Trump has yet to pay.

According to Laura Cruz-Acosta, communications manager for the El Paso city manager’s office, the president has an outstanding bill of $569,204.63 for police and public safety services associated with a February campaign rally.

“The city staff have followed the process and procedures as it relates to any invoicing that we provide, and we will continue to do so accordingly as per city and state policies,” Cruz-Acosta said. She said that Trump owed an initial fee of $470,417.05 but that the city tacked on a 21% one-time late fee in June — 30 days after the campaign failed to pay the initial amount owed.

Local officials have repeatedly harangued Trump for not covering the costs associated with his visit to the border city, with some contrasting his actions with those of Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, who visited his hometown for a rally on the same day and has since paid his dues.

:no_text11: :no_text11: :no_text11::oops8:

BTW: The Mayor is a Repugger.
Last edited:
Fascist democrat mayor trying to turn Free Speech into a poll tax.

We are in a Civil War

Dang! That's all you got. Cities can charge for these events. The Great Douche for life skips on bills. You must be a proud DOPer.

El Paso says Donald Trump still owes $569,204 for his February rally
On Monday, an El Paso city official said Trump has yet to pay.

According to Laura Cruz-Acosta, communications manager for the El Paso city manager’s office, the president has an outstanding bill of $569,204.63 for police and public safety services associated with a February campaign rally.

“The city staff have followed the process and procedures as it relates to any invoicing that we provide, and we will continue to do so accordingly as per city and state policies,” Cruz-Acosta said. She said that Trump owed an initial fee of $470,417.05 but that the city tacked on a 21% one-time late fee in June — 30 days after the campaign failed to pay the initial amount owed.

Local officials have repeatedly harangued Trump for not covering the costs associated with his visit to the border city, with some contrasting his actions with those of Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, who visited his hometown for a rally on the same day and has since paid his dues.

:no_text11: :no_text11: :no_text11::oops8:

Poll tax. You people really need your own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
Trump campaign still hasn't paid back at least 6 cities for rally bills
The Center for Public Integrity reported in June that at least 10 cities had not had invoices paid for more than $841,000 in services related to public safety costs for Trump campaign rallies. CNN has found that at least six of those cities still have outstanding invoices:
• El Paso, Texas, for a rally held in February 2019 totaling $470,417
• Spokane, Washington, for a rally held in May 2016 totaling $65,124
• Mesa, Arizona, for a rally held in October 2018 totaling $64,467
• Eau Claire, Wisconsin, for a rally held in April 2016 totaling $47,398
• Lebanon, Ohio, for a rally held in October 2018 totaling $16,191
• Burlington, Vermont, for a rally held in January 2018 totaling $8,464
Trump campaign still hasn't paid back at least 6 cities for rally bills - CNNPolitics

WOW! Be Proud, MAGA Skip on paying your bills.
The Great Douche life has been skipping on its bills.
I guess all cities need to get 3 times the fees upfront
and issue the Great Douche a refund after the bills are covered.

Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills

I'm sorry, but the President is going to continue to speak Truth to Power.

And even in Extremist cities like Minneapolis.

BTW, B. Hussein O didn't have to pay anything to speak in Minneapolis.

Back in October 1921, President Harding addressed a crowd of over 100,000 in Deep Blue Birmingham Alabama. The libs were very respectful back then.
Fascist democrat mayor trying to turn Free Speech into a poll tax.

We are in a Civil War

Dang! That's all you got. Cities can charge for these events. The Great Douche for life skips on bills. You must be a proud DOPer.

El Paso says Donald Trump still owes $569,204 for his February rally
On Monday, an El Paso city official said Trump has yet to pay.

According to Laura Cruz-Acosta, communications manager for the El Paso city manager’s office, the president has an outstanding bill of $569,204.63 for police and public safety services associated with a February campaign rally.

“The city staff have followed the process and procedures as it relates to any invoicing that we provide, and we will continue to do so accordingly as per city and state policies,” Cruz-Acosta said. She said that Trump owed an initial fee of $470,417.05 but that the city tacked on a 21% one-time late fee in June — 30 days after the campaign failed to pay the initial amount owed.

Local officials have repeatedly harangued Trump for not covering the costs associated with his visit to the border city, with some contrasting his actions with those of Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, who visited his hometown for a rally on the same day and has since paid his dues.

:no_text11: :no_text11: :no_text11::oops8:

Poll tax. You people really need your own country, one that does not share a border with the USA

The Target Center is owned by the city.
They have Fees for events for 2500 people plus. Starting at 100K plus.

"""" (A) A Tier 1 event is a special event that does not include the consumption of alcohol and:
(1) is stationary, impacts only one block of a sidewalk or a city right-of-way that is not a street, and only needs a permit issued under Chapter 14-8 {Temporary Closure for Special Events and Block Parties); or

(2) is moving and consists exclusively of people in a police escorted bubble; or

(3) is an assembly at a city facility, lasts less than five hours, and does not include food or beverages or a request to increase the permanent occupancy limit.

(B) A Tier 2 event is a special event that:
(1) is an assembly at a city facility that estimates attendance at less than 2,500 attendees per day; or

(2) is an assembly lasting four days or less, that is held primarily on private property, and that estimates attendance at less than 2,500 attendees per day; or

(3) is stationary and impacts up to two blocks of a street, sidewalk, or city right-of-way.

(C) A Tier 3 event is a special event that is not covered by Tiers 1, 2, or 4.
(D) A Tier 4 event is a special event that:

(1) is an assembly at two or more city facilities and that includes the use of city streets, sidewalks, or right-of-way’s; or

(2) has an estimated need, based on its permit application, for $100,000 or more in city services, staff time, and equipment.""""
That’s horseshit. They pay the bill prior to them arriving. More liberal bullshit. What was it Minneapolis charged Trump 5x’s what they charged Obama Plus the town only brought 2 Porto-potties. Blame them. It was done because it was Trump. You actually think anyone falls for your liberal bullshit.

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That’s horseshit. They pay the bill prior to them arriving. More liberal bullshit. What was it Minneapolis charged Trump 5x’s what they charged Obama Plus the town only brought 2 Porto-potties. Blame them. It was done because it was Trump. You actually think anyone falls for your liberal bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree and just how much money do you think the local businesses and restaurants made from all those Trump supporters attending the rally??

I'd bet they all made a fortune. Rally's are good for the local businesses.

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