Citizen Capitalism: Democratic Thinkers(?)


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Sep 22, 2013
This capitalism-parable was inspired by the values-meditation film Citizen Kane.



An American crusader named Captain America was trying to defend the virtues and values of modern capitalism and democracy and was an avid fan of celebrity-president Donald Trump (the first U.S. celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan!). Captain America believed in the inherent spiritualism in democracy-defense and loved patriotic comic books marketed to American youngsters. However, Captain America was troubled by the competitive bargaining stance created by the heated European Union and wanted to see American goods/products/companies such as Energizer batteries and Toys 'R Us flourish in modern civilization!


Captain America decided to champion the mercantile value of Disney wristwatches, since they symbolized modern capitalism 'flowery' and kids really liked them as Christmas presents! Captain America wanted to espouse the controversial but inspired notion that ornamental creativity towards mercantilism promoted the sort of democratic vitality required to trumped the commercial value of trade-related institutions such as the World Bank. Of course, critics suggested that Disney wristwatches were too 'vain' and 'shallow' really to serve as iconic 'trophies' in the modern world of cutthroat capitalism (i.e., Wall Street). However, Captain America reminded consumers that Disney wristwatches reminded humanity of the motivating 'accessibility' of New World Order designs.


Challenging the 'dominion' of Captain America was the mysterious ram-headed evil woman of Babylon who ruled upon the great thrones of Europe (e.g., Spain, France). This woman was named Akasha and some believed she was either a practicing witch (Wiccan) or real-life vampire! Akasha insisted that modern world troubles regarding piracy and profiteerism could not be spiritually addressed by 'naively-optimistic' daydreams regarding the 'reach of capitalism.' Captain America realized Akasha was a real evil woman and signified a problematic pedestrian interest in anarchism and democracy-cynicism, so Captain America daringly suggested to Akasha that Disney wristwatches would remind the children of America that consumerism was not a 'shallow enterprise' but rather a 'populism experiment.'


While Akasha insisted that capitalism was an 'experiment' carried out by 'mad scientists,' she conceded that democracy and mercantilism facilitated geopolitical negotiations. However, she reminded Captain America that to hoist the World Bank as a substantial modern 'beacon' of peace, America would effectively have to serve as the proverbial 'Big Brother' of trade-etiquette. Captain America reminded Akasha that Disney wristwatches conveniently reminded consumers of the general symbolism of marketplace creativity, so Akasha gifted Captain America with a hemp-necklace. Captain America kept this 'liberalism souvenir' as a political symbol of populism-politics optimism. Would democracy prevail, or would consumerism cloud everything with 'gambler's cynicism'? Everything rested on the shoulders of U.S. President Donald Trump (himself a terrific diplomat of 'casino-hospitality'). This was the real 'Global Stand' and would determined the outcome of the prophetic 'Imaginarium War.' So, where was Satan (the Devil)?



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