City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
What? I couldn't believe my eyes to see this headline. If you don't like the city's new non-discrimination ordnance.

Don't we have a First Amendment to the US Constitution? And I thought Texas was a Red State.

But, why be surprised? Another gang of big-city politicians are going to tell you want to believe and how to act. They toss out more than 17,000 signatures seeking a ballot measure to toss out their little fascist tactic and are now threatening to fine or even jail anyone who opposes them.

Read more @ City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons Fox News

And reported @ City of Houston subpoenas pastors 8217 sermons to see if they 8217 re criticizing lesbian mayor

And @ Pastors Fight Big Brother Targeting of Sermons - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Houston Demand to See Pastors’ Sermons a Chilling Attempt to Silence Free Speech → mor4 explanation @ Prison Houston Demand to See Pastors 8217 Sermons a Chilling Attempt to Silence Free Speech
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The city attorney already walked it back today.

"Amid outrage from religious groups, Mayor Annise Parker and City Attorney David Feldman on Wednesday appeared to back off a subpoena request for the sermons of certain ministers opposed to the city's equal rights ordinance, with Parker calling it overly broad.Amid outrage from religious groups, Mayor Annise Parker and City Attorney David Feldman on Wednesday appeared to back off a subpoena request for the sermons of certain ministers opposed to the city's equal rights ordinance, with Parker calling it overly broad.

Mayor city attorney distance themselves from sermon subpoenas - Houston Chronicle

It was more likely outrage from significant campaign donors. Houston is a funny place, and the LGBT crowd donates very little money to city government when compared with real estate developers.
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If the pastors were campaigning politically on elections from the pulpit, they are fair game, or they can give up their tax exempt status. . . hmmm.
If the pastors were campaigning politically on elections from the pulpit, they are fair game, or they can give up their tax exempt status. . . hmmm.

The pastors were not party to the lawsuit to which the subpoena was attached.

If it is any consolation Jake, it appears that you are qualified to be the City Attorney of Houston.

Houston s Harassment of Pastors National Review Online

"Under IRS rules, they have an unlimited right to engage in issue advocacy, and they can endorse ballot referenda so long as the endorsement-related activities do not constitute a “substantial part” of the church’s activities in a given year. But those are IRS rules and utterly irrelevant to a state-court lawsuit regarding the validity of voter signatures. "

Also, in protecting a Communist who actually was a 'party';

"In DeGregory v. New Hampshire, the Supreme Court quashed a state inquiry into a citizen’s past ”subversive” activities with the Communist party. In the words of the Court:
The Attorney General further sought to have him disclose information relating to his political associations of an earlier day, the meetings he attended, and the views expressed and ideas advocated at any such gatherings.
The Court noted that compelled disclosure was “objectionable and damaging in the extreme to one whose associations and political views do not command majority approval” and held that in the absence of an “overriding and compelling state interest,” Mr. DeGregory could, in fact, keep his views to himself. Speaking more broadly, the Court declared that “The First Amendment prevents use of the power to investigate enforced by the contempt power to probe at will and without relation to existing need.”

City of Houston Attacks Pastors then Doubles Down National Review Online

The pastors are forbidden to use the pulpit politically if they with to keep their tax exempt status, Percy.
The attorney general of Texas has put a stop to this nonsense. The unintended consquences of putting homosexuality above all else might be handing the election to Greg Abbot and a premature end to Wendy Davis' bid for the governorship.
Who gives a damn about the law!

It's the freedom of expressing one's views - whether on a street corner, here in a discussion forum, or from a pulpit.

When government, at any level, tries to limit or censor speech, it's a direct attack upon each and every one of us.

Do you want a government agency like the IRS monitor this forum and discover who each and every user is who posts anything different from "the Party Line?"
If your pastors are urging voters to act a certain way politically, whether ebola or homosexuality or the Astros, it is a violation of the law.
Incorrect peckerwood.

It's only against the law if a pastor tells his congregation which political candidate or party to vote for in an election.

A pastor has the legal right to speak for or against any social issue without recourse from the government. ..... :cool:

If he is telling his congregation who to vote for because of these issues, even if he is only making innuendo, his tax exempt status can and should be lifted permanenty
What part of the discussion do you not understand Fake Jake?

A pastor has a 1st Amendment right to preach that faggot's are sick miserable perverts from the pulpit without endangering his churches tax expempt status.

I know that you love your fudge packer friends but that's just the way it is. ........ :cool:

Quit trying to lengthen the field, Sunni Man. If a pastor or iman preaches in a certain to clearly identify who he wants his congregation to vote for, then that 1st Amendment is no protection for protecting tax exemption.

Now if he preaches that homosexuality is a sin and encourages his congregation to refrain from such, without making suggestions about this party or that candidate, then that is to the good.

You truly do reveal how poorly is your understanding of the 1st Amendment, particularly in the ME where this is little or no religious tolerance, and none in an Islamic state.
Henry, of course, would be quite willing to allow the Reverend Wright to preach from his pulpit for candidates whom he approves.
Quit trying to lengthen the field, Sunni Man. If a pastor or iman preaches in a certain to clearly identify who he wants his congregation to vote for, then that 1st Amendment is no protection for protecting tax exemption.

Now if he preaches that homosexuality is a sin and encourages his congregation to refrain from such, without making suggestions about this party or that candidate, then that is to the good.

You truly do reveal how poorly is your understanding of the 1st Amendment, particularly in the ME where this is little or no religious tolerance, and none in an Islamic state.

Anyone else notice that each post flakey makes in this thread gets longer and longer????
What? I couldn't believe my eyes to see this headline. If you don't like the city's new non-discrimination ordnance.

Don't we have a First Amendment to the US Constitution? And I thought Texas was a Red State.

But, why be surprised? Another gang of big-city politicians are going to tell you want to believe and how to act. They toss out more than 17,000 signatures seeking a ballot measure to toss out their little fascist tactic and are now threatening to fine or even jail anyone who opposes them.

Read more @ City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons Fox News

And reported @ City of Houston subpoenas pastors 8217 sermons to see if they 8217 re criticizing lesbian mayor

And @ Pastors Fight Big Brother Targeting of Sermons - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Houston Demand to See Pastors’ Sermons a Chilling Attempt to Silence Free Speech → mor4 explanation @ Prison Houston Demand to See Pastors 8217 Sermons a Chilling Attempt to Silence Free Speech
Texas is but Huston is liberal

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