Civil Rights Act 1964: Repeal?

Man, you're just all kinds of ate up with the dumb asses aren't you.

There is no against "violating state secrets" , go ahead look it up, I'll wait.

There is a law against treason, and anytime you violate the NDA that you have signed with the government you have committed treason.

Slander and libel are CIVIL matters, not criminal. Do you understand that the COTUS only guarantees that THE GOVERNMENT won't violate your rights?

Same with revealing trade secrets, the only CRIME that could possibly be attributed to that is THEFT, if intellectual property is involved. Simply telling trade secrets might be a violation of any agreement you agreed to with the company involved but is not necessarily a crime unless theft was involved.

Just can't stop the name calling when you're losing, can you?

I was giving examples of free speech not being absolute. What jurisdiction they fall under and the penalties involved is irrelevant to the point I was making. As dumb as you think I am, I'm not dumb enough to fall for your distraction act.
I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If you had that right, the SC would have said so. They obviously don't equate free association in your personal life with that of your business. If you want to make a profit off of American society, then you must treat all its members equally.

Yes. We disagree with the SC. Didn't you get the memo?

In a truly just society, that would make you wrong. You can do whatever you want in your home, but if you open your doors to the public, you must treat everyone equally.

This point of view is truly insane. Not only does it utterly violate individual conscience and freedom of choice, it neuters the most important moral regulation society can impose - the ability for people to express our values and preferences in the public forum. What's more, you don't even mean it. The protected classes established by discrimination law protect only a very limited set of people from discrimination. The rest of us don't enjoy such privilege. Ugly people, fat people, dumb people, etc, etc, etc, are discriminated against every day. Would you suggest something be done about that as well? If not, why not?

If a business discriminates against the classes you mention, they can be sued. Happens all the time. I hardly think that I'm the one that's insane. I think you're guilty of wishful thinking by assuming we can have both a civil society AND a situation where signs in business windows say "No Irish need apply".

I don't think you've really thought this through, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and continue to try to make the point.

Let's consider an example. Let's say I own a lunch counter. I have a deep, personal contempt for racism and active racists. Yet, by your reasoning, if I refuse to serve them with the same eager service I offer to the rest of the 'public', I'm violating the sacred principle that everyone must be treated equally. Does that make sense to you?

You make language and conduct rules that apply to everyone, akin to "No shirt, no shoes , no service" signs. You don't keep all of a certain class out. That's the very definition of prejudice and what the law's supposed to stop. While I don't doubt you'd treat everyone fairly, this law is in place because of those who won't.

You liberals "let's just legislate that everyone gets alone,who gives a shit about the rights of people we disagree with"

I give a shit about the rights of people I disagree with, defending even the most repugnant of behavior if done within a person's rights is the very foundation of this country.

And none of you liberals have answered my question Has SCOTUS ruled recently that businesses have rights, or not? Yes or no?

They're not going to answer those questions, just accuse you of ignoble motives.

Opines lefty: "Discrimination, in and of itself, is necessarily evil!"

"Oh? How's that?"

"Well . . . you know . . . uh . . . I mean . . . gosh darn it . . . um . . . that is to say . . . discrimination is bad, you racist!"

What we're asking them is this: "as long as another person is not directly violating my life, my liberty or my property, by what universally defensible justification may I insist that he manage the affairs of his life, his liberty or his property my way?"

"Well . . . you know . . . uh . . . I mean . . . gosh darn it. . . .
They're not going to answer those questions, just accuse you of ignoble motives.

Opines lefty: "Discrimination, in and of itself, is necessarily evil!"

"Oh? How's that?"

"Well . . . you know . . . uh . . . I mean . . . gosh darn it . . . um . . . that is to say . . . discrimination is bad, you racist!"

What we're asking them is this: "as long as another person is not directly violating my life, my liberty or my property, by what universally defensible justification may I insist that he manage the affairs of his life, his liberty or his property my way?"

"Well . . . you know . . . uh . . . I mean . . . gosh darn it. . . .

You're a little late, already answered the question. If you bother to read it, you'll see that your mind reading skills leave a lot to be desired. :lmao:
Man, you're just all kinds of ate up with the dumb asses aren't you.

There is no against "violating state secrets" , go ahead look it up, I'll wait.

There is a law against treason, and anytime you violate the NDA that you have signed with the government you have committed treason.

Slander and libel are CIVIL matters, not criminal. Do you understand that the COTUS only guarantees that THE GOVERNMENT won't violate your rights?

Same with revealing trade secrets, the only CRIME that could possibly be attributed to that is THEFT, if intellectual property is involved. Simply telling trade secrets might be a violation of any agreement you agreed to with the company involved but is not necessarily a crime unless theft was involved.

Just can't stop the name calling when you're losing, can you?

I was giving examples of free speech not being absolute. What jurisdiction they fall under and the penalties involved is irrelevant to the point I was making. As dumb as you think I am, I'm not dumb enough to fall for your distraction act.

If you don't wish to be called a dumb ass, stop being a dumb ass. That seems pretty self explanatory to me

And you are not "winning" by ANY stretch of the imagination, and you weren't trying to give examples of anything. You ignorantly believed that the COTUS prevents individuals from violating your rights.
No, they're not doing anything presently - but I saw them earlier handing out racist literature at the park. I'm not going to serve them, and you think I should go to jail for that?

That's just too easy. "I saw them do something yesterday." If they're really what you say they are, they won't be able to control themselves in your establishment either.

So, should I be able to refuse them service or not?

Here, let's try another example. Let's say there's a new religion gaining traction that advocates child sacrifice. They're not actively practicing it yet, but they think it's an awesome idea and they're aggressively lobbying to change the laws so they can, freedom of religion and all that. Naturally, I find this reprehensible, and I put up a sign that says we won't serve anyone who is a member of this new religion. Would that be wrong in your book? Should it be illegal? I think, technically, it probably already is. Does that make sense to you?


Can you see how the general idea that everybody should be treated equally - or at least the suggestion that law should enforce that idea - is really bad policy? While it might stop a few situations of true injustice, it strips society of it's most pervasive mechanism for policing bad behavior.
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.

You have a right, MD, to do business in accordance with the law.
In Mississippi we'd go back to 1964 faster than you can say states rights.
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.
More of the same meaningless blah blah blah.
They're not going to answer those questions, just accuse you of ignoble motives.

Opines lefty: "Discrimination, in and of itself, is necessarily evil!"

"Oh? How's that?"

"Well . . . you know . . . uh . . . I mean . . . gosh darn it . . . um . . . that is to say . . . discrimination is bad, you racist!"

What we're asking them is this: "as long as another person is not directly violating my life, my liberty or my property, by what universally defensible justification may I insist that he manage the affairs of his life, his liberty or his property my way?"

"Well . . . you know . . . uh . . . I mean . . . gosh darn it. . . .

You're a little late, already answered the question. If you bother to read it, you'll see that your mind reading skills leave a lot to be desired. :lmao:

Well, that's obviously nonsensical, and a wasted post containing nothing useful. I obviously have well-developed reading and writing skills. If you did directly answer these questions, then let's have it again, as they weren't addressed to me. Let's see what you've got. I'm not going to sour the thread for them. Got copy and paste?
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.
More of the same meaningless blah blah blah.

The problem here is that liberals can't separate the argument.

If you're arguing that it isn't nice to discriminate, I agree. It's not nice.

But the government doesn't have a right to tell me be to be nice. It's just that simple.

My business name is actually

my real name DBA my business name.

That clearly proves that my business is an extension of ME. Why wouldn't my rights extend as well?
It might be helpful if the OP, or any poster, designated what PORTION of the civil rights act of 1964 they consider should be repealed.
It might be helpful if the OP, or any poster, designated what PORTION of the civil rights act of 1964 they consider should be repealed.

I think you are only about the 2nd person in the thread that has recognized there are different Titles (Portions) under the Civil Rights act of 1964.

Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.
More of the same meaningless blah blah blah.

. . . as the fact of his ideological discrimination of the mindless, relativistic kind flies right over his head.

Right. Human beings live in ideological vacuums. Humans don't discriminate. They don't think. They don't decide. They don't believe. They don't act. They don't do anything but sit around and drool.

Just how stupid are you?

Discrimination is bad! Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

You're dismissed.
If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...does anyone REALLY think we would go back to segregation..

I'm sorry, I was out shopping at a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery. What was the question again?
As for opening a business to the public, you're also participating in the local market, and to seek to discriminate against potential patrons is in fact disruptive to the local market, as well as all interrelated markets; consequently government is authorized by the Commerce Clause to regulate markets to ensure their integrity, including necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations.
If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...does anyone REALLY think we would go back to segregation..

I'm sorry, I was out shopping at a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery. What was the question again?

I've heard that there is NO WAY you'd be allowed into a straight only bakery.

as for the earlier question. I only support removing the parts of the CRA that apply to private businesses. No white and colored drinking fountains or any of that nonsense.
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.
More of the same meaningless blah blah blah.

The problem here is that liberals can't separate the argument.

If you're arguing that it isn't nice to discriminate, I agree. It's not nice.

But the government doesn't have a right to tell me be to be nice. It's just that simple.

My business name is actually

my real name DBA my business name.

That clearly proves that my business is an extension of ME. Why wouldn't my rights extend as well?

I have yet to hear the compelling argument for the need to repeal the civil rights act. Perhaps you can describe the specific injustice you've been forced to endure.
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.
More of the same meaningless blah blah blah.

. . . as the fact of his ideological discrimination of the mindless, relativistic kind flies right over his head.

Right. Human beings live in ideological vacuums. Humans don't discriminate. They don't think. They don't decide. They don't believe. They don't act. They don't do anything but sit around and drool.

Just how stupid are you?

Discrimination is bad! Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

You're dismissed.

I don't give two shits about ideology. Any and all ideology is a crutch for weak minded fools.
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.
More of the same meaningless blah blah blah.

The problem here is that liberals can't separate the argument.

If you're arguing that it isn't nice to discriminate, I agree. It's not nice.

But the government doesn't have a right to tell me be to be nice. It's just that simple.

My business name is actually

my real name DBA my business name.

That clearly proves that my business is an extension of ME. Why wouldn't my rights extend as well?

I have yet to hear the compelling argument for the need to repeal the civil rights act. Perhaps you can describe the specific injustice you've been forced to endure.

How stupid

I now have to prove my rights being violated harmed me in order to have my rights?

Now answer my question. Doesn't my business name being

my name DBA my business name

conclusively prove that my business is NOT a separate entity from myself?

Of course it does.

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