Civil Rights Act 1964: Repeal?

Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Shame on you, putting profits above human rights.
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.
More of the same meaningless blah blah blah.

The problem here is that liberals can't separate the argument.

If you're arguing that it isn't nice to discriminate, I agree. It's not nice.

But the government doesn't have a right to tell me be to be nice. It's just that simple.

My business name is actually

my real name DBA my business name.

That clearly proves that my business is an extension of ME. Why wouldn't my rights extend as well?

I have yet to hear the compelling argument for the need to repeal the civil rights act. Perhaps you can describe the specific injustice you've been forced to endure.

How stupid

I now have to prove my rights being violated harmed me in order to have my rights?

Now answer my question. Doesn't my business name being

my name DBA my business name

conclusively prove that my business is NOT a separate entity from myself?

Of course it does.

Utter nonsense. You own a what. You can name your car or your house after yourself too if you want, but who would care. It won't make you a car or a house any more than you are a business.
It might be helpful if the OP, or any poster, designated what PORTION of the civil rights act of 1964 they consider should be repealed.

I think you are only about the 2nd person in the thread that has recognized there are different Titles (Portions) under the Civil Rights act of 1964.


Not so. In light of constitutional law and the case law therefore, the whole thing is redundant. It's a relic that served its purpose. Now it's only used by leftists to suppress liberty and corrupt the rule of law.

Our Documents - Transcript of Civil Rights Act 1964
I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If you had that right, the SC would have said so. They obviously don't equate free association in your personal life with that of your business. If you want to make a profit off of American society, then you must treat all its members equally.

If Dred Scott had the right to be a free man rather than a slave, the Supreme Court would have said so. End of story.

So, catch me up on history will you, Mrs. van Winkle has told me I've been sleeping for a very long time. Are blacks still slaves like the Supreme Court decided in their judgement?
I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If you had that right, the SC would have said so. They obviously don't equate free association in your personal life with that of your business. If you want to make a profit off of American society, then you must treat all its members equally.

Yes. We disagree with the SC. Didn't you get the memo?

In a truly just society, that would make you wrong. You can do whatever you want in your home, but if you open your doors to the public, you must treat everyone equally. IMO, this is the number one reason Rand Paul won't be president. Most Americans don't want the country going back to a situation where signs are placed outside a business, barring entry to a portion of its citizens. Remember, it happened to the Irish, too.

You can believe whatever you want in the privacy of your own home, but once you step foot into the public then you must attend the Catholic Church mass every Sunday.
Utter nonsense. You own a what. You can name your car or your house after yourself too if you want, but who would care. It won't make you a car or a house any more than you are a business.

Talk about nonsense. If you can manage, try not being so stupid.

My house or my car? What fallacies.

My business is named the way it is for legal purposes, including purposes of rights, which SCOTUS had acknowledged my business has.

There is NO legal mechanism for naming car

myrealname Drving as Mycar

I mean my god you are stupid.
Man, you're just all kinds of ate up with the dumb asses aren't you.

There is no against "violating state secrets" , go ahead look it up, I'll wait.

There is a law against treason, and anytime you violate the NDA that you have signed with the government you have committed treason.

Slander and libel are CIVIL matters, not criminal. Do you understand that the COTUS only guarantees that THE GOVERNMENT won't violate your rights?

Same with revealing trade secrets, the only CRIME that could possibly be attributed to that is THEFT, if intellectual property is involved. Simply telling trade secrets might be a violation of any agreement you agreed to with the company involved but is not necessarily a crime unless theft was involved.

Just can't stop the name calling when you're losing, can you?

It's structurally impossible for those of us who are arguing in support of human rights to lose the argument. The totalitarianism at the heart of your argument is always a losing proposition.

I sort of assumed that POV was lurking in this thread from the start. Racism and bigotry are painfully real, and we should fight tooth and nail to ensure our government rises above such ugliness. But the right to refuse to associate with people you don't like, no matter how inane your reasoning, is an essential freedom and it's foolish to sacrifice it for temporary convenience.
The left needs victims. It is essential to your psychosis. You live in a world of haves vs. have nots. From what I see we have overcome race in this country as a major obstacle to economic success. Now it's all on the individual. To say that racism is a nation problem in this country is a myth.

Reports: S.C. restaurant refused to seat black patrons

A black South Carolina man says a restaurant in North Charleston refused to seat his party of 25 family and friends and asked the group to leave after a white customer complained of feeling threatened, according to reports....

Reports S.C. restaurant refused to seat black patrons[/QUOTE]
Anymore details or we just going to take your word??

25 is a large group ? just walked in hooping? where they drunk and disorderly? could be many extenuating circumstances.
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.

You have a right, MD, to do business in accordance with the law.

Black people have a right to exist so long as they abide by the Dred Scott law.
Utter nonsense. You own a what. You can name your car or your house after yourself too if you want, but who would care. It won't make you a car or a house any more than you are a business.

Talk about nonsense. If you can manage, try not being so stupid.

My house or my car? What fallacies.

My business is named the way it is for legal purposes, including purposes of rights, which SCOTUS had acknowledged my business has.

There is NO legal mechanism for naming car

myrealname Drving as Mycar

I mean my god you are stupid.
Do you vote as a business or as a person? Can your business adopt children? Can your business get married? Will your business get an inheritance someday? Yes I see your point are exactly like a business. I can only imagine the injustice suffered by your person/business since 1964.
Only American Conservatives can find rationalization to repeal laws that guarantee rights. What is it about Conservatives? Why do they fear freedom so much? Is it because they think that by extending freedom to others theirs will be eroded? Do they think that discrimination is a form of freedom? Where do they get their peculiar and warped sense of fair play and freedom?
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.

You have a right, MD, to do business in accordance with the law.

Black people have a right to exist so long as they abide by the Dred Scott law.
Just as people of your limited mentality have a right to exist because we are such a tolerant society.
Only American Conservatives can find rationalization to repeal laws that guarantee rights. What is it about Conservatives? Why do they fear freedom so much? Is it because they think that by extending freedom to others theirs will be eroded? Do they think that discrimination is a form of freedom? Where do they get their peculiar and warped sense of fair play and freedom?

They aren't conservative, they don't even begin to know the meaning of the word.
Only American Conservatives can find rationalization to repeal laws that guarantee rights. What is it about Conservatives? Why do they fear freedom so much? Is it because they think that by extending freedom to others theirs will be eroded? Do they think that discrimination is a form of freedom? Where do they get their peculiar and warped sense of fair play and freedom?

What guarantee rights? My rights are being violated. I'm being raped by this law. Get it?
Only American Conservatives can find rationalization to repeal laws that guarantee rights. What is it about Conservatives? Why do they fear freedom so much? Is it because they think that by extending freedom to others theirs will be eroded? Do they think that discrimination is a form of freedom? Where do they get their peculiar and warped sense of fair play and freedom?

What guarantee rights? My rights are being violated. I'm being raped by this law. Get it?

NO, tell us how this law is raping you.
Only American Conservatives can find rationalization to repeal laws that guarantee rights. What is it about Conservatives? Why do they fear freedom so much? Is it because they think that by extending freedom to others theirs will be eroded? Do they think that discrimination is a form of freedom? Where do they get their peculiar and warped sense of fair play and freedom?

What guarantee rights? My rights are being violated. I'm being raped by this law. Get it?

NO, tell us how this law is raping you.

Force a woman who prefers to be treated by a female gynecologist to instead be treated by a male gynecologist because YOU DISAPPROVE of her choice. Ask her how she feels about YOU IMPOSING your viewpoint on her and her choice of associations in life.
As long as we have Democrats, we will need laws like this to keep them from reverting back to their KKK Ways
WRONG! The KKK are all "conservative' republicans now. Of course ,if the civil rights laws were repealed they might attempt to come back to the democrat pary!
Liberals need the Civil Rights Act (which is now moot) as a reminder in their minds of how "bad and evil" America is. Liberal history begins in 1964. They hate the generation that won WWII. They can't accept that a segregated society would defeat Nazism. Ruins the victory for them. So Civil Rights Movement, that they want to fight over and over and over and over again...only divides America. Give the young generation a chance to grow without your liberal hatred.
Are you prouder that Nazis were defeated or that it was done by a segregationist society?

Keep twisting in the wind. How could Liberals (who established the Civil Rights Act) be full of hate while Conservatives (who opposed the Civil Rights Act) want to repeal it?

Why are Conservatives hell bent to erode Civil Rights? Is it because they want to bank the fires of discrimination because discrimination appeals so much for them? Who are the haters here?

you have it exactly backwards

I have a right to do business with whom I please, you do NOT have a right to force me to do business with you. Seriously do you people have ANY critical thinking skills?

If your business is open to the public, it has to be...get ready for it...OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!!

Only a Conservatives sees discrimination as a form of freedom.

Only self-appointed, leftist hall monitors fail to recognize that ideological discrimination is the essence of liberty.

You have a right, MD, to do business in accordance with the law.

Black people have a right to exist so long as they abide by the Dred Scott law.
Just as people of limited mentality have a right to exist because we are such a tolerant society.

Utter nonsense. You own a what. You can name your car or your house after yourself too if you want, but who would care. It won't make you a car or a house any more than you are a business.
Only American Conservatives can find rationalization to repeal laws that guarantee rights. What is it about Conservatives? Why do they fear freedom so much? Is it because they think that by extending freedom to others theirs will be eroded? Do they think that discrimination is a form of freedom? Where do they get their peculiar and warped sense of fair play and freedom?

What right. Tell me in plain English, I only have a PhD so type slow; What right do you think the CRA of 1964 protects
Only American Conservatives can find rationalization to repeal laws that guarantee rights. What is it about Conservatives? Why do they fear freedom so much? Is it because they think that by extending freedom to others theirs will be eroded? Do they think that discrimination is a form of freedom? Where do they get their peculiar and warped sense of fair play and freedom?

What guarantee rights? My rights are being violated. I'm being raped by this law. Get it?

NO, tell us how this law is raping you.

Force a woman who prefers to be treated by a female gynecologist to instead be treated by a male gynecologist because YOU DISAPPROVE of her choice. Ask her how she feels about YOU IMPOSING your viewpoint on her and her choice of associations in life.

This isn't about forcing the customer to do anything. This is about making the business behave fairly. Please try and keep up. You've got it bass ackwards. :cuckoo:

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