Civil War in the Catholic Church?

Well we are always looking for new members if you guys get tired of fighting;)

A group of cardinals and bishops have had enough of Pope Francis' lurch to the left on political and scientific issues.

I almost never side against orthodox Catholicism, but this divorced Catholic couples is a difficult one. It seems as though the pope is trying to place mercy higher than teachings. He surely shows that in many other opinions. I give this pope a lot of slack and a lot of credit for what he is trying to do. He is awakening spiritual impulses amongst people of different faiths or no faiths, as well as awakening Christian longings amongst lapsed Catholics. This has to have a positive effect upon millions.

Yes, it does not come without some ramifications. So how he can possibly maneuver communion for divorced remarried Catholics will greatly surprise me. I just do not see it as all bad because many long to be part of the communion-receiving Church again and I am sure those have confessed their sins in the confessional. Granted, there will be other divorced “unchurched” Catholic couples who will take advantage of this in some ways without demonstrating true piety and for them it will not serve them well, even if they never realize it. God cannot be mocked.

So I am truly on the fence with this one.

As far as some of Francis’s other “missteps” I find his over emphasis on global warming to be regrettable. I do believe he is pushing this because he believes the poor are suffering the most from various measures involved, as he is against pesticides, etc., where they are exposed. But still.

He also ventured too far with middle east “refugees” and with Cuba. And others I cannot recall.

Given all that I still believe this pope is a tremendous voice of goodness needed for this sick and lost world.
I remember Godfather III, which is a fictional movie about the alleged corruption in the Vatican Bank. John Paul I was looking into, and he dies within one month. According to the movie (which is entirely fictional) the Pope was murdered with poison.

The movie would be totally forgettable if not for the last scene, when there is drive-by attack on the Corleones. Michael's daughter was killed, and her last word was "Daddy?"
The Pope has always been a political tool.

Now that leftists run the world, he talks as a leftist.
I remember Godfather III, which is a fictional movie about the alleged corruption in the Vatican Bank. John Paul I was looking into, and he dies within one month. According to the movie (which is entirely fictional) the Pope was murdered with poison.

The movie would be totally forgettable if not for the last scene, when there is drive-by attack on the Corleones. Michael's daughter was killed, and her last word was "Daddy?"
the alleged corruption in the Vatican Bank.

Was based on fact

ts leaders were accused of transferring money out of the country into shady overseas banks, as well as being linked to an illegal masonic loge known as Propaganda Due (P2), which had ties to the mafia. Banco Ambrosiano was investigated and its Chairman, Roberto Calvi, was arrested, trialled, and sentenced to four years in prison. After being released on appeal, Calvi fled Italy, before being discovered hanging under London’s Blackfriars Bridge shortly after. It marked a dark period in the history of the Catholic Church, leading to the scandal forming the basis for the plot of the third instalment of the Godfather trilogy.

A history of the Vatican Bank

Banco Ambrosiano

Banco Ambrosiano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember in the early 70's banks going under in NY that were financed by the Vatican bank
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I remember Godfather III, which is a fictional movie about the alleged corruption in the Vatican Bank. John Paul I was looking into, and he dies within one month. According to the movie (which is entirely fictional) the Pope was murdered with poison.

The movie would be totally forgettable if not for the last scene, when there is drive-by attack on the Corleones. Michael's daughter was killed, and her last word was "Daddy?"

I found the series of movies fascinating------as to fiction----you would be amazed as to the amount
of reality------BTW I never believed the rumors about John Paul I------but a very very intelligent----
catholic colleague of mine------so bright that she is fluent in Latin----does believe it. The movie even
got the assassination site correct------a river in New Jersey------better if I do not tell you more-----afterall
it might be confidential information
If the catholic church splits will it be like a divorce were each side takes and claims custody (instead of children) statues?
If the catholic church splits will it be like a divorce were each side takes and claims custody (instead of children) statues?

GOOOON lay off the statues--------did you convert to islam ?
LONDON — It looked extremely dramatic when Pope Francis fired the entire board of the Vatican’s financial watchdog last week. But that was only the half of it. The seismic changes that are underway behind the scenes in Rome are even more radical than public appearances suggest. And they offer illuminating insights into the steely character of the man who likes to present himself to the world as a model of smiling humility.
Pell vs Pope - Andrew Bolt

A group of cardinals and bishops have had enough of Pope Francis' lurch to the left on political and scientific issues.

It's nothing new that some people are always more papal than the Pope himselve - in this case the question is maybe wether they are more christian than the Pope himselve, what I doubt about. Cardinal Pell is by the way right: science is independent. But it's wrong if he likes to educate the Pope in this question. He should accept that the climate change now is man made, how science says and politicians like to ignore.

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