Claim: Hillary has serious health issues

.com, the fact that you libs demanded links, were give links, rejected those links, and then declared it was the JOB of those who gave you links to give you MORE links was funny as hell. Like I said, you guys have NO sense of humor. :p
The second cousin of the hat check girl also says it. And the best friend of the girlfriend of the guy who refills the toilet paper dispensers at the Hillary event.
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
Second time and yet, NO CITE. :rolleyes:

Daily caller?

National Enquirer link broken?

Ok, dude, do you own google search. type in "Hillary often confused" you will get dozens of hits from reputable sources, pick one you like. I picked DC because it came up first, Do it and then post the one you like. Or you could just STFU and accept the fact that your heroine is a loser, a fraud, a liar, and very unhealthy.

Hillary went through an 11 hour grilling from a GOP tag team on Benghazi and it was the Republicans who acted confused
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
Second time and yet, NO CITE. :rolleyes:

Daily caller?

National Enquirer link broken?

Ok, dude, do you own google search. type in "Hillary often confused" you will get dozens of hits from reputable sources, pick one you like. I picked DC because it came up first, Do it and then post the one you like. Or you could just STFU and accept the fact that your heroine is a loser, a fraud, a liar, and very unhealthy.

Hillary went through an 11 hour grilling from a GOP tag team on Benghazi and it was the Republicans who acted confused

Yeah but she coughed and drank some water and that means she has flesh eating disease.

If Hillary is suffering from health issues, the Benghazi Committee members must be near death - because she really kicked their asses last go-round.

If Hillary is suffering from health issues, the Benghazi Committee members must be near death - because she really kicked their asses last go-round.

Speaking of serious health issues....

Exactly how did Hillary did that?

Oh, by giving the committee her e-mails that showed she told the PM that she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had NOTHING to do with the attack before she told the world her lie?!

Oh, by giving the committee her e-mails that showed she told her daughter that she KNEW it was a terrorist attack before spreading her lie and before appearing before the committee the 1st time - demanding she NOT be under oath so she could tell them, "I don't know if it was a terrorist attack or just a bunch of guys out for a walk' without perjuring herself.

Oh, by her phone records of 10pm the night of the attack to the WH to talk to Obama, to get their stories straight, before telling the world it was all about a video the next day...

Oh, how in response to the fact that more than 600 pleas for additional security before his death by Stevens was rejected she laughed and commented about his 'sense of humor'?!

Oh, about how after every other nation had pulled their people out due to the threats, after 2 previous terrorist attacks on his compound, after the State Department - after all this - knowing he had NO military Quick response if he was attacked a 3rd time, it was revealed - BY HILLARY - that as Sect of State she was oblivious to all of that because that was being handled by lower level supervisors? (Her not knowing was also proved false, but the fact that she 'admitted' to being oblivious to all of that yet still considered herself a successful Sect of State...even after the death of the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years and the deaths of 3 others due to her incompetence/failures is MIND-NUMBING!)

Yeah, being exposed that way, she really 'kicked ass'!
Trump's doctor stated that (paraphrasing) Trump would be the healthiest person to ever seek the office. Obviously, blowing that out his ass as he wouldn't know one way or another.
Sounds like Jihadi Don wrote it for him.

Trey Gowdy did not look too well


Hillary was fresh as a daisy after 11 hours
Sounds like Jihadi Don wrote it for him.

Obama has armed and helped Al Qaeida take over Libya

Obama has helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt.

Obama has supplied, armed, tried, and protected ISIS, allowed them to flow into Iraq un-opposed to take over much of Iraq after our troops liberated it at great expense, and dropped leaflets warning ISIS that an attack was coming

Obama gave a terrorist a Visa and allowed them to come into the US to murder 14 Americans, while MOCKING those Americans for being cowards 'afraid of widows and orphans'...and still wants to bring in 65,000 Syrians when he knows - in the aftermath of the Ca attack - that his background check process is broken...

Trump suggests we temporarily suspend bringing in any more until we can make sure we can protect our national security and our citizens....

You give the name 'Jihad' to Trump.


You're either seriously - and often - confused, like HLLARY, OR you're like 2 tons of fertilizer in a 1-ton truck: FULL OF SHIT! :p
Never, in the history of American politics, has a bathroom break been sussed into a threat to global thermonuclear instability.

What a bunch of creepy little assholes you people are.

The health of a potential president is a real concern.
At least we arent freaking out over a guy getting a drink of water.
QUOTE="rightwinger, post: 13205506, member: 20321"]
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
Second time and yet, NO CITE. :rolleyes:

Daily caller?

National Enquirer link broken?

Ok, dude, do you own google search. type in "Hillary often confused" you will get dozens of hits from reputable sources, pick one you like. I picked DC because it came up first, Do it and then post the one you like. Or you could just STFU and accept the fact that your heroine is a loser, a fraud, a liar, and very unhealthy.

Hillary went through an 11 hour grilling from a GOP tag team on Benghazi and it was the Republicans who acted confused[/QUOTE]

No one on the committee was confused. She lied about the video causing it, she lied to the victim families, and then lied about the lie.

She is almost 70, overweight, has had a serious mental issue, and Is a perpetual liar. But you are free to continue worshiping her as you goddess of liberal failures if you choose
The second cousin of the hat check girl also says it. And the best friend of the girlfriend of the guy who refills the toilet paper dispensers at the Hillary event.
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
Second time and yet, NO CITE. :rolleyes:

Is your Google broken?
Yet another case where a liberal pretends to forget something that was discussed ad nauseam only a few short months ago.
Sounds like you have something in common with the're often confused.

Or a partisan hack....
She's older than dirt. Of course she has health problems.

People don't live forever even if they sold their soul to Satan.
The second cousin of the hat check girl also says it. And the best friend of the girlfriend of the guy who refills the toilet paper dispensers at the Hillary event.
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
Second time and yet, NO CITE. :rolleyes:

Is your Google broken?
Yet another case where a liberal pretends to forget something that was discussed ad nauseam only a few short months ago.
Sounds like you have something in common with the're often confused.

Or a partisan hack....

the cites have been provided, the libs just refuse to acknowledge that their heroes are frauds and liars.
Sounds like Jihadi Don wrote it for him.

Obama has armed and helped Al Qaeida take over Libya

Obama has helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt.

Obama has supplied, armed, tried, and protected ISIS, allowed them to flow into Iraq un-opposed to take over much of Iraq after our troops liberated it at great expense, and dropped leaflets warning ISIS that an attack was coming

Obama gave a terrorist a Visa and allowed them to come into the US to murder 14 Americans, while MOCKING those Americans for being cowards 'afraid of widows and orphans'...and still wants to bring in 65,000 Syrians when he knows - in the aftermath of the Ca attack - that his background check process is broken...

Trump suggests we temporarily suspend bringing in any more until we can make sure we can protect our national security and our citizens....

You give the name 'Jihad' to Trump.


You're either seriously - and often - confused, like HLLARY, OR you're like 2 tons of fertilizer in a 1-ton truck: FULL OF SHIT! :p
Complete BULLSHIT!

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