Claims of Bill Clinton Raping & Democratic Defense of It Debunked


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on their side.
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Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on your side.


OP Destroyed with one look
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on your side.

the fact troll Valerie who cant deal with pesky facts here hero shady brady is lying cheater and has tainted a great sport has posted a winner proves this post is a joke.:biggrin:

of course they had to do that,they know they will wind up as dead bodies if they dont as so many others did who wxposed his corruption moron.:cuckoo::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on your side.
Dan Rather On Clinton Rape Allegations: Even If They Turn Out To Be True, It Was A Long Time Ago
Well, I think the reason is pretty obvious that they're, they don't call me and tell me why they run or don't run these things, but I think it's pretty obvious. They are nervous about, number one, whether this information is accurate, whether it's really true or not. And then number two, even if it does it turns out to be true, it happened a long time ago and number three, they've gotta be figuring maybe, just maybe the American public has heard all they want to hear about this and are saying you know, "Next. Let's move on to the next thing."

Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on your side.
Why don’t you go over to Augusta National and play a little golf
What about Lewinsky?
She was not assaulted in any way. She went, in her own words, to DC with the intention of seducing him, taking her 'kneepads.' She was an adult. There was no harrassment or assault or molesting. She never accused him of anything or charged him with anything. In the end, she has capitalized on her notoriety.
What about Lewinsky?
What about her? You tell me.

She also signed an affidavit and gave to Ken Star that nothing happened, and denied the whole thing.
Of course we know that this was not true. The truth was later confirmed of course, she feared for her life and her career was threatened.
Also, we know that two women, including Lewinsky met with Tripp to try and convince her to commit perjury and lie like she did.
It was not Lewinsky that told the truth...she was forced to tell the truth later.
We know Hillary went after her, and is likely why she tried to hide it. Hillary certainly went after the others as well.
the fact troll Valerie who cant deal with pesky facts here hero shady brady is lying cheater and has tainted a great sport has posted a winner proves this post is a joke.:biggrin:

of course they had to do that,they know they will wind up as dead bodies if they dont as so many others did who wxposed his corruption moron.:cuckoo::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

seek help :itsok:
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on your side.


OP Destroyed with one look
the look on web Hubble’s love child is priceless as well
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on your side.


OP Destroyed with one look
Hardly. How would you look at the person who had falsely accused you of something heinous?
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on your side.


OP Destroyed with one look
the look on web Hubble’s love child is priceless as well
All you prove with this post is how immature and mean spirited you are.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman? Hard to have any credibility when you lied on national TV, but the goose stepping liberals didn't care.

OK, so what's your point? Tell me what you're trying to say, then I'll respond accordingly.

Currently, all you're doing is posting things we all already know.
She also signed an affidavit and gave to Ken Star that nothing happened, and denied the whole thing.
Of course we know that this was not true. The truth was later confirmed of course, she feared for her life and her career was threatened.
Also, we know that two women, including Lewinsky met with Tripp to try and convince her to commit perjury and lie like she did.
It was not Lewinsky that told the truth...she was forced to tell the truth later.
We know Hillary went after her, and is likely why she tried to hide it. Hillary certainly went after the others as well.
All I know is what happened in the court of law.

All else is simply conjecture.

All the cases have been adjudicated and are now closed.

Thank you.
What message/s are the far rightwingers getting from this picture...


What "smoking gun" are your brains telling you there is here?
I did not have sexual relations with that woman? Hard to have any credibility when you lied on national TV, but the goose stepping liberals didn't care.

OK, so what's your point? Tell me what you're trying to say, then I'll respond accordingly.

Currently, all you're doing is posting things we all already know.

Yeah, and the liberals are coming out and throwing Bill to the curb...

AT LAST! Liberals Finally Turn on Bill Clinton for Serial Sexual Misbehavior
It was only 3 days ago that Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick told Laura Ingraham of the Clintons, “I hope they get what’s due to them.” Already there are indications that the chickens are coming home to roost.
Now make sure to shove your head farther up Uranus. that is the only way you libs handle the truth...

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