Claims of Bill Clinton Raping & Democratic Defense of It Debunked

The N Y Times could not find a Democrat to talk about Bill's crimes or defend him...Chelsea Handler just threw him under the bus and publicly declared she believes Broaddrick...

..but snowflakes on this board will step up to the plate for him ... and Franken ... and Weiner ... and Polanski ... and....
What about Lewinsky?
What about her? You tell me.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman? Hard to have any credibility when you lied on national TV, but the goose stepping liberals didn't care.

Consenual sex between two adults. Not something to be vilified for. Not molestation. Not harrassment. Not assault. He cheated on his wife with an adult who went after him. End of. Bad judgement. Not something to be admired, but not comparable to what Moore is being accused of.
What message/s are the far rightwingers getting from this picture...


What "smoking gun" are your brains telling you there is here?
Broaddrick attending the same event... it looks like the look a rapist gives a victim when they accidently run into each other at a public charity event...

OP's message is victims of Clinton CRIMES were declared whores, while Trump is guilty of much less.
Consenual sex between two adults. Not something to be vilified for.
Yes, the President of the United States adding adultery in the WH and lying his ass off about it to the world to his long list of sexual misconducts is perfectly acceptable ... to Democrats and snowflakes....
She also signed an affidavit and gave to Ken Star that nothing happened, and denied the whole thing.
Of course we know that this was not true. The truth was later confirmed of course, she feared for her life and her career was threatened.
Also, we know that two women, including Lewinsky met with Tripp to try and convince her to commit perjury and lie like she did.
It was not Lewinsky that told the truth...she was forced to tell the truth later.
We know Hillary went after her, and is likely why she tried to hide it. Hillary certainly went after the others as well.
All I know is what happened in the court of law.

All else is simply conjecture.

All the cases have been adjudicated and are now closed.

Thank you.

You are burying your head.
Everything I said is on record.
Lewinsky filed an affidavit with Starr saying nothing happened. Also on record is her conversation with Tripp to get her to commit perjury also to defend Clinton. All of this is well known and factual.
Clinton twice committed perjury, and was found guilty and fined $90,000 for lying under oath.
Hillary went on camera and called the whole thing a "vast right wing conspiracy"...including the Lewinsky incident. Even though we now know she knew it was true.
The point being, the Clintons fought to dismiss the Lewinsky incident, and would have been successful if not for the cum stained dress and Tripp forcing Lewinsky to change her story armed with that.
And what happened to Linda Tripp?? On the Clintons last day she was fired from the Pentagon. Coincidence??? Also she won a $595,000 settlement after the Clintons illegally released her employment data to employers she was trying to get a job with.
Also on record.

Try again guy.
OP's message is victims of Clinton CRIMES were declared whores, while Trump is guilty of much less.
Hillary enabled her sexual deviant husband's crimes by bullying, intimidating, insulting, and silencing his victims....also not to be 'vilified' if you are a Democrat. :p
The N Y Times could not find a Democrat to talk about Bill's crimes or defend him...Chelsea Handler just threw him under the bus and publicly declared she believes Broaddrick...

..but snowflakes on this board will step up to the plate for him ... and Franken ... and Weiner ... and Polanski ... and....
Who has stepped up for Weiner and Polanski?
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on their side.
did you forget Lewinsky?
OP try to keep up, even the liberal media is turning on Bill Clinton the days where Dem's made excuses for this accused rapist are over. Huffpo is now saying Biden is not fit for a run in 2020 due to his creepy sexual snuggling of young women and girls.
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on their side.

All untrue.... recent history can not be changed. How many times do I have to tell you libs...if we all lived through it you can't revise it. Not all of us were born last year! give the history revision up it makes you look silly and duped as hell.
Consenual sex between two adults. Not something to be vilified for.
Yes, the President of the United States adding adultery in the WH and lying his ass off about it to the world to his long list of sexual misconducts is perfectly acceptable ... to Democrats and snowflakes....
Actually...adultry isnt that big a deal to us lefties. It is a matter between the spouses. However it used to be a big deal to you righties. Until you elected Trump. Now it is the new morality and grown men having relations with minors is compared to Mary and Joseph :dunno:
The N Y Times could not find a Democrat to talk about Bill's crimes or defend him...Chelsea Handler just threw him under the bus and publicly declared she believes Broaddrick...

..but snowflakes on this board will step up to the plate for him ... and Franken ... and Weiner ... and Polanski ... and....
Who has stepped up for Weiner and Polanski?
I know this will completely SHOCK you....but, it was liberal members of this board. :p
The N Y Times could not find a Democrat to talk about Bill's crimes or defend him...Chelsea Handler just threw him under the bus and publicly declared she believes Broaddrick...

..but snowflakes on this board will step up to the plate for him ... and Franken ... and Weiner ... and Polanski ... and....
Who has stepped up for Weiner and Polanski?
I know this will completely SHOCK you....but, it was liberal members of this board. :p
Three women came forward to accuse Bill Clinton: Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. There is a public records to explore as each of the above have been investigated.

Juanita Broaddrick:
Signed an affidavit denying that anything happened and swore under oath nothing took place.

Paula Jones:
Case was fully investigated and dismissed.

Kathleen Willey:
Case was fully investigated by Ken Starr, a GOP appointed Special Prosecutor who determined she lied under oath.

Additionally there are no tapes, recordings or witnesses of Bill Clinton saying he abuses women, gropes them or assaults them.
Yes, he has cheated on his wife.

Now contrast that with the trump* history, public admissions on how he treats and objectifies women of all ages from Tic Tacs to sexist rhetoric and now dozens of women confirming Trump’s history and admissions.

Unless you have any other FACTS that state otherwise, the rightwing rapist/harassers/child molestors/groper defenders need to cut it out and face up to the toxicity on their side.

Dear MarcATL
1. for Juanita Broaddrick, the issue has come up about whether she felt pressured to deny rape or other claims against Clinton when she signed those affidavits.
Juanita Broaddrick, the Woman Who Accused Bill Clinton of Rape, Is Back in the Spotlight
Although she was granted immunity from perjury, her testimony about being raped could not be proven either way because it was so long ago in the past with any evidence gone.
So it's a matter of he said/she said. The issue of falsifying sworn affidavits is a separate issue and has been argued both ways: as part of the culture that silences victims out of fear of political retalitation by powerful people such as the Clintons and their camp; and as part of the legal and political abuse of paying people to use for political points in media against opponents.

Given that the political manipulations can go EITHER WAY, either silencing victims or exploiting cases to push false accusations in the media,
it all boils down to whether you believe Juanita's account that she keeps saying is true, but blames the political and legal system for why it can never be pursued.

Bill Clinton 'rape' victim Juanita Broaddrick tells of lasting trauma of 1978 'attack' | Daily Mail Online

2. As for admitted problems that Bill Clinton has, Hillary Clinton blamed his problems on growing up with an abusive past since childhood:
New book says Hillary Clinton blamed husband's infidelity on abuse as a child

Only he knows how much his abusive past and consequent behavior
really manifested as sexual harassment and abuse of women by political coercion.

If Louis CK has admitted that his position of power rendered it unethical to ask consent of women who were under his stronger influence,
then this same imbalance of power applies to Clinton and Lewinsky even though she "consented" as a legally responsible and competent adult.
The fact they had a professional relationship and it was part of public service and conducted on govt property and/or time made it more improper.

If you just want to argue about the ethics concerning this established case
where Clinton did lie and deny sexual relations under oath,
that's plenty right there.

It was wrongful for govt to have to intrude on personal relations and problems,
where normally govt has no business going, and
which of course would naturally result in anyone trying to deny it to keep govt out of personal problems,
but that's further reason why Clinton should never have engaged in any such relations
in the course of govt duty and on govt grounds especially involving others in govt work.

In general, I find these cases speak to LEGAL ABUSE where the lawyers and judges all making their profession and profits off
keeping them and their cohorts in positions of power to keep controlling what gets redressed and what gets buried and neglected.

I think we would do MORE service to the public by addressing the LEGAL ABUSE of court judicial and govt power
to either exploit or censor cases of abuse. And that applies to more than just rape and sexual abuse/harassment cases.

The cases of lives or property lost to abuse of authority are more broad in scope.
I am hoping that people look beyond just the rape cases and accusations coming out of Hollywood and DC,
and get ready to address the greater far reaching problem of LEGAL ABUSE of courts, govt and access to justice and DEFENSE and political abuse of party.
Actually...adultry isnt that big a deal to us lefties. It is a matter between the spouses.
Umm...when you're having your adulterous affair in MY HOUSE - in the WH kept up and paid for by my tax dollars. when 'Bubba' is shooting his 'DNA' all over the walls / carpet / a dress and dropping pubes all over the rugs, it is a big deal.

When the 'Adulterer and Chief' is embarrassing the entire nation with his sex scandals, lying and being caught lying on world-wide TV, it's a big deal....of course, as you said, such things are 'normal' for snowflakes / Democrats.
The N Y Times could not find a Democrat to talk about Bill's crimes or defend him...Chelsea Handler just threw him under the bus and publicly declared she believes Broaddrick...

..but snowflakes on this board will step up to the plate for him ... and Franken ... and Weiner ... and Polanski ... and....
Who has stepped up for Weiner and Polanski?
I know this will completely SHOCK you....but, it was liberal members of this board. :p
Wait right there...let me scan through old. past threads and posts - which you could do - and I will get right back to you.... :p
Consenual sex between two adults. Not something to be vilified for.
Yes, the President of the United States adding adultery in the WH and lying his ass off about it to the world to his long list of sexual misconducts is perfectly acceptable ... to Democrats and snowflakes....
Actually...adultry isnt that big a deal to us lefties. It is a matter between the spouses. However it used to be a big deal to you righties. Until you elected Trump. Now it is the new morality and grown men having relations with minors is compared to Mary and Joseph :dunno:
Trump cheated on both his ex-wives and bragged on TV about having sex with married women, the right is just okay with that..
Actually...adultry isnt that big a deal to us lefties. It is a matter between the spouses.
Umm...when you're having your adulterous affair in MY HOUSE - in the WH kept up and paid for by my tax dollars. when 'Bubba' is shooting his 'DNA' all over the walls / carpet / a dress and dropping pubes all over the rugs, it is a big deal.

When the 'Adulterer and Chief' is embarrassing the entire nation with his sex scandals, lying and being caught lying on world-wide TV, it's a big deal....of course, as you said, such things are 'normal' for snowflakes / Democrats.
Hilarious, you put a man in the office of president who brags about forcing himself on women. Hypocrite or what?

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