Clapper: Russia Investigation pales in comparison to Watergate


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Here ya go since you like to quote Clapper so much here are more gems you can use!

"I have to say, though, that I think when you compare the two, that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," he added.
Former spy-chief James Clapper: Watergate pales compared 'to what we are confronting now' #NPC MORE:

— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) June 7, 2017
Clapper also shared concerns with what he called "the internal assault on our institutions," citing Trump's January tweet comparing the intelligence community to "Nazis" and "the whole episode" with the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

After Trump "disparaged" the intelligence community with that "absurd allegation" in the January tweet, Clapper said he "felt an obligation to defend the men and women of the United States intelligence community. So, I called him on 11 January. Surprisingly, (Trump) took my call."
Clapper continued, "I tried, naively it turned out, to appeal to his 'higher instincts' -- by pointing out that the intelligence community he was about to inherit is a national treasure and that the people in it were committed to supporting him and making him successful. Ever transactional, he simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous 'dossier,' which I could not and would not do."

There you go! Use quotes from Clapper and now you can call Clapper a hack while continuing to quote him when you need a quick out
No offense, but isn't the thread title backwards? I think he's saying the Russia investigation is more serious in terms as a threat to America. I'd agree, but Nixon was up to more than just the breakin.
No offense, but isn't the thread title backwards? I think he's saying the Russia investigation is more serious in terms as a threat to America. I'd agree, but Nixon was up to more than just the breakin.

Fixed lol
No offense, but isn't the thread title backwards? I think he's saying the Russia investigation is more serious in terms as a threat to America. I'd agree, but Nixon was up to more than just the breakin.

Fixed lol
Honestly, I read the story, or something on the same lines, earlier and had to re-read it to get Clapper's drift. Imo there's a humongous Orange elephant in the room everyone wants to ignore. We mess with other countries' elections, and I've no doubt that non US citizens have messed with ours (Murdoch for example, but Churchill not doubt used Murrow as well). But there was some Trump collusion. The only question is how much. Is it so bad he has to be gotten rid of, as was Nixon. And Nixon as a candidate torpedoed peace talks with Vietnam.
The ever whiny Clapper characterizes the President as "ever transactional". No surprises here. Clapper is a perfect example of how far the "intelligence community" is involved in politics (generally left wing) instead of freaking "intelligence". Another example of the need to drain the swamp.
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.
Whats funny is that there is still no evidence yet the libs scream like banshees.

Yeah, every new story everyday for the last 100+ days all equate to nothing. Go with that.

You sound like the Fox and the grapes. The fox cant reach the grapes so he says they must be gross. You refuse to see the evidence so you just say it isn't there Ostrich head in the sand style.
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?

Oh yeah....just more emotion and sensationalism and no substance.
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?

Oh yeah....just more emotion and sensationalism and no substance.

I didn't ask you to assign emotions to his comment. I'm asking you if you have a response to the comment itself or nah?
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?

Oh yeah....just more emotion and sensationalism and no substance.

I didn't ask you to assign emotions to his comment. I'm asking you if you have a response to the comment itself or nah?

What type of response should such an emotional heart tug merit or warrant? Mine wasn't emotion based but refering to clappers hysterical emotions as non substantive. Thats my comment on this absurdity. The facts are still that there has never been a shred of evidence pointing towards collusion. In essence, its a non issue.
Trump went to war with our intelligence agencies and the media. How's that working out for him?
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?

Oh yeah....just more emotion and sensationalism and no substance.
Russia put out false info and Trump used in on the campaign trail. Live with it.
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?

Are y'all just going to keep digging your own grave deeper? Surely, you would notice the massive hemorraging occurring over the last 7 years in terms of losing elections. This is just one more instance of liberal radical fringe gone wild. By all means though, y'all should continue. Its a sure path to obsolesence.
To what extent will libs relegate themselves to wander in the desert through endless false non substantive accusations. It's mind boggling. There's a reason the losses among their party are increasing. Over a thousand in seven years and growing.

Thanks for that. Any comment on Clappers words or nah?

Oh yeah....just more emotion and sensationalism and no substance.
Russia put out false info and Trump used in on the campaign trail. Live with it.

Theres nothing to live with. Keep on with that though. Your'e shooting yourself in the foot, head, mouth, ears, and everywhere else.
Here ya go since you like to quote Clapper so much here are more gems you can use!

"I have to say, though, that I think when you compare the two, that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," he added.
Former spy-chief James Clapper: Watergate pales compared 'to what we are confronting now' #NPC MORE:

— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) June 7, 2017
Clapper also shared concerns with what he called "the internal assault on our institutions," citing Trump's January tweet comparing the intelligence community to "Nazis" and "the whole episode" with the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

After Trump "disparaged" the intelligence community with that "absurd allegation" in the January tweet, Clapper said he "felt an obligation to defend the men and women of the United States intelligence community. So, I called him on 11 January. Surprisingly, (Trump) took my call."
Clapper continued, "I tried, naively it turned out, to appeal to his 'higher instincts' -- by pointing out that the intelligence community he was about to inherit is a national treasure and that the people in it were committed to supporting him and making him successful. Ever transactional, he simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous 'dossier,' which I could not and would not do."

There you go! Use quotes from Clapper and now you can call Clapper a hack while continuing to quote him when you need a quick out

Clapper called the intelligence services a "national treasure"? Really, James? The people in them are committed to supporting Trump and making him successful? REALLY, James!!!

How blind do you have to be to not see that there are a large number of people in the intelligence services that are committed to destroying his Presidency by all means necessary? Clapper is an idiot and that statement proves it!
Here ya go since you like to quote Clapper so much here are more gems you can use!

"I have to say, though, that I think when you compare the two, that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," he added.
Former spy-chief James Clapper: Watergate pales compared 'to what we are confronting now' #NPC MORE:

— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) June 7, 2017
Clapper also shared concerns with what he called "the internal assault on our institutions," citing Trump's January tweet comparing the intelligence community to "Nazis" and "the whole episode" with the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

After Trump "disparaged" the intelligence community with that "absurd allegation" in the January tweet, Clapper said he "felt an obligation to defend the men and women of the United States intelligence community. So, I called him on 11 January. Surprisingly, (Trump) took my call."
Clapper continued, "I tried, naively it turned out, to appeal to his 'higher instincts' -- by pointing out that the intelligence community he was about to inherit is a national treasure and that the people in it were committed to supporting him and making him successful. Ever transactional, he simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous 'dossier,' which I could not and would not do."

There you go! Use quotes from Clapper and now you can call Clapper a hack while continuing to quote him when you need a quick out

He's correct. His involvement, along with obummer and shrilary, and how they were selling this country out to pootin is indeed bigger than watergate. Hopefully the investigations will get to the bottom of it.

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