Clarence Thomas accepted more gifts from rich benefactors, new report says

You keep downplaying Sotomayor’s verified acts based on allegations against Thomas. Where were the bribes and confirm that they did in fact impact the outcome of decisions?

So you agree that ALL Justices need to meet stricter ethical standards?
except all the evidence in the article

Reality is Republicans are the party of deep state corruption and swamp people and you don;t care because you hate America, your loyalty is to the corrupt trash GOP
There's zero evidence.
No it didn’t. The pro public link you posted specifically said Thomas had no cases involving those guys.
Doesn’t matter

He is accepting gifts of significant value from high level political donors

Calls his impartiality into question

38 holidays paid for !!
When did he have time to get round to doing any judging ?
It can be argued that the donors got a good return on their investment in this character.
But its starting to look like the American legal system is more corrupt than its political system. Something I would have not thought possible.
Show me the law that says he can't......
Doesn’t matter

He is accepting gifts of significant value from high level political donors

Calls his impartiality into question
Well geez, that’s like every politician then. Are we going to question sotomayor for not refusing herself from cases that involved her publisher? What about all the lobbyists who donate to politicians literally to influence their decision, what about all the politicians who took trips and vacations from Epstein? I mean, if we dig into everyone’s financials, I’m sure we’ll find a whole lot of people that have taken money from rich people. But nobody is talking about those people.

Are you suggesting that Biden, Obama, pelosi, Schumer, kegan or sotomayor have never taken gifts of significant value from a political donor?

Ill meet you half way here. I’ll agree that it’s inappropriate that Thomas has been taking gifts from rich people if you’ll agree that it’s inappropriate for everyone else to do the same, and if you want to punish Thomas for it, first we must take a deep dive into the financials of EVERY elected official.

I’m a supporter of yearly audits anyway.

However, there’s no evidence that Thomas took bribes, and every politician accepts gifts so not sure why Thomas gets singled out here…well, I know why actually, but it’s disingenuous.
Well geez, that’s like every politician then. Are we going to question sotomayor for not refusing herself from cases that involved her publisher? What about all the lobbyists who donate to politicians literally to influence their decision, what about all the politicians who took trips and vacations from Epstein? I mean, if we dig into everyone’s financials, I’m sure we’ll find a whole lot of people that have taken money from rich people. But nobody is talking about those people.

Are you suggesting that Biden, Obama, pelosi, Schumer, kegan or sotomayor have never taken gifts of significant value from a political donor?

Ill meet you half way here. I’ll agree that it’s inappropriate that Thomas has been taking gifts from rich people if you’ll agree that it’s inappropriate for everyone else to do the same, and if you want to punish Thomas for it, first we must take a deep dive into the financials of EVERY elected official.

I’m a supporter of yearly audits anyway.

However, there’s no evidence that Thomas took bribes, and every politician accepts gifts so not sure why Thomas gets singled out here…well, I know why actually, but it’s disingenuous.

Difference is Thomas is not running for office. He is a Justice for life.
Judges are held to a higher standard.
Accepting expensive gifts and living an affluent lifestyle on a Judges salary brings your impartiality into question
Any judge should know better
So you agree that ALL Justices need to meet stricter ethical standards?
I do. Thomas did not do himself any help by accepting gifts and trips…. I never defended him for that. My point is, if you are going to have issue with Thomas for using the bench for personal gain then you need to do the same with the rest of the justices.
Its ok that these conservative judges are taking millions in bribes to influence policy and law at the highest level.

You people are total trash and totally corrupt. Republicans are a disgrace and have sold our country out.
Cry a little louder, child.
Difference is Thomas is not running for office. He is a Justice for life.
Judges are held to a higher standard.
Accepting expensive gifts and living an affluent lifestyle on a Judges salary brings your impartiality into question
Any judge should know better
Why does it matter they are a lifetime appointment? Many in congress have also been there for a lifetime. If it’s wrong to accept gifts because it could influence our judges, it would also be wrong for the people who make laws and regulations to accept gifts.
Did the same media outlets check to see what other Justices have taken in way of trips or tickets from their friends, Banker? I'm going to guess that they did not. I'm also going to guess that if they did...then they would find that liberal Justices have vacationed with rich friends and attended concerts with them as well.
Do you think that they should ?
Shouldnt judges be like Caesars wife ?
Any laws that apply to Thomas would apply to all justices. At some point in the future there will be a corrupt liberal judge. You are too dense to see that it needs sorting out.
Why does it matter they are a lifetime appointment? Many in congress have also been there for a lifetime. If it’s wrong to accept gifts because it could influence our judges, it would also be wrong for the people who make laws and regulations to accept gifts.
It abssolutely should, Thanks for your support.
I do. Thomas did not do himself any help by accepting gifts and trips…. I never defended him for that. My point is, if you are going to have issue with Thomas for using the bench for personal gain then you need to do the same with the rest of the justices.
You could also say the person that nominated the justice could realize personal gain. To me, it doesn't matter as long as a conservative majority.

To the LEFTY's, suck it bitch, you ain't going to ruin this country
Why does it matter they are a lifetime appointment? Many in congress have also been there for a lifetime. If it’s wrong to accept gifts because it could influence our judges, it would also be wrong for the people who make laws and regulations to accept gifts.
Members of Congress will meet an Ethics Committee to review their conduct.

Supreme Court is not accountable
No it is not. Just because it made no difference at 8-1 doesn't mean it didn't at 5-4.
I found no 5-4. Incel, keep your mouth shut.

Incel, grab your huggee toy and head to your safe zone
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Congress must create a Code of Ethics for SCOTUS with its jurisdiction withdrawn for the legislation, and signed by the President.
The Founders very specifically wrote separation of powers into the federal government. The Congress has power of impeachment and removal of office but absolutely no other authority over the executive or judicial branches of government.

Laugh all you want John Edgar Slow Horses but that is the way the Constitution is written. You are welcome to show whatever clause there is in the Constitution that gives Congress or the President any authority whatsoever over the Supreme Court other than the power to appoint and confirm the justices that serve on it. Congress can no more write rules for the Supreme Court than the Supreme Court can establish a code of ethics for Congress.
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Read the Constitution. The Congress can specifically create legislation from which jurisdiction has been withdrawn from SCOTUS and the inferior courts.



    Congress Gave and Congress Hath Taken Away:1 …

    Weblegislation, show that the Constitution gives Congress plenary power to. withdraw certain cases and controversies from the federal courts' jurisdiction, and address the common …

  2. The Other Tool Democrats Have to Rein in the Supreme Court


  4. Jurisdiction stripping - Wikipedia
You exposed your own lack of morals by condoning an SC Justice peddling or even strong arming public institutions into buying her book to the tune of 7 digits. If she wants to sell books, fine - step down from the bench. Otherwise, how is that not corrupt using the highest bench in the land to extort money under the guise of buying books?
Members of the Democrat Cult are exempt from attack.

You know this.

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