Clarence Thomas accepted more gifts from rich benefactors, new report says

Any laws that apply to Thomas would apply to all justices. At some point in the future there will be a corrupt liberal judge.
There’s at least one now.

You didn’t care about her, and still don’t.

Why is that?

Also, you’re not posting from England - why do you claim you are?

Just curious.
The Founders very specifically wrote separation of powers into the federal government. The Congress has power of impeachment and removal of office but absolutely no other authority over the executive or judicial branches of government.

Laugh all you want John Edgar Slow Horses but that is the way the Constitution is written. You are welcome to show whatever clause there is in the Constitution that gives Congress or the President any authority whatsoever over the Supreme Court other than the power to appoint and confirm the justices that serve on it. Congress can no more write rules for the Supreme Court than the Supreme Court can establish a code of ethics for Congress.
Stop making sense.
except all the evidence in the article

Reality is Republicans are the party of deep state corruption and swamp people and you don;t care because you hate America, your loyalty is to the corrupt trash GOP
And yet it's the Democrats that have weaponized the IRS and the DOJ against it's political opposition? That's an amusing claim, Banker! It's your side of the aisle that's using the power of the Federal Government against Donald Trump, making him spend millions to defend himself against 70 plus indictments brought by blatantly biased liberal DA's! Now you're also trying to do the same thing to the Supreme Court. It's disgusting.
Do you think that they should ?
Shouldnt judges be like Caesars wife ?
Any laws that apply to Thomas would apply to all justices. At some point in the future there will be a corrupt liberal judge. You are too dense to see that it needs sorting out.
Interesting that you've jumped to the conclusion that I'm "dense" simply because I pointed out that what's being done to Thomas HASN'T been done to liberal judges, Tommy. I don't think Supreme Court Justices should be held to two standards simply because some of them lean to the left and some to the right. Am I really "dense" for having that view? Or is that just the way you treat those who's views you don't agree with?
Yet the Orange and MAGA that weaponized the IRS and the DOJ against its political opposition.

It has been returned to their non-political status. The Secret Service had to be harvested of all its Orange maggats, many forced into resignation or retirement.
And yet it's the Democrats that have weaponized the IRS and the DOJ against it's political opposition? That's an amusing claim, Banker! It's your side of the aisle that's using the power of the Federal Government against Donald Trump, making him spend millions to defend himself against 70 plus indictments brought by blatantly biased liberal DA's! Now you're also trying to do the same thing to the Supreme Court. It's disgusting.
So out of the 80 indictments against Trump, do you think that even ONE charge against him is legit?
Interesting that you've jumped to the conclusion that I'm "dense" simply because I pointed out that what's being done to Thomas HASN'T been done to liberal judges, Tommy. I don't think Supreme Court Justices should be held to two standards simply because some of them lean to the left and some to the right. Am I really "dense" for having that view? Or is that just the way you treat those who's views you don't agree with?
Im sorry if I have offended you. I think the denseness is the inability to think outside of partisan boundaries.
Nobody really believes that corrupt judges should run wild. But it seems ok if they are on a particular side. That is dense.
Ethical standards apply to all. That isnt a controversial point.
Not if they are legit. So which charges do you think he may be guilty of?
I guess they can charge him with possessing classified materials. That's something that needs to be decided by the courts though. A President has ultimate authority when it comes to the classification of documents so even that is a stretch. The rest of the charges are laughable.
Im sorry if I have offended you. I think the denseness is the inability to think outside of partisan boundaries.
Nobody really believes that corrupt judges should run wild. But it seems ok if they are on a particular side. That is dense.
Ethical standards apply to all. That isnt a controversial point.
You think that Clarence Thomas is "running wild"? Come on, Tommy...that's a bit of a stretch. He has friends that are wealthy and they invite him along on vacations. Do you really want to go down that path? I'm guessing that some of Thomas's liberal colleagues also have wealthy friends who invite them to join them at their vacation homes or at concerts and such things. This isn't about Clarence Thomas running's about a Supreme Court that isn't leaning liberal. All I'm saying is that there shouldn't be a double standard. By the're claiming that I'm "dense" doesn't offend me...I find the claim rather silly since I've posted about five times.
You think that Clarence Thomas is "running wild"? Come on, Tommy...that's a bit of a stretch. He has friends that are wealthy and they invite him along on vacations. Do you really want to go down that path? I'm guessing that some of Thomas's liberal colleagues also have wealthy friends who invite them to join them at their vacation homes or at concerts and such things. This isn't about Clarence Thomas running's about a Supreme Court that isn't leaning liberal. All I'm saying is that there shouldn't be a double standard. By the're claiming that I'm "dense" doesn't offend me...I find the claim rather silly since I've posted about five times.
Yes, Clarence is running wild

It is more than having rich friends. It is living a wealthy lifestyle on behalf of partisan political donors.
Private jets, helicopters, luxury yachts, free access to elite golf clubs, paid tuition for family members, buying your mothers home and allowing her to live there free.

Sorry Clarence, but it just doesn’t look right.

38 holidays paid for !!
When did he have time to get round to doing any judging ?
It can be argued that the donors got a good return on their investment in this character.
But its starting to look like the American legal system is more corrupt than its political system. Something I would have not thought possible.
You do know that other USSC Justices did the same Ginsberg was one of those ? The Justices don't have the same ethics rules as the rest of the Government. This isn't an ethics issue it's just the same problem you loons have always had. The Black man ain't acting the way you expect him to.


38 holidays paid for !!
When did he have time to get round to doing any judging ?
It can be argued that the donors got a good return on their investment in this character.
But its starting to look like the American legal system is more corrupt than its political system. Something I would have not thought possible.

More racism form the leftists. Who here is shocked?

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