Clarence Thomas: Everything You Didn't Know About His Sh*tty Past

You know what?... you are getting boring... same old song... hate the white man blame the white man its all their fault...
I don't GAF what you think. You're in here singing the same tune too. Blacks are dumb, blacks are criminals, whites are being discrininated against because I can't get what I want, when I want, where I want and how I want it because of a black person or immigrant. Every day.

The difference between what we both say is that mine is true. This thread is about a corrupt black man, not about somebody white, you stupid SB. But this corrupt poc is fine with you because he's doing your bidding. I'm calling his corrupt black ass out and demanding his removal. I'm not making excuses for him, nor am I blaming the white man for his corruption. This is how people who are not racist do things.
Funny thing about Republicans. Clarence Thomas is another serial sexual assaulter. Biden was on the senate committee that hired this scrub. So much for Bidens racism, right wingers. Thomas needs to go.

Clarence Thomas is a successful Black man who has not only earned a seat on the highest court in the country, he also authored eight books.

By comparison, the best you could ever do was to plagiarize one book and shitpost on some obscure internet discussion board.

The nonsense is on your side. I'm not selling out my people for a few pieces of silver.
I am also glad of that. Nemesis is unhealthy for our people, only a necessary evil.

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