Class action suit against Oregon DHS, child welfare exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
As I have pointed out innumerable times, child welfare, particularly in Oregon, operates as a human trafficking ring.

Incompetent, malicious, criminal workers abuse children....while failing to rescue even the most horribly abused. 75 percent of sex industry workers got their start as state custody.

The state maintains they need more money, more *intervention* but in reality it's their *interventions* that are victimizing the children. It isn't that there isn't enough of these scumbags, it's that there are too many.

"...DHS places these children in inappropriate institutions, ships them out of state where they are placed in costly and questionable for-profit congregate programs that do not address their needs, or largely abandons them so they wind up in homeless shelters or on the streets.”

"The complaint also says the state’s foster care system is so bad it can’t accurately track how dysfunctional its services are."

"Kylie, 7, and Alec, 8, are also siblings. They have been in the care of DHS since January 2019 after allegations of neglect and abuse. The state could not find a substance abuse program for their mother to enter, according to the lawsuit. Both Kylie and Alec are very bonded to their mother and removal was traumatic. In two months, Kylie was moved to five different places, Alec to four. Kylie ran away and went back to her mother’s house at one point, according to the lawsuit. Once they were dropped off with a foster family on a Friday afternoon. The new foster parents didn’t have their last name or their insurance information. When the foster parents tried to take Kylie to the hospital because they were concerned she would hurt themselves, they were unable to fill out the appropriate information and could not reach anyone at DHS. Both children also had lice, visibly crawling on their heads, which was not treated for six months."

Advocacy Group Alleges Oregon's Foster Care System 'Revictimizes Children'

Demoquacks should never ever have any control over children. Never
In Oregon the way it goes, and has gone historically, is that kids get abused and killed on child welfare's watch.
Then child welfare finds out that it happened on their they refuse to address it because to address it is to admit culpability.

They are literally monsters. I work day in and out with them, I am not kidding. They are incompetent, stupid, malicious, dishonest, and perverse. I listened to a couple of them cackling loudly the other day over the fact that it's cool when children instantly bond with the first man they see after being yanked from home..because it's *evidence* that being precipitously removed from a home for questionable reasons didn't result in attachment disorder.

I've also listened to them admit that they shouldn't have taken children...but still not take any steps to reverse the removal. For 2 years.
Demoquacks should never ever have any control over children. Never
In Oregon the way it goes, and has gone historically, is that kids get abused and killed on child welfare's watch.
Then child welfare finds out that it happened on their they refuse to address it because to address it is to admit culpability.

They are literally monsters. I work day in and out with them, I am not kidding. They are incompetent, stupid, malicious, dishonest, and perverse. I listened to a couple of them cackling loudly the other day over the fact that it's cool when children instantly bond with the first man they see after being yanked from home..because it's *evidence* that being precipitously removed from a home for questionable reasons didn't result in attachment disorder.

I've also listened to them admit that they shouldn't have taken children...but still not take any steps to reverse the removal. For 2 years.

Well they have no problem killing them in the womb why would they care after they are born?
Amazing stuff that goes on today in this nation. Unbelievable, but then again maybe not so unbelievable anymore.

Poor kids are in trouble today, and when we went out not so long ago to a once top vacation spot, it was amazing the change in the trends, and in the generational character of the youth today, and what they are thinking is so cool to engage in.

Tattoos are some kind of new highly sought after thing for these lost youth of today, and of course the adults are all to happy to set up shops in order to get them to act on their new found characters, styles and trends in which they think are so cool.

Weird trends and styles are the things that have been pushed and promoted by Hollyweird and it's crazy shift towards all things once considered to be pure trash, but has now been normalized in mainstream society today it seems.... It apparently is all due to being bombarded with the crap from the entertainment community. Unbelievable how adults don't see anything wrong with this stuff, and just figure that it's just these fly by night trends that won't stay or stick or either they are the actual culprits behind it all in many cases.

The mixing in of the youth with others who have been highly gullable in the pursuing of bad avenues, trends, gang culture or any culture that corrupts and drags our youth into world's that destroy them is flat outright amazing when see this going on. It's equally amazing that adults who are these kids relatives or parents aren't kicking back on it all, and especially when they see it for themselves today, and when they know the affects of it all by just using plain and simple application of common sense and knowledge upon it all.

What the facts are, is that Hollyweird has become way to powerful, and our government along with Hollyweird has become way more influential upon the youth than the parents are or ever were in regards to the children. The thing is this though, what are the results of it all ???? Not Good !!!!

Gang culture among other bullcrap has become like a virus that is spreading like a California wildfire accross this nation, and that is unexceptable in most of America's thinking, but how can it be pushed back now ????

Just horror story after horror story as proof of it all, but America is to dumb to recognize the problem's now, and to complacent to want to change it ??? Meanwhile the youth suffer in it all. Have parents abandoned their youth today or is government to strong to challenge anymore, so just give up the children unto them ??
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Risk assault by wearing a hat that supports the agenda of the President of the United States in the same state that offers aid and comfort to felons who enter the U.S. illegally. Is the freaking world upside down or what?

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