Class(room) Warriors

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Class(room) Warriors
By John Leo, U.S. News & World Report

The cultural left has a new tool for enforcing political conformity in schools of education. It is called dispositions theory, and it was set forth five years ago by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education: Future teachers should be judged by their "knowledge, skills, and dispositions." What are "dispositions"?

NCATE's prose made clear that they are the beliefs and attitudes that guide a teacher toward a moral stance. That sounds harmless enough, but it opened a door to reject teaching candidates on the basis of thoughts and beliefs. In 2002, NCATE said that an education school may require a commitment to social justice. William Damon, a professor of education at Stanford, wrote last month that education schools "have been given unbounded power over what candidates may think and do, what they may believe and value."

NCATE vehemently denies that it is imposing groupthink, but the ed schools, essentially a liberal monoculture, use dispositions theory to require support for diversity and a culturally left agenda, including opposition to what the schools sometimes call "institutional racism, classism, and heterosexism."

Predictably, some students concluded that thought control would make classroom dissent dangerous. A few students rebelled when a teacher at Brooklyn College School of Education showed Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 9/11 in class and dismissed "white English" as "the language of oppressors." Five students filed written complaints and received no formal reply from the college. One was told to leave the school and take an equivalent course at a community college. Two of the complaining students were then accused of plagiarism and marked down one letter grade. The two were refused permission to bring a witness, a tape recorder, or a lawyer to meet with a dean to discuss the matter.

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Wow. I always had an idea that most college institutions were liberally biased but i had no idea that they had a "Dipsotions" test to meet at some of these places. Thats basically taking the constitution and wiping your ass after a nice steamy diahrea crap right on the part about Freedom of speech.
nonsense taught in Universities of today...mark down ones grade because they differ in opinion...use to be perverted Professors marked grades down when physically rejected by a student...they have taken it up one notch to debate sad Professors have become...really sick people in my it has digressed to the K-12 period...a very good case for Home Schooling or vouchers...IMO :2guns:

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