Class Warfare? Rich 275% more wealthy with Voodoo, others 30% up. Pfffffft!!


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Middle class up 45%, poor 18%. Get real, dittoheads...and change the channel. All OVER the news...reality is going to hit the GOP HARD in the next year...FACT

Reaganism has been a DISASTER for the country in EVERY respect. Foreign Policy, Infrastructure, the Non rich, Health Care, Education, civility, political discourse, hate and envy...etc etc etc. See my signature- a catastrophe- lost our lead and reputation in the world....SOS
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Is this a series of clues for an english crossword puzzle? It uses english words, but it reads like a bablefish translation from Korean or Finnish.

Can you translate it please?
Lazy typist does modern rhetoric. I'm like Picasso, so proven in grammar I'm past your bourgeois mundanity. tyvm LOL. dittoheads...
Also, you need to show us the puzzle and tell us whether your clues are horizontal or vertical.

Maybe they are acrostics?

Or are you taking dictation from your toaster?
Piffle, AND twaddle. Point is, Voodoo IS class warfare AND ruins the country.
Middle class up 45%, poor 18%. Get real, dittoheads...and change the channel. All OVER the news...reality is going to hit the GOP HARD in the next year...FACT

Reaganism has been a DISASTER for the country in EVERY respect. Foreign Policy, Infrastructure, the Non rich, Health Care, Education, civility, political discourse, hate and envy...etc etc etc. See my signature- a catastrophe- lost our lead and reputation in the world....SOS


Middle class up 45%, poor 18%. Get real, dittoheads...and change the channel. All OVER the news...reality is going to hit the GOP HARD in the next year...FACT

Reaganism has been a DISASTER for the country in EVERY respect. Foreign Policy, Infrastructure, the Non rich, Health Care, Education, civility, political discourse, hate and envy...etc etc etc. See my signature- a catastrophe- lost our lead and reputation in the world....SOS

The problem is corporatism not capitalism. There are people who indeed deserve to be rich and others that received a bailout, but the part the OWS do not understand is the guilty are the sell-outs of both parties of congress and the years of meddling from the Federal Reserve that has caused our dollar to devalue 98% since 1913.

They have been blaming capitalism since The Great Depression, but it is the keynesian economic policies and big government polices of both parties that have laid the road to ruin.

Turn off the news and open up some Austrian Economics and True U.S. History.

The transfer of wealth is taking place and it is because of both parties polices, but they're good statesman in both parties and one is running for president! I hope it is not too late before people do the necessary research.

There is a reason why Ron Paul never loses support and only gains in the polls (maybe he is not nuts and the establishment does not want this guy in!) and receives the most active military support then Obama and all other GOP candidates combined.

Come on guys, wake up!
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The end game of corporatism is fascism.

The end game of socialism is fascism.

In fact every government that gives far too much power to an elite, regardless of what kind of economy, and regardless of what structure of government, ultimately leads to authoritarian government.

Blame human nature on that.
Middle class up 45%, poor 18%. Get real, dittoheads...and change the channel. All OVER the news...reality is going to hit the GOP HARD in the next year...FACT

Reaganism has been a DISASTER for the country in EVERY respect. Foreign Policy, Infrastructure, the Non rich, Health Care, Education, civility, political discourse, hate and envy...etc etc etc. See my signature- a catastrophe- lost our lead and reputation in the world....SOS

The problem is corporatism not capitalism. There are people who indeed deserve to be rich and others that received a bailout, but the part the OWS do not understand is the guilty are the sell-outs of both parties of congress and the years of meddling from the Federal Reserve that has caused our dollar to devalue 98% since 1913.

They have been blaming capitalism since The Great Depression, but it is the keynesian economic policies and big government polices of both parties that have laid the road to ruin.

Turn off the news and open up some Austrian Economics and True U.S. History.

The transfer of wealth is taking place and it is because of both parties polices, but they're good statesman in both parties and one is running for president! I hope it is not too late before people do the necessary research.

There is a reason why Ron Paul never loses support and only gains in the polls (maybe he is not nuts and the establishment does not want this guy in!) and receives the most active military support then Obama and all other GOP candidates combined.

Come on guys, wake up!

Austrians are cultists.

There has never been a time in history when unfettered markets have produced what the Austrians claim it will produce.

Open up a history book not rewritten by austrians.

Paul is a nutter and will NEVER garner the votes to win a national election.

What is it about these historically failed ideas that gets young men to suspend their intelligence to believe fantasy?
The end game of corporatism is fascism.

The end game of socialism is fascism.

In fact every government that gives far too much power to an elite, regardless of what kind of economy, and regardless of what structure of government, ultimately leads to authoritarian government.

Blame human nature on that.

How true.

Democracy is not easy.

It takes people being informed and not falling for cultists ideas in the name of simplicity.

When someone tells you there is a simple solution to a complex problem RUN THE FUCK AWAY
Class Warfare? Rich 275% more wealthy with Voodoo, others 30% up. Pfffffft!!

That Pffffft!! is the sound a fuse makes when it blows.... I can smell the smoke... Sorry to tell you Captn Crunch, but that CBO study is bastardized Govt propaganda.. I explained why yesterday in several places..

What SHOULD HAVE tipped you off is why the CBO is releasing a brand new report with data that ends in 2007... But then again, unless it's light, water, and fertilizer, most leftists won't respond to stuff like that..

There IS a wealth gap. I (we) don't care because attacking wealth is NOT gonna put America on a competitive course in the world. And from the looks of it -- encouraging Americans to educate themselves better would be a far bigger step towards "social justice" than mere distribution...
Middle class up 45%, poor 18%. Get real, dittoheads...and change the channel. All OVER the news...reality is going to hit the GOP HARD in the next year...FACT

Reaganism has been a DISASTER for the country in EVERY respect. Foreign Policy, Infrastructure, the Non rich, Health Care, Education, civility, political discourse, hate and envy...etc etc etc. See my signature- a catastrophe- lost our lead and reputation in the world....SOS

The problem is corporatism not capitalism. There are people who indeed deserve to be rich and others that received a bailout, but the part the OWS do not understand is the guilty are the sell-outs of both parties of congress and the years of meddling from the Federal Reserve that has caused our dollar to devalue 98% since 1913.

They have been blaming capitalism since The Great Depression, but it is the keynesian economic policies and big government polices of both parties that have laid the road to ruin.

Turn off the news and open up some Austrian Economics and True U.S. History.

The transfer of wealth is taking place and it is because of both parties polices, but they're good statesman in both parties and one is running for president! I hope it is not too late before people do the necessary research.

There is a reason why Ron Paul never loses support and only gains in the polls (maybe he is not nuts and the establishment does not want this guy in!) and receives the most active military support then Obama and all other GOP candidates combined.

Come on guys, wake up!

Austrians are cultists.

There has never been a time in history when unfettered markets have produced what the Austrians claim it will produce.

Open up a history book not rewritten by austrians.

Paul is a nutter and will NEVER garner the votes to win a national election.

What is it about these historically failed ideas that gets young men to suspend their intelligence to believe fantasy?

How about the "chicago school of economics" ?? They all "nutters" too moron???
Is this a series of clues for an english crossword puzzle? It uses english words, but it reads like a bablefish translation from Korean or Finnish.

Can you translate it please?

Ditto Heads have been speaking Rushneese and Foxliguish for so long they cannot understand American English any longer:lol:
The problem is corporatism not capitalism. There are people who indeed deserve to be rich and others that received a bailout, but the part the OWS do not understand is the guilty are the sell-outs of both parties of congress and the years of meddling from the Federal Reserve that has caused our dollar to devalue 98% since 1913.

They have been blaming capitalism since The Great Depression, but it is the keynesian economic policies and big government polices of both parties that have laid the road to ruin.

Turn off the news and open up some Austrian Economics and True U.S. History.

The transfer of wealth is taking place and it is because of both parties polices, but they're good statesman in both parties and one is running for president! I hope it is not too late before people do the necessary research.

There is a reason why Ron Paul never loses support and only gains in the polls (maybe he is not nuts and the establishment does not want this guy in!) and receives the most active military support then Obama and all other GOP candidates combined.

Come on guys, wake up!

Austrians are cultists.

There has never been a time in history when unfettered markets have produced what the Austrians claim it will produce.

Open up a history book not rewritten by austrians.

Paul is a nutter and will NEVER garner the votes to win a national election.

What is it about these historically failed ideas that gets young men to suspend their intelligence to believe fantasy?

How about the "chicago school of economics" ?? They all "nutters" too moron???

Yes they are.

They were dead wrong in their philosophy and this entire feconomic mess proves them wrong.

Deregulation created this mess.

They speak unfettered markets you clown.

Unfettered markets gives you worse than deregulated markets.

They want to double down on CEOs being able to do WHATEVER they want to us and the market.
Middle class up 45%, poor 18%. Get real, dittoheads...and change the channel. All OVER the news...reality is going to hit the GOP HARD in the next year...FACT

Reaganism has been a DISASTER for the country in EVERY respect. Foreign Policy, Infrastructure, the Non rich, Health Care, Education, civility, political discourse, hate and envy...etc etc etc. See my signature- a catastrophe- lost our lead and reputation in the world....SOS


The classes that got attacked are finally fighting back. Time to stop being sheep.
why do people on the right want the corporations to have all the power and to GUT the only power the masses have, the government?
Class Warfare? Rich 275% more wealthy with Voodoo, others 30% up. Pfffffft!!

That Pffffft!! is the sound a fuse makes when it blows.... I can smell the smoke... Sorry to tell you Captn Crunch, but that CBO study is bastardized Govt propaganda.. I explained why yesterday in several places..

What SHOULD HAVE tipped you off is why the CBO is releasing a brand new report with data that ends in 2007... But then again, unless it's light, water, and fertilizer, most leftists won't respond to stuff like that..

There IS a wealth gap. I (we) don't care because attacking wealth is NOT gonna put America on a competitive course in the world. And from the looks of it -- encouraging Americans to educate themselves better would be a far bigger step towards "social justice" than mere distribution...

Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low

With a capitalistic economy that is driven 70% by consumer spending and the fact that the Middle Class is the core of the Consumer Class, how does one think our consumer driven economy can continue with trends like this?
Someone is holding down workers wages to drive higher profits and the few elites are reaping the rewards as they are the investor class that make their living off of their investments. This small but wealthy group is clearly becoming wealthy at the expense of flat wages for 80% of working Americans. And we are to let this greed driven class warfare continue at the expense of the US economy?
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why do people on the right want the corporations to have all the power and to GUT the only power the masses have, the government?

Largely because I am not a victim of corporate dictatorship.. Verizon lives in FEAR of me,, not the other way around. And the increasing meddling of GOVT in the marketplace is only succeeding in making BIGGER, STRONGER, MEGA corporations, whilst restricting market entry to smaller, more consumer friendly and innovative upstarts. That's the REAL effect of corporate cronyism and regulation..

Your view of GOVT as a moderating force on Corporations is all wet. The Ag Dept Exists to PROMOTE agriculture -- not punish it. The FAA exists to PROMOTE general aviation, not punish it. And GOVT shouldn't be dictating general energy policy or health policies or education policy, because they are INEPT, CORRUPT and largely UNaccountable for their actions. That and the 537 elected MORONS deciding those policies wouldn't know an ion from a zygote..
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