Classical liberalism

Of course not.......they were the leading liberals of their day

You see you keep thinking they are like you and they weren't . You believe in everything they fought against.

Our founding fathers fought against conservatives

They used to tar and feather them

They fought against a tyrannical government you fool. The same thing you approve of. I know your trying to twist today ideology to fit you demented views but it doesn't work. We know you are the fascists.
You see you keep thinking they are like you and they weren't . You believe in everything they fought against.

Our founding fathers fought against conservatives

They used to tar and feather them

They fought against a tyrannical government you fool. The same thing you approve of. I know your trying to twist today ideology to fit you demented views but it doesn't work. We know you are the fascists.

Liberals fought against a tyrannical government
The conservatives of the day supported that government.
You are as a bitter as server who got gypped on her tip.

Your opinion is immaterial. Amend the Constitution with 2/2 2/3 3/4 if you don't like SCOTUS using its Article III power. Oh, that's right. You can't. :lol:

Judicial Review is not in Article III, gay boy.

So if the Supreme Court didn't have the power of judicial review, how could a law such as a state or local ban on handgun ownership,

be struck down as unconstitutional?

Objection your honor, asked and answered.

I already told you this. Marbury v. Madison. The Supreme Court gave itself the power of Judicial review.

Seriously, what is wrong with you? Why do you need the same question answered multiple times?
Our founding fathers fought against conservatives

They used to tar and feather them

They fought against a tyrannical government you fool. The same thing you approve of. I know your trying to twist today ideology to fit you demented views but it doesn't work. We know you are the fascists.

Liberals fought against a tyrannical government
The conservatives of the day supported that government.

your stupidity knows no bounds.
Our founding fathers fought against conservatives

They used to tar and feather them

They fought against a tyrannical government you fool. The same thing you approve of. I know your trying to twist today ideology to fit you demented views but it doesn't work. We know you are the fascists.

Liberals fought against a tyrannical government
The conservatives of the day supported that government.

Governments that are not tyrannical remove our choices and make them for us, tyrannical governments allow us to make our own choices.

Up is down, night is day, you are smart...
Yeah, I had the same reaction. If anyone has ever posted a more blatant admission of the naked desire for big mommy government, I can't recall it.

What is the purpose of government? Why do people band together to form communities? Why did the wagon trains in the 19th Century hire a guide and work together on a common goal (why didn't most take their family and go it alone)?

What should be done if one's home is on fire, their parent or child stopped breathing, a man was stalking their daughter?

Actually the reason for a federal government was defense and for making interstate and foreign trade more streamlined.

Yet the first attempt was inadequate (for reasons most of us studied in US History). Hence the Constitution replaced the weak Articles of Confederation.

Sometimes crisis occurs on such a scale the local community and even the State lacks the resources to save lives and property. No where does the Constitution grant the power for the Federal Government to step in, yet Presidents from both parties have done so.

Do you believe the Federal Government should keep their hands off when fire, flood, tornado, earthquake or pandemics threaten our nations people and property - is their only legitimate role to defend us from other nations?
I want to be able to work for a living with decent wages.
I want to be able to get sick without going bankrupt.
I want to be able to smoke what I want.
Drink what I want.
Be free of meddlers and spies.
Eat a big ass burger.
Drive down the road without being pulled over and searched at bullshit fascist checkpoints.
Be sure my investments are at least somewhat safe.
Own a gun(s).
Not submit to arbitrary authority.
I want to be free of religion.
I want my vote to count.
I want to say whatever it is I want to say in a reasonable tone.
I want villains to be jailed even if they are billionaires.
I want my neighbor to have all these things as well even if he believes different.

What does that make me? Never mind, keep your labels, it makes me an American.

Classic left today, IWANT I WANT IWANT IWANT and if that means it is forced through the Government, so be it
this is why this country is DOOMED more people WANT

The Tin Man wanted a brain, don't you wish you had one?
Classical Conservatives supported a monarchy. They fought to maintain a system built around wealth and class over a system that acknowledged the common man

Not much different than today's conservatives
Classical Conservatives supported a monarchy. They fought to maintain a system built around wealth and class over a system that acknowledged the common man

Not much different than today's conservatives

The communist man? I hear that, comrade!
Do you believe the Federal Government should keep their hands off when fire, flood, tornado, earthquake or pandemics threaten our nations people and property - is their only legitimate role to defend us from other nations?

Other than "pandemics", the only time the Federal government has been greatly involved in those is when the corrupt and incompetent Louisiana government bungled Katrina and the left suddenly found this to be the Federal government's responsibility in their Get Bush campaign. So yeah, it's not a federal responsibility.

Even as a libertarian, for a cross state pandemic, that would be a rare instance that the "general welfare" clause would be applicable.
A career in public service? I knew you were a tick on the ass of society. BTW, everyone who works serves the public. This bullshit about "public service" is purely a pretension. The fact is that ticks don't serve the public. They mostly just annoy the public and suck off the public.

I see you're too embarrassed to answer a simple question, I ask again, what career path did you follow?

As to your dumb comment in re Science Friday, here's a link. Of Course being one of the dumbest of the dumb it's nothing you would find interesting.

About Science Friday --

Ah, so "Science Friday" is a government sponsored propaganda program.

Since you asked, I'm a consultant and I work for the 2nd largest software company in the world. Our clients are all private corporations. We have to provide something of value. Otherwise no corporation would pay us. That's the exact opposite of what happens with government "services."

You're a "Consultant"? A piece worker with no benefits whose job MQ's stipulate an obsequious personality? Explains why you need to play asshole on this message board.

If what you posted is true then you would have the characteristics of someone interested in science: Curiosity and a brain open to new ideas. Nothing you've ever posted suggests you are curious or open to new ideas, especially those which challenge the dogma you profess.

Stating "Science Friday is a government sponsored propaganda program" is nothing more than a ridiculous lie posted by an ignoramus.
What is the purpose of government? Why do people band together to form communities? Why did the wagon trains in the 19th Century hire a guide and work together on a common goal (why didn't most take their family and go it alone)?

What should be done if one's home is on fire, their parent or child stopped breathing, a man was stalking their daughter?

Actually the reason for a federal government was defense and for making interstate and foreign trade more streamlined.

Yet the first attempt was inadequate (for reasons most of us studied in US History). Hence the Constitution replaced the weak Articles of Confederation.

Sometimes crisis occurs on such a scale the local community and even the State lacks the resources to save lives and property. No where does the Constitution grant the power for the Federal Government to step in, yet Presidents from both parties have done so.

Do you believe the Federal Government should keep their hands off when fire, flood, tornado, earthquake or pandemics threaten our nations people and property - is their only legitimate role to defend us from other nations?

The constitution was brought about due to a wave of propaganda for consolidated governance. There was no real crisis with the articles. Only the boogeyman crisis chicken littled by Statists. History can be a real bitch to revisionists, Wry.
Classical Conservatives supported a monarchy. They fought to maintain a system built around wealth and class over a system that acknowledged the common man

Not much different than today's conservatives

And is so, as so says the book of Thou Hast Pullethed It From Thy Arse
Actually the reason for a federal government was defense and for making interstate and foreign trade more streamlined.

Yet the first attempt was inadequate (for reasons most of us studied in US History). Hence the Constitution replaced the weak Articles of Confederation.

Sometimes crisis occurs on such a scale the local community and even the State lacks the resources to save lives and property. No where does the Constitution grant the power for the Federal Government to step in, yet Presidents from both parties have done so.

Do you believe the Federal Government should keep their hands off when fire, flood, tornado, earthquake or pandemics threaten our nations people and property - is their only legitimate role to defend us from other nations?

The constitution was brought about due to a wave of propaganda for consolidated governance. There was no real crisis with the articles. Only the boogeyman crisis chicken littled by Statists. History can be a real bitch to revisionists, Wry.

Actually the British Navy stopping American ships and conscripting Americans into the British Navy while the US government had no money or resources to fight it was a pretty big thing.
I see you're too embarrassed to answer a simple question, I ask again, what career path did you follow?

As to your dumb comment in re Science Friday, here's a link. Of Course being one of the dumbest of the dumb it's nothing you would find interesting.

About Science Friday --

Ah, so "Science Friday" is a government sponsored propaganda program.

Since you asked, I'm a consultant and I work for the 2nd largest software company in the world. Our clients are all private corporations. We have to provide something of value. Otherwise no corporation would pay us. That's the exact opposite of what happens with government "services."

You're a "Consultant"? A piece worker with no benefits whose job MQ's stipulate an obsequious personality? Explains why you need to play asshole on this message board.

If what you posted is true then you would have the characteristics of someone interested in science: Curiosity and a brain open to new ideas. Nothing you've ever posted suggests you are curious or open to new ideas, especially those which challenge the dogma you profess.

Stating "Science Friday is a government sponsored propaganda program" is nothing more than a ridiculous lie posted by an ignoramus.

Says the public servant that struggles profusely to laydown a coherent sentence.
Yet the first attempt was inadequate (for reasons most of us studied in US History). Hence the Constitution replaced the weak Articles of Confederation.

Sometimes crisis occurs on such a scale the local community and even the State lacks the resources to save lives and property. No where does the Constitution grant the power for the Federal Government to step in, yet Presidents from both parties have done so.

Do you believe the Federal Government should keep their hands off when fire, flood, tornado, earthquake or pandemics threaten our nations people and property - is their only legitimate role to defend us from other nations?

The constitution was brought about due to a wave of propaganda for consolidated governance. There was no real crisis with the articles. Only the boogeyman crisis chicken littled by Statists. History can be a real bitch to revisionists, Wry.

Actually the British Navy stopping American ships and conscripting Americans into the British Navy while the US government had no money or resources to fight it was a pretty big thing.

So that means we need to revamp the entire government in order to combat something we experienced since the inception of the country? Hardly. "Big" things do not mean throwing out the baby with the bath water. There were other options, and plenty of them to this problem.

In the end, we got a brand new set of problems. Today it's a federal leviathan that would make most empires of the past blush and tingle.
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why would you want a government to care for you???? Didn't you get enough love as a child?

Yeah, I had the same reaction. If anyone has ever posted a more blatant admission of the naked desire for big mommy government, I can't recall it.

What is the purpose of government? Why do people band together to form communities? Why did the wagon trains in the 19th Century hire a guide and work together on a common goal (why didn't most take their family and go it alone)?

What should be done if one's home is on fire, their parent or child stopped breathing, a man was stalking their daughter?

We don't need government to provide any of the services you listed. A "community" is something distinct from government. There were communities before government ever existed. A wagon train is entirely a private operation. Government wasn't involved. There are private fire services and private ambulance services, so I fail to understand why government is required to provide these services. If someone is stalking your daughter, you're a fool if you're counting on the government to protect her. The best thing to do is get her a gun and a concealed carry permit and send her to martial arts classes.

In the end, government is simply the machinery of exploitation and robbery. It serves no other purpose.

Franz Oppenheimer: The State (0) table of contents & introduction

"What, then, is the State as a sociological concept? The State, completely in its genesis, essentially and almost completely during the first stages of its existence, is a social institution, forced by a victorious group of men on a defeated group, with the sole purpose of regulating the dominion of the victorious group over the vanquished, and securing itself against revolt from within and attacks from abroad. Teleologically, this dominion had no other purpose than the economic exploitation of the vanquished by the victors."​
The constitution was brought about due to a wave of propaganda for consolidated governance. There was no real crisis with the articles. Only the boogeyman crisis chicken littled by Statists. History can be a real bitch to revisionists, Wry.

Actually the British Navy stopping American ships and conscripting Americans into the British Navy while the US government had no money or resources to fight it was a pretty big thing.

So that means we need to revamp the entire government in order to combat something we experienced since the inception of the country?

Um...yeah, obviously I meant that since I think that the military should be powerful enough to protect Americans on the ocean I support a liberal, authoritarian socialist regime. Do you actually read any posts or just write them? This is just inane to write to me.
A "community" is something distinct from government.


Strange as it is to LOLberals, if you look up community in the dictionary you wont find government or governance as a synonym. I wonder why that is?
Actually the British Navy stopping American ships and conscripting Americans into the British Navy while the US government had no money or resources to fight it was a pretty big thing.

So that means we need to revamp the entire government in order to combat something we experienced since the inception of the country?

Um...yeah, obviously I meant that since I think that the military should be powerful enough to protect Americans on the ocean I support a liberal, authoritarian socialist regime. Do you actually read any posts or just write them? This is just inane to write to me.

The point is, that impressment ended after the war of 1812. It didn't take a complete governmental overhall to make that happen. And I wrote that because you pointed to it as a "big deal". When it really wasn't, and wasn't a new 'threat' of the time either. That's all.

No need to get your knickers all bunched, fella.

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