Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

It's indeed sad to see where we are. And we have a President who has exacerbated the situation by launching personal insults and name-calling at anyone and everyone who dared to challenge him, as if this were a kindergarten playground.

Then he and his sycophants claim victimhood when it comes back on him. And the sycophants try this right after they celebrate him for being so "plain spoken". He and they are an insult to this country.

Hopefully the Trump years will be the bottom of the barrel for us. Maybe he'll be a wake-up call for us to raise our standards and expect more.

Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.
And then there's the man-child who talked about the size of his DICK in nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and has launched personal insults and kindergarten-level name-calling in every direction since the day he started running. Every single day.

You sheep are an embarrassment. You are completely blind.

I must have missed that, as did every other American with an IQ above room temp. You morons deserve to be called names because you do your best to live up to them everyday.
Good boy.

Boy? When you libs find a boy, you usually knock him down, suck him off, and then claim he is a man!
Love it. The Trump Turd gets his...

Left turds are about to get whats coming....FISA report out Tuesday! Charges coming right behind it..
It's indeed sad to see where we are. And we have a President who has exacerbated the situation by launching personal insults and name-calling at anyone and everyone who dared to challenge him, as if this were a kindergarten playground.

Then he and his sycophants claim victimhood when it comes back on him. And the sycophants try this right after they celebrate him for being so "plain spoken". He and they are an insult to this country.

Hopefully the Trump years will be the bottom of the barrel for us. Maybe he'll be a wake-up call for us to raise our standards and expect more.

Raise your standards? The current Democrat clown car?

The hair sniffing pervert with a corrupt history?

The tired old heart attack victim Socialist who combs his hair with a balloon?

The fake African America Cameltoe who slept her way to the top?

The fack Indian who lies about her past so much that she isn't even sure who she is.

The gay mayor of a small town who cannot win statewide office in his conservative state and cannot find a black person who will vote for him?


The Beta male whose gone so far off the deep end he needs SCUBA gear?

The rest are so insignificant they don't even bear mentioning.
And then there's the man-child who talked about the size of his DICK in nationally-televised "presidential" debate, and has launched personal insults and kindergarten-level name-calling in every direction since the day he started running. Every single day.

You sheep are an embarrassment. You are completely blind.

I must have missed that, as did every other American with an IQ above room temp. You morons deserve to be called names because you do your best to live up to them everyday.
Good boy.

Boy? When you libs find a boy, you usually knock him down, suck him off, and then claim he is a man!
Democrats told me they learned it from yous.
candycorn, you are one of the TDS folks who insists President Trump is obese. How tall are you and much do you weigh? Just curious since you bring up a fake issue and fake issues are invariably a PROJECTION by the folks bringing up the fake issues. Are you a big girl? :p

At 6'2 and 236 pounds Trump is definitely carrying some extra. I'm 6 foot and active. I float around 180 and I am not a skinny dude. Trump is probably 30-40 pounds overweight.
I remember when I weighed 180lbs in the Navy.
The weight limit in the Army for someone 6' is 205....and Trump is 6'3" he can be 225 which makes him 11lbs over weight which isn't bad for a guy in his 70s.

He is 6’1” and he’s way more than 236. You gullible freak.
No..... Adam Schiff-face says he's only 4'11".
The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

This is so funny you guys and your deep state bullshit.

Baseball is as American as apple fucking pie. If the people attending a baseball game are booing Trump, then America is booing Trump.

Are you suggesting conservatives don't go to baseball games? Even in Texas? Isn't Texas a Red state? Something is not adding up here. You guys can't see that outside your bubble this pos is very unpopular? I can't wait till he loses next year.

Trump should have had at least half the stadium cheering for him. If he didn't, that's not a very good sign.

Maybe next time he will go to a place that is safe like Alabama. Oh wait, they don't have a big enough market to have a major league baseball team. How about Kentucky. Nope. Arkansas?

The only states Trump is safe don't even have enough people in them to justify a major league team.

The game was in very liberal Washington DC. Had it been in Texas or Louisiana they would have given him a standing ovation.
My bad. Still great to see what people really think about him outside his campaign rallies.
I heard they booed him and chanted Lock him up.

America's pastime did a great job acknowledging our great president Donald Trump.....RED HATS waving everywhere seems to be the NEW TRADITION when showing support for Trump at all his many events he has planned!

That isnt showing what was displayed on the video display.
Nobody was facing Trump, everybody was looking at the huge video monitor.
This video shows it.

America's pastime did a great job acknowledging our great president Donald Trump.....RED HATS waving everywhere seems to be the NEW TRADITION when showing support for Trump at all his many events he has planned!

Those are baseball hats, not MAGA hats..

And you can hear him getting booed when the song ends.

America's pastime did a great job acknowledging our great president Donald Trump.....RED HATS waving everywhere seems to be the NEW TRADITION when showing support for Trump at all his many events he has planned!

The red hats were Nationals hats dumb fuck.

I heard they booed him and chanted Lock him up.
Everyone cool hates Trump.
Everyone else should too.

FOX did a good job ignoring the blob

America's pastime did a great job acknowledging our great president Donald Trump.....RED HATS waving everywhere seems to be the NEW TRADITION when showing support for Trump at all his many events he has planned!

That isnt showing what was displayed on the video display.
Nobody was facing Trump, everybody was looking at the huge video monitor.
This video shows it.

So you're claiming the video was doctored?

Yes.The audio part of it anyway.

Poor Trump

He can’t go out into a crowd that is not preselected

candycorn, you are one of the TDS folks who insists President Trump is obese. How tall are you and much do you weigh? Just curious since you bring up a fake issue and fake issues are invariably a PROJECTION by the folks bringing up the fake issues. Are you a big girl? :p

Trump is clinically obese. Otherwise stated, he’s a fat fuck.

Lets think this through rationally while applying simple logic...Few cities in this nation have more disgusting piece of shit Leftists than does D.C....Shouldn’t us legitimate citizens be celebrating that all those disgusting pieces of shits are booing? Donny refuses to govern for our lowest grade...that’s why we love the dude. Please keep booing, that tells me he’s bitch slapping the fuck out of your disgusting, lowdown filthy ass.
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The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

This is so funny you guys and your deep state bullshit.

Baseball is as American as apple fucking pie. If the people attending a baseball game are booing Trump, then America is booing Trump.

Are you suggesting conservatives don't go to baseball games? Even in Texas? Isn't Texas a Red state? Something is not adding up here. You guys can't see that outside your bubble this pos is very unpopular? I can't wait till he loses next year.

Trump should have had at least half the stadium cheering for him. If he didn't, that's not a very good sign.

Maybe next time he will go to a place that is safe like Alabama. Oh wait, they don't have a big enough market to have a major league baseball team. How about Kentucky. Nope. Arkansas?

The only states Trump is safe don't even have enough people in them to justify a major league team.

The game was in very liberal Washington DC. Had it been in Texas or Louisiana they would have given him a standing ovation.
Well then I guess us liberals, like baseball, are as American as Apple Pie.

What would have been great is if the conservatives in the crowd would have started the civil war. That was their chance. Pussies.

Now Trump should go somewhere conservative and if a minority of people boo him, you better not start the civil war then. That would be cowardly.

Trump should announce he's going to game 6 in Texas and see what happens.
It seems some people actually like him, and some want to see him locked up.

The World Series attracts many diverse people, yet the price of tickets favors the wealthy, who some might believe like Trump.

Donald Trump met with boos and 'lock him up' chant at World Series Game 5

The 45th U.S. president arrived during the first inning as the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals battled to take the series lead. Trump’s arrival was not shown or mentioned on the Fox broadcast. His presence was acknowledged by broadcaster Joe Buck just before the third inning.

"Before the fourth inning, however, Trump was greeted by the Nationals’ public address announcer and shown on the stadium’s video screen. The response from the crowd was to boo the president and chant “lock him up.”
candycorn, you are one of the TDS folks who insists President Trump is obese. How tall are you and much do you weigh? Just curious since you bring up a fake issue and fake issues are invariably a PROJECTION by the folks bringing up the fake issues. Are you a big girl? :p

At 6'2 and 236 pounds Trump is definitely carrying some extra. I'm 6 foot and active. I float around 180 and I am not a skinny dude. Trump is probably 30-40 pounds overweight.
I remember when I weighed 180lbs in the Navy.
The weight limit in the Army for someone 6' is 205....and Trump is 6'3" he can be 225 which makes him 11lbs over weight which isn't bad for a guy in his 70s.

He is 6’1” and he’s way more than 236. You gullible freak.

He is 6'2.5

President Donald Trump's Height & Weight

And you're the one who believes that biological boys may identify as girls and play contact sports vs biological girls. So who is the freak? Fatty.

He’s 6’1”and wears lifts in his shoes.
candycorn, you are one of the TDS folks who insists President Trump is obese. How tall are you and much do you weigh? Just curious since you bring up a fake issue and fake issues are invariably a PROJECTION by the folks bringing up the fake issues. Are you a big girl? :p

At 6'2 and 236 pounds Trump is definitely carrying some extra. I'm 6 foot and active. I float around 180 and I am not a skinny dude. Trump is probably 30-40 pounds overweight.
I remember when I weighed 180lbs in the Navy.
The weight limit in the Army for someone 6' is 205....and Trump is 6'3" he can be 225 which makes him 11lbs over weight which isn't bad for a guy in his 70s.

The military lets overweight people in. 205 at 6 foot is overweight unless you are ripped as fuck. Their limits are designed to prevent very out of shape people from joining.
candycorn, you are one of the TDS folks who insists President Trump is obese. How tall are you and much do you weigh? Just curious since you bring up a fake issue and fake issues are invariably a PROJECTION by the folks bringing up the fake issues. Are you a big girl? :p

At 6'2 and 236 pounds Trump is definitely carrying some extra. I'm 6 foot and active. I float around 180 and I am not a skinny dude. Trump is probably 30-40 pounds overweight.
I remember when I weighed 180lbs in the Navy.
The weight limit in the Army for someone 6' is 205....and Trump is 6'3" he can be 225 which makes him 11lbs over weight which isn't bad for a guy in his 70s.

He is 6’1” and he’s way more than 236. You gullible freak.

He is 6'2.5

President Donald Trump's Height & Weight

And you're the one who believes that biological boys may identify as girls and play contact sports vs biological girls. So who is the freak? Fatty.

He’s 6’1”and wears lifts in his shoes.

Why do you care? You're so odd.
Of course the dumb liberals bigots hate Trump.
Trump is draining the swamp.
D.C. is the Swamp headquarters.
D.C. is about 95% Democrats.
Has there ever been a president that deserved booing more than St Trumpy?

Yea that half-bred Oreo who held back our country for 8 years and put more people on food stamps than ever before.

Of course you can't boo the hand that feeds you, right?

Or the cheater who lied under oath and was kept in office by a liberal senate who refused to remove a president who committed a real crime and lost his law license because of it.
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5

I'm even more glad now I bet my wife the Astros would beat the Nats.

Even when down 2-0 I didn't doubt the outcome. Still don't.

One more to go for Texas.
He would have been booed down there, too.

He wouldn’t have been booed in Texas.

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He'll be too afraid to go down there to find out.

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