Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

When his name was announced to the sellout crowd after the third inning of World Series Game 5 in the midst of the Washington Nationals’ regular salute to veterans, Trump was met by a torrent of boos. The noise was intense and long-lasting, a wave of negativity that washed up to the Major League Baseball suite where the president was watching the final game of the Series to be held at Nationals Park.

But the moment the big screen in center field switched from showing Trump to once again showing the veterans, the boos from the crowd immediately returned to cheers.

#Trumpeachment is everywhere, even at America's pastime

Veterans For Impeachment?
Trump did more for veterans than the presidents back to Truman. It was an uneducated boo by beer swilling haters.

Sure he has what a laugh.

President Trump is fighting a bipartisan plan to fund the much-touted expansion of veterans health care he signed into law on Wednesday, as the White House argues against a boost in federal spending to fund the new initiative.

“The VA Mission Act authorizes and expansion of veterans’ access to private health care, but the bill does not reserve federal money to pay for it. A group of powerful Senate committee chairmen from both parties aims to remedy that by advancing a separate measure for the new $50 billion law, saying this is the best way to ensure the new programs give veterans access to medical care.

But the White House has been lobbying Republicans to vote the plan down, instead asking Congress to pay for veterans programs by cutting spending elsewhere.
It seems some people actually like him, and some want to see him locked up.

The World Series attracts many diverse people, yet the price of tickets favors the wealthy, who some might believe like Trump.

Donald Trump met with boos and 'lock him up' chant at World Series Game 5

The 45th U.S. president arrived during the first inning as the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals battled to take the series lead. Trump’s arrival was not shown or mentioned on the Fox broadcast. His presence was acknowledged by broadcaster Joe Buck just before the third inning.

"Before the fourth inning, however, Trump was greeted by the Nationals’ public address announcer and shown on the stadium’s video screen. The response from the crowd was to boo the president and chant “lock him up.”

Thanks to the propaganda efforts of the media, academia, and our political leaders, it is fashionable to mock, spit at, shout down, curse at, or flat out ignore someone deemed a "conservative" type who is an opponent of the Left politically.

Now if Obama were in power, this would be considered hateful and racist and we would be continually reminded of this in the press.

You blame the media for broadcasting and reporting on his speeches and tweets?

If Obama was in power, the nation and the world would be better off. Trump is his own worst enemy.
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.

Is that POW your talking about McCain. If it is he was a piece of shit liar. Even his old military boys said it. You ignorant brainwashed libtards have know. Pay attention to what is happening to the piece of shit Obama and his cronies the Clintons and Biden’s. They’re going down and President Trump will be here till 2024. Get use to it or you can leave. No one will miss you

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See? CRCs and trumpanzees could care less about our veterans..................unless they can be used.
Do you just make this stuff up as you go along, Bodie?
The American worker, intelligent people and those with a sense of humor like Trump the most. Democrats have a stranglehold on totalitarians, socialist-communists and those who think humor is bad. Just look at how all those Nationals fans wore Red to proclaim their communist beliefs. They're the enemy over here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Good grief, what a load of crap ^^^.

Intelligent people read over their posts and edit out mistakes. Sadly you're not one of them. Posting, "those Nationals fans wore Red to proclaim their communist beliefs" when Trump wears a red tie nearly daily.
Dc is full of the swamp democrats Juan Williams types, lobbyist, depart of education etc... they hate blacks and hate trump
It seems some people actually like him, and some want to see him locked up.

The World Series attracts many diverse people, yet the price of tickets favors the wealthy, who some might believe like Trump.

Donald Trump met with boos and 'lock him up' chant at World Series Game 5

The 45th U.S. president arrived during the first inning as the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals battled to take the series lead. Trump’s arrival was not shown or mentioned on the Fox broadcast. His presence was acknowledged by broadcaster Joe Buck just before the third inning.

"Before the fourth inning, however, Trump was greeted by the Nationals’ public address announcer and shown on the stadium’s video screen. The response from the crowd was to boo the president and chant “lock him up.”
DC has way more than its share of highly educated and informed people and gov't workers. Trump and the GOP insults the intelligence of the educated & informed and disparages the work of Federal employees.

Maryland and DC are Blue and now Trump is doing his best to turn Virginia Blue too.
When his name was announced to the sellout crowd after the third inning of World Series Game 5 in the midst of the Washington Nationals’ regular salute to veterans, Trump was met by a torrent of boos. The noise was intense and long-lasting, a wave of negativity that washed up to the Major League Baseball suite where the president was watching the final game of the Series to be held at Nationals Park.

But the moment the big screen in center field switched from showing Trump to once again showing the veterans, the boos from the crowd immediately returned to cheers.

#Trumpeachment is everywhere, even at America's pastime

Veterans For Impeachment?
Trump did more for veterans than the presidents back to Truman. It was an uneducated boo by beer swilling haters.

Sure he has what a laugh.

President Trump is fighting a bipartisan plan to fund the much-touted expansion of veterans health care he signed into law on Wednesday, as the White House argues against a boost in federal spending to fund the new initiative.

“The VA Mission Act authorizes and expansion of veterans’ access to private health care, but the bill does not reserve federal money to pay for it. A group of powerful Senate committee chairmen from both parties aims to remedy that by advancing a separate measure for the new $50 billion law, saying this is the best way to ensure the new programs give veterans access to medical care.

But the White House has been lobbying Republicans to vote the plan down, instead asking Congress to pay for veterans programs by cutting spending elsewhere.
Don't laugh-I agree. Take every penny spent on illegals toothbrushes and tampons and put it toward the veterans-If we give ANY money to illegals, like the Democrat plan to pay for illegals healthcare, it is a slap in the face to all Americans, but especially the veterans. The ignorant crowd can cheer for the illegal sitting next to them but they are FOOLS!
Any intelligent person (which Wry Catcher isn't) would not be content with the description "fans boo" without asking the question "how many out of the total crowd?"

If just a hundred people booed out of a crowd of 50000, our media would seize that as an opportunity to frame the event as a mandate against Trump. It's what they do. It's what they have done since he was elected.

As far as Trump's popularity, a third of the country despises him, a third thinks he is great and the rest of us give him credit when credit is do and criticize him when he warrants criticism.
Of course he will hear boos in Washington DC...that stadium was filled with swamp creatures and swamp staff....give it up libs...if the game was in Houston he would have received a standing ovation....
Has there ever been a president that deserved booing more than St Trumpy?

Yea that half-bred Oreo who held back our country for 8 years and put more people on food stamps than ever before.

Of course you can't boo the hand that feeds you, right?

Or the cheater who lied under oath and was kept in office by a liberal senate who refused to remove a president who committed a real crime and lost his law license because of it.

Not even close.
Why do you care? You're so odd.

He cares because Trump may have embellished the details of his health while Hillary was fucking fainting on camera and saying she's in great health. He can't let it go.

Nah. That sounds like projection, fool.

I care because the President lies. I understand political spin. But I’m not down with a dickhead who lies about shit that we all can see is a lie.

Trump is the least healthy president we’ve had in my lifetime. He’s also the least intelligent. And you fuckers excuse it all.
Thanks to the propaganda efforts of the media, academia, and our political leaders, it is fashionable to mock, spit at, shout down, curse at, or flat out ignore someone deemed a "conservative" type who is an opponent of the Left politically.
Now if Obama were in power, this would be considered hateful and racist and we would be continually reminded of this in the press.

True...and it may not be "right" and it may not be "fair".....

But at the end of the day.....

All that is required for evil people to prevail is for good people to do nothing

The less good people do to defend their rights....the more that will be done to remove them....
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