Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.

Is that POW your talking about McCain. If it is he was a piece of shit liar. Even his old military boys said it. You ignorant brainwashed libtards have know. Pay attention to what is happening to the piece of shit Obama and his cronies the Clintons and Biden’s. They’re going down and President Trump will be here till 2024. Get use to it or you can leave. No one will miss you

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Actually, Veteran hating assfuck, Trump trashed McCain's military service & said Trump said that he did not like POWs. So he trashed all POWs. Fuck you you America hating piece of shit.

Fuck McCain. He was a bad pilot, a bad soldier then came back to America and was a bad politician.
Fuck you asshole. Just because McCain called out Trump you assfucks trash his military service.

I don't care how good a pilot he was. He had a God Damn GUTS & LOVE for country to put it all at risk to fly through flack to carry out his mission.

He was held captive for years in pain from his injuries. He turned down a chance to come home because other prosoners would be left behind.

THAT, asshole, is far far far far more courage than you or your fat assed orange buddy have.

Get a clue dumbfuck
Real Americans didn't like McCain long before Trump entered Politicians.
I love how personal some people take this shit as if someone insulted a close friend or blood kin. How embarrassing for ya'll.

As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

NFL Fans Booed President Obama's Tribute Video on 9/11, Hmmm

It was powerful stuff, but of course not everybody liked it. No, many continued to feel like the whole protest was a disrespectful display. So I'd imagine that when a video showing President Obama talking about 9/11 played at NFL stadiums, people were respectful of him, right?

Nothing boo-worthy there, but that didn't stop people.

The Title had nothing to do with the ARticle. It was just something to make you stop and read it. REally, REally bad.
So let's put this in perspective.

About half of voting Americans voted for Barack Obama. He was NEVER subjected to this sort of abuse. About half of voting Americans voted for Donald Trump. You see what he gets.

The differences are stark. People who voted for The Other against Donald Trump have never accepted their loss. They are generally stupid, gullible, and have accepted the constant Media slanders against this President who, according to all objective criteria, has kept his campaign promises and been a very, very successful President.

Leftists are scum. They must NEVER come into power.
Some are ok.
America's pastime did a great job acknowledging our great president Donald Trump.....RED HATS waving everywhere seems to be the NEW TRADITION when showing support for Trump at all his many events he has planned!

You didn't watch the entire video clip.
The red hats weren't MAGA hats, they were Nats hats waving for military and veterans.
When Trump was announced, he was booed, then after first inning the crowd chanted "Lock Him Up!"

Democrats wouldn't be so classless if Democrat politicians wouldn't encourage and incite them to be that way. The only salvation for this country is to retire the Democrat party. They're on the wrong track. They're like a kid who just got hooked on opioids. It's just a matter of time till they take to a life of crime.
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.

OMG they chanted lock him up? That's fucking hilarious. This man deserves no respect

Look how Trump’s face changes when he realizes an entire stadium is booing him. OMG I think he was going to cry. Excellent.

As the fourth inning began, the crowd broke into a “Lock him up!” chant, a throwback to Trump’s campaign trail rallying call directed at Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Those same people who booed Trump and cheered the veterans would be booing and even assaulting the veterans if the veterans had been wearing MAGA hats.
The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

This is so funny you guys and your deep state bullshit.

Baseball is as American as apple fucking pie. If the people attending a baseball game are booing Trump, then America is booing Trump.

Are you suggesting conservatives don't go to baseball games? Even in Texas? Isn't Texas a Red state? Something is not adding up here. You guys can't see that outside your bubble this pos is very unpopular? I can't wait till he loses next year.

Trump should have had at least half the stadium cheering for him. If he didn't, that's not a very good sign.

Maybe next time he will go to a place that is safe like Alabama. Oh wait, they don't have a big enough market to have a major league baseball team. How about Kentucky. Nope. Arkansas?

The only states Trump is safe don't even have enough people in them to justify a major league team.
The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

Looked like the vast majority of spectators were doing the booing. You think the stadium was filled with deep state employees?

I'll bet the political representation was about 80-90% Democrats in that stadium. The crowd is primarily from the DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland. How could they NOT be Democrats?
The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

This is so funny you guys and your deep state bullshit.

Baseball is as American as apple fucking pie. If the people attending a baseball game are booing Trump, then America is booing Trump.

Are you suggesting conservatives don't go to baseball games? Even in Texas? Isn't Texas a Red state? Something is not adding up here. You guys can't see that outside your bubble this pos is very unpopular? I can't wait till he loses next year.

Trump should have had at least half the stadium cheering for him. If he didn't, that's not a very good sign.

Maybe next time he will go to a place that is safe like Alabama. Oh wait, they don't have a big enough market to have a major league baseball team. How about Kentucky. Nope. Arkansas?

The only states Trump is safe don't even have enough people in them to justify a major league team.

The game was in very liberal Washington DC. Had it been in Texas or Louisiana they would have given him a standing ovation.
The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

Looked like the vast majority of spectators were doing the booing. You think the stadium was filled with deep state employees?
The DMV is almost exclusively democrat. That’s because they’re either employed, subsidized or patronized by the biggest risk-free corporation in the world; the federal government.

So there were only DMV spectators at the game? Really? How did they work that out?

So you think anyone from Montana is going to fly across the country to see two teams for which they have no connection play each other at the cost of thousands of dollars when they can stay home and watch it on TV?
President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5

It’s just great. Trump deludes himself into thinking America loves him but so many obviously do not. Republicans love to argue against the negative polls on Trump with his large rallies. Obviously those people would cheer. The World Series stadium serves you a general sample of the American populace. Republicans just can’t win. Many even chanted “lock him up!”

The Trump Humpers clapped and cheered when it was done to Hillary Clinton, now they are crying about it. :boo_hoo14:
The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

This is so funny you guys and your deep state bullshit.

Baseball is as American as apple fucking pie. If the people attending a baseball game are booing Trump, then America is booing Trump.

Are you suggesting conservatives don't go to baseball games? Even in Texas? Isn't Texas a Red state? Something is not adding up here. You guys can't see that outside your bubble this pos is very unpopular? I can't wait till he loses next year.

Trump should have had at least half the stadium cheering for him. If he didn't, that's not a very good sign.

Maybe next time he will go to a place that is safe like Alabama. Oh wait, they don't have a big enough market to have a major league baseball team. How about Kentucky. Nope. Arkansas?

The only states Trump is safe don't even have enough people in them to justify a major league team.

The game was in very liberal Washington DC. Had it been in Texas or Louisiana they would have given him a standing ovation.

I guess that is what you have to tell yourself.
The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

Looked like the vast majority of spectators were doing the booing. You think the stadium was filled with deep state employees?
The DMV is almost exclusively democrat. That’s because they’re either employed, subsidized or patronized by the biggest risk-free corporation in the world; the federal government.

So there were only DMV spectators at the game? Really? How did they work that out?
It was in DC. Therefore the DMV (DC, MD, VA) is at a geographical advantage.

You keep telling yourself that. It's nuts, but that never stopped you before.

If you believe otherwise, it is a testament to your idiocy. Haven't you proven that enough already?
The anti-Americans were must likely deep state employees or intoxicated, brain-dead, consumers of fake news.

Looked like the vast majority of spectators were doing the booing. You think the stadium was filled with deep state employees?
The DMV is almost exclusively democrat. That’s because they’re either employed, subsidized or patronized by the biggest risk-free corporation in the world; the federal government.

So there were only DMV spectators at the game? Really? How did they work that out?

So you think anyone from Montana is going to fly across the country to see two teams for which they have no connection play each other at the cost of thousands of dollars when they can stay home and watch it on TV?

They do in order to hear a nutcase orange fruitcake prance around a stage so why not?

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