Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

aw , it was only sports fans and they aren't very smart to begin with Skews .
Yeah. I have a little extra padding. But I don’t have morons running around telling others that I don’t.

Both sides are making it a big deal though.

"The president is fat!"

"Nu uh!!"

Who the fuck cares? Lots of fat people are still useful. It seems like it should be a nonissue.
If its true that our leader was met with people calling out "Lock him up!", I have two words for them people: Ladies first.

God bless you and our leader always!!!


P.S. Hillary for prison.
1) Trump dodged the draft by getting a doctor to write a fake Medical report about bone spurs (As said by that docto's daughter)

2) A President is suppoised to be mature enough to understand the grief of Gold Star Families. Trump insulted their son. They insulted Trump. He should have said nothing. Trump has no class.

3) Trump said he does not all POWs. He said he likes those who were not captured. Second, you don't trash a Veteran's service to his country. Period. Trump is a classless asshole.
Some doctor told his daughter he wrote up a fake medical exam jeopardizing his license and livelihood to get Trump out of the draft? Was he trying to impress his child showing her what a fraud daddy was?
That's highly unlikely and unsubstantiated bullshit. But thanks for spreading it around.
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
I guess he'll just have to go to another Wrestlemania or tractor pull or cow chip throwing contest to feel the love.

Or -
Just continue to be a spectacular President for the country.
Just goes to show how much of a control the corporations have over the minds of men. The left of the 40's, 50's and 60's would be disappointed in what has become of the lemming culture of today-------------- Mass mind control.


Disgusting really.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)
Yeah. I have a little extra padding. But I don’t have morons running around telling others that I don’t.

Both sides are making it a big deal though.

"The president is fat!"

"Nu uh!!"

Who the fuck cares? Lots of fat people are still useful. It seems like it should be a nonissue.

At issue is the LYING. The president lied to the nation about his height and his weight. That’s why people care.

Figure it out, FFS.
Being witness to the Trump presidency has been like watching a seriously badly scripted "Reality Show" on TV for over two years, because your cable subscription expired and this is all you can pick up with your antenna.
Blacks working really scares you huh? Lol
President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5

It’s just great. Trump deludes himself into thinking America loves him but so many obviously do not. Republicans love to argue against the negative polls on Trump with his large rallies. Obviously those people would cheer. The World Series stadium serves you a general sample of the American populace. Republicans just can’t win. Many even chanted “lock him up!”

Baseball fans are largely Republican. It should have been a safe haven. I'm sure they thought so as they booked it. Reality hit with a sharpness that was unexpected for sure.

In Washington DC
Have you always been retarded?

Is that why you were kicked out? You weren't suppose to tell much less molest.
No......i retired with an Honerable Discharge

Served with honor and distinction
it wasn’t a hoax. Moron. Read the Mueller report.

Folks, TDS victims who believe the Russia Hoax was not a coup attempt really should be put in a mental health facility (psych ward) for observation. These victims are insane or incredibly stupid. Which is you LoneLaugher?
As expected President attended game 5 and was loudly booed by the classless Trump hating Democrats in attendance. You can't leave your partisan butt hurt at home even for one night. Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck.

President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5

"Obama was the worst President in modern history but he was not treated like that by Republican fans. Democrats really do suck."

1. Obama was a decent president who behaved like a gentleman.
Trump is an immoral, unethical, liar who mocks and ridicules decent people and has obviously committed impeachable offenses.

2. conservatives did mock and ridicule Obama and his family RUTHLESSLY for 8 years (have you forgotten MOOchelle the gorilla? and the parade float with Obama being lynched?) including chants of LOCK HIM UP even though there was never any question that he committed any crimes

3. conservatives are human scum
Obama was a con man of the first order. The damage and division he inflicted on this country will take decades to undo. He was never booed at a major event like the classless Democrats booed President Trump. The sad thing is, it just shows more than ever how divided the country is. It's divided between REAL Americans and Democrats.

Are we talking about the same Obama? I am talking about the gay Muslim from Kenya, whose wife was compared to a gorilla in high heels. Not that it matters. Trump thought that he could buy respect when he bought the presidency. He will never learn that respect is earned, not bought. Personally, I do not respect pathologically liars, and am amazed that there are people who don't care about that.
You don’t like pathological liars but you supported Hillary and Bill??

"You don’t like pathological liars but you supported Hillary and Bill??"

I remember when YOU and your conservatives said "hillary and bill are pathological liars and REAL Americans would not vote for them"

yet here you are supporting and voting for a WORSE and MORE PATHOLOGICAL liar, with WORSE morals and WORSE ethics who OPENLY mocks and ridicules decent people while applauding murderous dictators........

I guess that makes YOU the BIGGEST HYPOCRITE of all!

Your premise is wrong -
What you are saying about President Trump is inaccurate -
Booing potuses at games is a tradition. LOL

But Trump started the lock em up chant. Not one of America's finer moments.

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