Classy Robert DuhNiro drops the F Bomb

Once-respected washed-up actors need something to gain attention. Acting the petulant three-year-old seems a popular choice.
Well, they are actors in Hollywood for a reason. :D A bunch of divas who have giant heads and think of themselves as larger than life. They really aren't much different from Donald Trump actually. ;) They are the same just on the opposing side.
The Great Pretender, Robert DiNiro showed his bizarre obsession with the President again last night. Walks out on stage at some awards show and screams "FUCK TRUMP" with his fists raised...who does that but a mentally ill person? And why does DiNiro think he's a tough guy in the first place? Because he was in some choreographed boxing scenes in a movie where nobody got hit? Or sitting in a dark room pretending he's a mob capo? As a kid, his nickname was "Bobby Milk"....terrifying eh?

DiNiro's daddy was a fag oil painting failure, which is really all anybody needs to know about this old phony still trying to convince somebody, anybody, that he's Jake LaMotta instead of Bobby Milk.

Deniro is a douche.

His movies have been so bad, nobody will hire him anymore....Why would a producer waste his time with a has-been like DiNiro when he's infuriated half the country by screaming insults at the President?
This is why I loath MSM...the same effin media that covered Trump 25 hours a effin day, ignored other candidates and gave us this white they're going after De Niro...saying his F Trump comment will somehow hurt Democrats this Nov. Hurt us how?

Your either for Trump or against the guy...there is NO GRAY AREA WHEN IT COMES TO TRUMP.

Case in point, CNN just interviewed hillbillies from Ky on how the trade wars will effect their bottom line....all these red neck white fucks said its gonna hurt them in the long run, should these tariffs take hold....YET NONE WERE WILLING TO DISS THE IDIOT.....

To all my fellow democrats, there is nothing and I mean nothing you can say or do that will bring these mindless usless lumps of Trump trash over to your side, your either with democrats or against..stop trying to pander to these mindless fucks hoping to penetrate brains that aren't there....say the hell what you want to say and let the chips fall where they may....and understand, its this laid back, cum by ya mentality that made people like me leave your party....playing nice with the GOP and Trump...NOT GONNA GET YOU KNOW WHERE, JUST ASK THE DEPLORABLE HILLARY!!
So anyway, there's a large, rather lavish room in which wealthy and statusful people are giving each other prizes.Then, rather incongruously, a particularly wealthy and statusful person steps onto the stage and shouts “FUCK TRUMP"! At which point, the other wealthy and statusful people rise to their feet, applauding, and whistling, and cheering. As if something terribly brave had just taken place.

And those doing the applauding, and whistling and cheering, seem oblivious to the message being sent by this display. Specifically, that “Fuck Trump!” translates as something like: Fuck Trump and all of the people who voted for him.” Some of whom, perhaps many of whom, may have grown tired of being openly and gleefully disdained by people much richer and more statusful than themselves, their self-imagined betters, and who may find their only obvious recourse to such disdain is to vote for Donald Trump again.

Robert De Niro uses F-bomb against Donald Trump on live TV during Tony Awards
Hey, Fuck Trump and all the people that voted for him, works for me. They are part and parcel the stupidest people in this nation.
Yes, fuck Trump and all of the people who voted for him :thup:
Are you going to be OK for 6 more years?

I see and hear this damned near every day.

Many have been triggered and seeking psychological counseling.

You can crawl out from under your bed and remove your thump from your mouth.
What? Compose your thoughts and try again.
for bobby D....the rest of you lefties should take heed from his profane statement

“I’m going to say one thing, F— Trump,” De Niro said while pumping his fists in the air. “It’s no longer down with Trump. It’s f— Trump.”

no long down with they now know...he's staying.......time to move on with your life

Robert De Niro Says ‘F— Trump’ at Tony Awards, Gets Standing Ovation

The left is unhinged....and it's delightful.........6 more years of this.......
Yeah, okay, you're right, but DeNiro shouldn't have said that at a major event like the Tony's. No, it doesn't matter which side does it, but it does SEEM like the liberals have been throwing the lewd and vulgar language around lately. Not a good look.
So anyway, there's a large, rather lavish room in which wealthy and statusful people are giving each other prizes.Then, rather incongruously, a particularly wealthy and statusful person steps onto the stage and shouts “FUCK TRUMP"! At which point, the other wealthy and statusful people rise to their feet, applauding, and whistling, and cheering. As if something terribly brave had just taken place.

And those doing the applauding, and whistling and cheering, seem oblivious to the message being sent by this display. Specifically, that “Fuck Trump!” translates as something like: Fuck Trump and all of the people who voted for him.” Some of whom, perhaps many of whom, may have grown tired of being openly and gleefully disdained by people much richer and more statusful than themselves, their self-imagined betters, and who may find their only obvious recourse to such disdain is to vote for Donald Trump again.

Robert De Niro uses F-bomb against Donald Trump on live TV during Tony Awards
Hey, Fuck Trump and all the people that voted for him, works for me. They are part and parcel the stupidest people in this nation.
How repugnant and bigoted. You sure you didnt vote trump? o_O

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