Classy Robert DuhNiro drops the F Bomb

I don't mind it here or in conversation with folks I know. I dislike when Trump, leader of our nation, is hostile and vulgar, so why would I like it when anyone else is? I'm NOT a prude, but there is nothing wrong with civility in public discourse, especially during major events by major celebrities.

And particularly when our President is in Singapore trying to prevent a nuclear exchange with NK.....Rocket Man sees this shit too you know....but then the left would rather get blown to smithereens than give Trump support to stop it.
Yes, fuck Trump and all of the people who voted for him :thup:
Are you going to be OK for 6 more years?

I see and hear this damned near every day.

Many have been triggered and seeking psychological counseling.

You can crawl out from under your bed and remove your thump from your mouth.
How many times does this need repeating....Trump did not win the white house by landslide votes and where it not for that bastard Comey and the help of Russia and Facebook, the bitch would be still in NY ripping off contractors and hosting The Apprentice.
So what Trump bangs porn stars while his wife is pregnant and has kids from three different wives. Republicans don't get to claim morality anymore against anyone because republicans have no morality.

What? You off your meds or something?
So what Trump bangs porn stars while his wife is pregnant and has kids from three different wives. Republicans don't get to claim morality anymore against anyone because republicans have no morality.

What? You off your meds or something?

You can try to claim moral superiority all you want. I fully expect you to try, but you have lost all credibility in that area.
for bobby D....the rest of you lefties should take heed from his profane statement

“I’m going to say one thing, F— Trump,” De Niro said while pumping his fists in the air. “It’s no longer down with Trump. It’s f— Trump.”

no long down with they now know...he's staying.......time to move on with your life

Robert De Niro Says ‘F— Trump’ at Tony Awards, Gets Standing Ovation

The left is unhinged....and it's delightful.........6 more years of this.......
How the hell are we unhinged when that nut in chief president you moron supports tweets like a fuckin idiot 24/7? And the right winged fuck heads melting over the guys comments? If anybody is becoming unhinged, it you nuts
Yes, fuck Trump and all of the people who voted for him :thup:
Are you going to be OK for 6 more years?

I see and hear this damned near every day.

Many have been triggered and seeking psychological counseling.

You can crawl out from under your bed and remove your thump from your mouth.
How many times does this need repeating....Trump did not win the white house by landslide votes and where it not for that bastard Comey and the help of Russia and Facebook, the bitch would be still in NY ripping off contractors and hosting The Apprentice.
How many times must it be repeated.

Trump won by Electoral votes.

He is the President.

Get used to it.

How many Russians voted?

Maybe we do need voter ID if you believe this.

I do not believe that Russian interference changed 1 single vote.
De Niro is a celluloid tough guy. In real life he's a pussy.

Like Clint Eastwood, or Charlton Heston.
Everybody's a fuckin pussy that goes after Trump....which is why the man likes grabbin em!!

One thing is for sure....Trump's wife doesn't have a pecker:

And the proof is published in the form of nude lesbian jerk bait all over the internet. Will all first ladies be required to publish pictures of their big old snatch and tits from now on?
Because them's the rules. One thread per topic.

Contrary to what your parents told you, neither you, nor "your take" on this is special.

How about the rule leaving family out of it.....doesn't that apply to you too?

You mean this rule?
  • No Attacks on family members.
Did I attack a member of your family?

Please stop whining. It's getting embarassing.
The guy hasn't made a decent film in years just calling in one bad performance after who really gives two shits about what he says?....

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